My nikka Littlefinger finally caught that L that's been chasing him since childhood.
Speaking of Ls; Theon only becomes relative to the plot when he's getting his ass beat/chopped/fukked up shyt (

For the Wall to have remained untouched all this time, finally breaking it should have been more momentous. The Wall has been a constant of Westeros, older than the New gods, a pillar of existence. They treated it like a mound of dirty snow after the rock salt and plows come down the block.
Arya going to visit Cersei wearing a custom Littlefinger
Jon STILL suffering from a terminal case of simp poisoning. nikka caught a secondary incest infection.
Drogon & Arya are the living embodiments of Unapologetic Day 1 No fukks Given. shyt always picks up when they're on screen
Damn good episode.