Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
I'm telling you all. Watch Varys. he might be switching teams in season 8. He doesn't like Magic (Dany has Dragons), he also hates these red priest. And he's start to wonder if Dany is another mad king. I think Varys is going to play an important part in season 8.
Switch sides, guess his new friends wanted him dead :sas2:


Apr 30, 2012
No one talking about the most despicable human in Westerosi history. That knave Eddard Stark who had the one true king living as his b*stard. Picking up shyt for his unworthy family while suffering abuse from his jealous whore wife. What a disgrace to the realm and his grave should be defecated and ransacked. fukk the starks


May 10, 2012
The Swamp
Ned's head wasn't even rotted yet and Sansa was already writing letters and calling him a traitor :francis:

Then Arya sees her not shutting down the Northmen talking about she should be Queen.

From Arya's POV, she looking disloyal. I aint saying it's right but, that's how Sansa looking to her right now. If Arya was in Winterfell when the whole "Sansa not telling Jon about her secret army" thing happened, she would've really been looking at Sansa funny.

That's definitely how Littlefinger is trying to play it. But I think everyone knows that note is pretty much ducktales. Robb even saw through it whenever he received it early in the series.

Dr. BRANhattan will sort out his sisters when push comes to shove, probably. Hopefully :lupe:


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Good setup episode, moving a lot of pieces around all at once. But overall I feel like D&D are rushing the story with so few episodes. I was willing to trust them that they could elegantly speed up the series while maintaining its layers and detail, but that's not the case. While I'm enjoying the story, the pacing of this season doesn't gel well with the rest of the series and it's taking away from the intricate way this series had been built previously. This scene at the end with all the old acquaintances colliding was so rushed. Arya being gamed hard by LF rushed. No rhyme or reason for the books and scrolls San stole - like at least let us know there was some reasonable way to figure out which texts should be taken. The meeting with Jamie, Cersei knowing about it, being back at dragonstone and no mention of the unsullied, the talk to daneyrs convo for no confrontation to happen, just everything feels shoved in (pause).

Ah well, I'm just going to shut up and ride it out to see how all this shyt ends.

I've been fine with how they've handled this season. It's rushed no doubt about it but up until tonight I thought they did a great job of giving meaning the every scene to at least give the little stories some weight even though they had to be rushed for the sake of plot advancement.

Tonight's episode was a mess though. The crammed a whole bunch of shyt in short scenes to get to Eastwatch as fast as possible with every player having their story advanced in a major way and none of them felt as meaningful as in past episodes. The only thing that made it a good watch was the huge reveal. the comebacks, and knowing we are getting closer to the real threat.

It seems D&D had a structure of "put the pieces in place for 3/4 of the ep. then end it with a big set piece" but for this one they had too much shyt to put in place and the set is too big/long to cram it in just 10-15 minutes. So we got a light speed set up episode so next week we can get an old school PIFF AS fukk Game of Thrones episode :ohlawd: :ohlawd:

Sonny Bonds

Apr 24, 2014
No one talking about the most despicable human in Westerosi history. That knave Eddard Stark who had the one true king living as his b*stard. Picking up shyt for his unworthy family while suffering abuse from his jealous whore wife. What a disgrace to the realm and his grave should be defecated and ransacked. fukk the starks
Robert would've had Jon killed. I can't believe Ned sent Jon to the Wall though. Couldn't he have legitimized Jon? And make him join the royal army when he was old enough. Sending him to the Night's Watch seems cruel.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Fantastic episode. I've been saying it with every episode but THIS one might be the best of the season. Even though it was a "quieter" episode than last week's we got some fantastic acting and touching reunions.

-Dany burning the Tarly's alive and giving the other soldiers the literal :ufdup: was welllllll within her rights. I have no idea why Tyrion and Varys are NOW rethinking their position on supporting a woman with muthafukking DRAGONS at her beck and call. Like seriously, the fukk you thought they was for? To be pet goldfish :gucci:. Dany even gave Old man Tarly TWO chances to live and he thought he could just shyt on her like Lake and Sherm The Worm tried to do Prodigy all those years for not being from QB. Word to @mobbinfms Piru P Dany proved there ain't no such things and half-way conquerers.

-Bronn going above and beyond on his veterans deal with Jamie. Dude said he gonna get his one way or the other BUT he draws the line at battling Dragons:hubie:.

-Jon had Dany OPEN like Motel 6 when he was petting Drogon. Like that playa who knows that the best way to get to the single mother is to make nice with Bebe's kids. Watch Jon take Kahlil, Lashawn, and Pewee to Fun World for the day so Dany can get wet like splash waterfalls.

-Cersei is officially and irrevocably out of her damn mind. Jamie, whose been sonned and captured by Robb, had his hand cut off, and been in countless battles, is scarred shytless and tells you it's time to throw in the towel. And all you can say is "We'll die fighting". bytch, how much fighting have YOU done recently!!?! You wasn't with this nikka sparring in the gym. This dude just saw a single dragon lay WASTE to an army (not to mention the Dothraki just casually coming at you like they got the 99 man cheat code from Contra) you could SEE the fear and frustration in his eyes and Cersei gave ZERO fukks:mindblown:

-Tyrion and Jamie's reunion, as brokered by Bronn, was phenomenal. Great acting by those two. Through all the anger and betrayal is a deep brotherly bond, unmatched by even the incestous obsession that Jamie and Cersei share. Again, Jamie knows that Tyrion is innocent of killing Joffrey, and he knows that Dany has the upper hand, so he's the only one ready to listen to reason. Jamie would MUCH rather believe that they all have a common enemy in the White Walkers than face Dragon fire for the foreseeable future.

-Gendry and Davos was classic! The writers have been clearly paying attention to the Meme's because Davos line about rowing was a sly nod to that. Gendry was with the shyts from the moment Davos showed up. Ready to join the big leagues and itching to kill Lannisters. I know a girl who was named Arya who would be proud...

-Speaking of the Assassin formerly known as Arya, it was with GREAT pleasure that I watched her reminding Sansa she wasn't shyt. All the "power" she has gained comes at the sacrifice of others. Her parents are dead, so she gets the grand bedroom. Her aunt is dead, so she gets the Knights Of The Vale. Bran is now a living Westeros Wikipedia, so she gets to run Winterfell. And Jon is off fighting for the existence of all mankind, so she gets to command the North. Arya ready to do the dirty work and chop fools heads off like prime Charles Oakley or Ron Artest, straight gutter with it. Sansa out here STILL trying to play the Game Of Thrones and not paying attention to her greatest enemy LittleFinger. Who she still thinks is p*ssy whipped:snoop:

-Sir Sidehug found his way back to Dany only to be PROMPTLY be reminded of his place in the friend zone:mjlol: This dude got the cure for HIV, his T-Cells strong and healthy, only to watch yet ANOTHER pretty boy fleece his chick. Jon ain't even really trying out here and he got Dany ready to risk it all...

Jon bossed up something incredible this episode. Had Dany fumbling for every excuse to keep him around..

Dany- Bu bu but...You said you don't have enough men...

Jon- I don't. But real nikkas do real shyt...what YOU gonna help us out?:stopitslime:

Dany- Bab- I mean Jon, I didn't say you could go. :whoa:

Jon- bytch I'm a KING. King like Nas in 94. King like Hov in 99. King like Like Kendrick. I don't ASK permission I only ask forgiveness:boss:


-Samwell Tarly, last of his name, is down with the shyts (literally) . Dude remembered he was the FIRST one to kill a WW with dragonglass, and that his story doesn't end with translating shyt chronicles at the citadel. And what is with Gilly? Didn't her father-husband ever teach her when NOT to talk a man's ear off with he's visibly frustrated?:why: If Gilly hada been waiting for Sam with a sandwhich and a blow job he wouldn't have missed out on VALUABLE info that Jon is a legitimized Targareyn and the Once and Future king.

-So Cersei is pregnant. And of course it's Jamie's. Ain't no way she out here fukking Euron Greyjoy, that fool would have made sure 7 Kingdoms knew that he was tapping that. He'da signed the raven papers with "Finger up the bum confirmed!"

-Jon Escobar out here with his crew rolling tight like the Firm. Got Jorah The Explorer ready to throw it all away with at yet another fruitless mission to win Dany's love. Meanwhile she basically told Jon that the p*ssy would be waiting him upon his return:lolbron: He ain't even LOOK BACK after they sailed off while Sir Sidehug wistfully waving goodbye and shyt:russ:

Predictions for next week

-Gendry will survive. No use bringing him back just to kill him an episode later.

-Jorah will survive. I feel like it's not his time yet

-The Hound lives

-The rest will bite the dust.

-LittleFinger FINALLY gets offed by Arya, who doesn't waste time alerting anyone, which makes Sansa


May 25, 2012
Yeah, my guess is Jon/Hound/Gendry survive. I sort of think Thoros survives now though. I just can't see Jorah/Tormund/Beric surviving :patrice:

Thoros will probably revive/resurrect someone from this.

Jon obviously will survive. Thoros probably won't survive. Beric seems to have a higher purpose, so he'll live. Plus every battle from here on out will have stakes for Beric with his plot armor removed (Thoros) The Hound will survive he has to fight his brother eventually before he dies. And maybe see Sansa again. Gendry will survive, he has to see Arya one last time. And he may be the only surviving heir to the throne. It would be fitting a b*stard takes the throne if Dany and Jon die.

Tormund, I think survives, but could die.


May 10, 2012
The Swamp
Robert would've had Jon killed. I can't believe Ned sent Jon to the Wall though. Couldn't he have legitimized Jon? And make him join the royal army when he was old enough. Sending him to the Night's Watch seems cruel.

Ned didn't send Jon to the Night's Watch. When Benjen came to Winterfell, he pretty much asked Jon if he wanted to join him & Jon volunteered to go to the Wall.

Chip Skylark

Jan 2, 2014
Shorty talking all thorough when Jaime and others are the ones that gotta go fight while she stay in the castle.

She was ready to murk herself when Stannis almost took over King's Landing :mjlol:

Stannis aint have no dragons or dothraki hordes either.

Don't know who Cersei fooling.

Facts :russ: she was about to take the kids out with her