
May 7, 2012
Jaime Lannister, the Hound, Bobby B, Thoros and Ned Stark all in their prime:whew:

fukk was the greyjoys thinkin????


May 7, 2012
I would go with yes, he does have a kid. Otherwise we could start questioning everything that isn't shown onscreen.

Yeaa, I don't think he does, but your point still stands. They wouldn't have risked telling him he has a kid if enough time hadn't passed for her to give birth.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Pretty much every male character is badly scarred/maimed

Tyrion: facial scar

Jaime: hand amputated

Jon: fatal stab wound scars

Littlefinger: scar running the length of torso from duel with Brandon Stark

Davos: four amputated fingers

Varys: castrated

Bran: paraplegic

Sandor Clegane: severe facial burn scars

Gregor Clegane: literally dead

Jorah: Greyscale

Theon: castrated, amputated finger, etc.

Beric: lots of shyt

Grey Worm: castrated

Euron: nothing, though he's supposed to be missing an eye in the book

The only near-mint condition male characters on the show are Samwell, Bronn, Tormund, and a few other minor characters.

Breh how long this place been at war? Lannisters got the best maintained army out here and they got kids filling up gold plated armor lol

May as well ride through Poland after WWI and ask why all the men look like shyt too.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
At this point I take the sailing with a grain of salt.

Varys was teleporting at the end of last season
first thing we gotta realize, westeros ain't that damn big


it took king robert 1 month to go from king's landing to winterfell.. and that's with a huge entourage and going slow so they stay together, stopping to hunt, rest, bathroom, etc etc.. i figure someone riding alone on horseback could do it a lot faster

lord bolton told ramsey that he could look 600 kilometers and they'd still be in the north.. thats only 372 miles.. which is exactly the distance from new york city to richmond virginia.. a 5 and a half hour drive

he also says the north is bigger than the other 6 kingdoms combined... so lets just say they are equal.. that's 1200 km or 745 miles... that's nyc to south carolina... 11 hour drive

so that sailing across the narrow sea ain't that damn far if you look at the scale of the map.. shyt that distance between dragonstone and kings landing is just a little ride... there's only the bay in between them. you can see how euron would have caught them by surprise.. he was leaving out right when they were and they had no idea he was even over there.

matter of fact, yara was right... they could have just stacked the armies and ran up over there and won the battle in a week. shyt like 45 miles away. instead they sail past it, all the way to dorne, attack casterly rock which is all the way on the other side of westeros, and pick up more people in high garden which is also on the other side, plus more south.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
You MIGHT want to research the history of the Targs breh....
While this is true, Dany doesn't want to be like her father so I can imagine such a marriage wouldn't happen. They might engage at most but we're not sure how long the secret of Jon's blood will last (I don't think it'll be for long). gotta look at it from the North's point of view.

The North follows the Old Gods....the South follows the Faith of the Seven.

IRL, this is like Christians and Muslims sharing a country. There's a huge culture divide off that alone.

The North bent the knee because Aegon came through with 3 big ass dragons but, really nothing changed for them. Aegon allowed The North (and Dorne) to essentially be quasi-Kings. Lords from the North almost never came down to the South. For example, the Lannisters, people from the Reach, the Riverlands and the Stormlands were much, much, much more involved in King's Landing. Even, the Dornish eventually got back involved in King's Landing after they married into the royal family. But The North however, with the exemption of Cregan Stark, almost NEVER went down south.

So the North asked themselves why on Earth were they a part of the Seven Kingdoms when they shared nothing in common. Oh yea, them big ass Dragons.

But eventually the Dragons died off and there was nothing keeping the North from seceding because without Dragons, the South cannot take the North with a regular army. But since they had been in the Seven Kingdoms for 300 years, they just stayed because they had been in it for so long.

Then.....Aerys the Mad King boiled their ruler alive....Ned's father (Southern Ambitions though!). And then killed the North's heir, Ned's older brother.

So while the North was still wondering why they were still fukking with these nikkas....the South did them mad flagrant by killing Rickard and Brandon :dahell:

But alas, Ned and Robert killed the Mad King. The Rebellion was successful....their deaths were avenged....all was forgiven and things went back to normal.

The Starks went back to the North to their own peaceful lives again. Staying in the Kingdom but, not fukking with the South.

Except 20 years later, Ned, the next Lord of Winterfell got killed by them too :dahell:

Plus Robb :dahell:

And Catelyn too :dahell:

So from the North's perspective, the South has killed four of their leaders within 20 years (Rickard, Brandon, Ned, Robb), they have no connection to the South having a different culture & religion and without Dragons keeping the Starks/North in line, there's nothing the South can do to keep the North from seceding.

Jon needs the Dragonglass. He'll probably need Daenerys' dragons too. But that's gonna be a tough sell getting the North to ever go back to the 7 Kingdoms. I personally don't see Dany or her dragons making it out the war. She's a Conqueror. Not a Ruler. Dany and her dragons will die helping to save Westeros from the White Walkers.
I don't think Dany dies but at least one of the dragons will. I think the North will get what it wants in independence. She'll respect Jon's aptitude for leadership as well as him being her nephew.
Just caught up :wow:

Theon :smh:

He better come back and save the day

I can't believe this nikka so swagless now

I know that dorne Queen getting raped right now :sadcam:
How much swagger can you have when you went from dikking down all the hoes on your continent to having your shyt cut off? :wow:
Lowkey I think Jon's meeting with Dany won't go well. Jon knows that the Northern Lords won't support him if he bends the knee again and Dany is too obsessed with conquering the 7 kingdoms to take the White Walker threat seriously. Since he's a targaryen secretly I think he's gonna steal a dragon somehow and bring it up north. Protect himself from Dany and the White Walkers.
Isnt one of the dragons a little different from the other two? Either more restrained or wilder? I think the "strongest" dragon (if there is one) will recognize Jon as the heir to the Heir Apparent and choose him. That'll spill the bloodline secret.

Somebody else has to know though this is Game of Thrones we're talking about.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Targset lost so hard this week that he didn't even bother


Has @obarth written his review yet? :lupe:

Can someone mention me when he does? :ld:

Until then I don't give a fukk what you nerds are talking about. :childplease:
I haven't even watched the episode yet:francis:I hear dudes talmbout #Targset losses. I'm putting cases on all you nikkas once I peep this episode:pacspit:

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Sam aint no craven. He just risked his life out of honor towards a dead Lord Commander, killed a Walker when he could have just ran away, and he also stole the Valyrian sword from his father would would find a second hand way to have him killed if he could.

Sam is a highly valuable soldier in the wars to come.

He also killed a Thenn and fought his own brothers to defend Gilly's honor.