Listen, I know you didn't believe me about the Night King and the White Walkers ... But let me tell you about my broski Bran, he's not really Bran but a Three-Eyed Ravenwonder how Danerys gone react to Jon telling her about Bran vision![]()

Listen, I know you didn't believe me about the Night King and the White Walkers ... But let me tell you about my broski Bran, he's not really Bran but a Three-Eyed Ravenwonder how Danerys gone react to Jon telling her about Bran vision![]()
Nah. Battle of the b*stards damn near gave me a heart attack. I felt maybe bronn would die here but definitely not Jamie or dany. So it just wasn't as intense for me. Jon vs Ramsey was just another level. Especially after Ramsey killed rickon. Jon standing in the middle of the battlefield solo ready to take on ramseys whole squadThis one had more main characters on the field of battle. We didn't know if Jamie, Braun or Dany and Drogon were gonna die. That alone had more suspense for me..
Plus the loud chants of the Dothraki and the sounds of the horses stampeding gave me chills, because that was the first time Dothraki took a battlefield in Westoros. That was the first time in more tham 100yrs since a Dragon was used in Westoros. You could see the worry on the face of the Lanister Army because they've never seen Dothraki or Dragons before. The HISTORY of it all just culminating and seeing all the great mythos of the history of Westoros and of the ASOFAI World makes this battle number 1 for me.
Aegons Conquest is the backbone of Westorosi history, and we're seeing it being repeated by Dany in this singular battle. Because this battle is the history of ASOFI reborn. This makes Battle Of The b*stards pale in comparison.
Everyone is in love with the new motion offenses. Right now, the Unsullied are spinning wheels at Casterly Rock because every defense knows that ball is going back to Grey Worm. When you've got a dominant force like Drogon, let him establish position, have the Dothraki clear out, and watch him be successful.
none of the faceless men would have known that shyt Arya was talking about to the guards (like who maester Luewin is). Plus where would they have gotten her face...why would one be in Winterfell to hang out with Arya's family. Why wouldn't they have killed her while she was still in Essos...Plus Bran would've exposed it.
The Waif went through the same damn training as Arya. Why wouldn't she be able to fight her and just stop she wasn't ever on her level. The Waif taught her everything. You think Arya got extra training that the Waif didn't? The Waif was in the field putting in work way before Arya show up. Please your hold reasoning of fighting in the dark makes no sense. Also here is another thing they played the game of truths, every time Arya was off the Waif hit her. She new the details of her life but when Hot Pie told her about Jon , she didn't know he was the king because she following her mission.
that's a good point, all 3 of them are cold world strategist...this is war and you need generals not politiciansIts because rhe show was about politics then and they're the best politicians. These era of Leaders and warriors.
They pulled Arya whole training to become an assassin out the ass. They show her fukking up over and over, not even doing the shyt like Jaqen been talking about, waif constantly giving her the beats, still being Arya having personal vendettas and shyt and then she graduates?
That whole development was garbage on the low. At least she's a hitter now but her in Braavos was the worst part of the show these last couple seasons.
people are reaching because of a fan theory surround Missandrei - so now they trying to connect dots. Nothing in the series remotely connects this theory but people are trying anyway.aint a single damn seed been planted yet.. she been riding with danny from day 1