
Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
Somethin tells me without Jon there Arya gonn be at sansa's throat

bytch we aint forgot you was all on Joff's nuts and lied causing one of the extended fam (Lady :mjcry:) to get killed

Got a feelin GRRM wont kill her off tho :beli: she's too disliked at the moment you know he loves having annoying characters all up in the scenes n shyt

And Dany better stop actin retarded, shyt the entire NORTH needs to stop actin stupid, seems like Jon/Bran/Sam/Meera are the ONLY people worried about the damn Night King :dwillhuh: amazing how they went from thinking about dragonglass to :camby: just because of a last name

Sansa's basically responsible for everyone getting killed. She snitched on her dad to Cersei and he ended up getting his head chopped off. All so she could stay with Joffrey and get married to him :snoop: Had she never told Cersei that, Ned would've been able to sneak out of KL with the girls and Cat unnoticed. Then with Ned dead, the grimey lords like Walden Frey and Roose Bolton started to plot on Robb. Something they would've never done if Ned was alive. They eventually killed Robb & Cat. Then in the aftermath of the Stark family's downfall, Rickon and Bran were on the run with Rickon being caught by Smalljon Umber and held captive by Ramsey, them eventually killed by Ramsay. All of it ties back to Sansa unknowingly helping the Lannisters capture Ned and kill him which set off all those chains of events :pachaha: I doubt she even told Jon what she did or even thinks about how her actions played a major part in all their deaths smh.


Jun 16, 2012
This is why I fukking love Game of Throne show. What a great episode.

It was so good to see Lady Olenna again. I didn't realize how much I missed her. You could tell she was thinking "I can't believe I have to support this would-be Queen." LOL. And her mentioning that the most loved Queen she had ever heard of was her Margaery, by Nobles and Commoners alike. LOL. She is out of all F's to give. I also think her bitterness came through very well. It's also clear she has nothing but resentment and disdain for what's left of Westeros. What Cersei did completely changed her world view and now Olenna is all for using force where in the past she would have preferred guile. That could be because she doesn't care about Dany's longevity past the destruction of Cersei. Also interesting, I got the impression that Dany truly felt sorry for her. Just in the way she approached her and seemed understanding about why Olenna was there. A lot of things in play in that scene. I liked it.

Though it looks like Olenna was right. They should have marched on Kings Landing. Now they have lost the Iron Born they did have. They also don't have the Dorn forces anymore. Dany''s grand return is leaving much to be desired and Cersei is again proving that if you underestimate her or think she has nothing left, she will always surprise you. If Jon is smart he will learn from Dany's mistake. Cersei is ALWAYS a pressing threat.

Though Olenna is going to have bigger problems if the gambit Cersei and Jaimie are playing works. Scheming to steal Lady Olenna's army out from under her. And it's clear that Lord Tarly is giving serious though to switching sides. It's funny that Jaimie is using the same tactic that Sansa wanted Jon to use on the Northern Lords. Sansa had the right of it, she's just in the wrong court for it.

I never felt bad for Myrcella, since what happened to her is what the Lannisters have been doing too families for years. Still surprised at what happened to Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, I'm rooting for everyone who hates Cersei. Not at all surprised Ellaria regretted NOTHING about what she did. The Lannister's have inspired that kind of hate in all of the people they've crossed through the years.

:laff: @ Theon aka Reek. I can't be too angry with him, because he has to be dealing with some strong PTSD but still once you got your d!ck cutted off and you ain't a man no more.


Jun 2, 2014
The fact that people don't grasp how big a threat the Night King is for everyone is the biggest thorn in Jon's side. He can't get shyt done because everyone else is more concerned about the Seven Kingdoms, and he's not politically minded enough to play the game in a way that gets everyone on board with him/working to his ends. Whether it's wanting him to ride south to get at Cersei even though she's not a threat at present or not negotiate with the person who has the best weapons for defeating the Walkers, Jon has his every decision questioned because no one really gets that it's a wrap for everyone if them ice zombies make it south and they're not properly prepared.

That said, it's still not about to be a good look for him meeting Daenerys. She's in full conquerer mode and thinking she's invincible. Unless Jon is willing to surrender - which he won't - he ain't getting shyt from her.
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Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
This is why I fukking love Game of Throne show. What a great episode.

It was so good to see Lady Olenna again. I didn't realize how much I missed her. You could tell she was thinking "I can't believe I have to support this would-be Queen." LOL. And her mentioning that the most loved Queen she had ever heard of was her Margaery, by Nobles and Commoners alike. LOL. She is out of all F's to give. I also think her bitterness came through very well. It's also clear she has nothing but resentment and disdain for what's left of Westeros. What Cersei did completely changed her world view and now Olenna is all for using force where in the past she would have preferred guile. That could be because she doesn't care about Dany's longevity past the destruction of Cersei. Also interesting, I got the impression that Dany truly felt sorry for her. Just in the way she approached her and seemed understanding about why Olenna was there. A lot of things in play in that scene. I liked it.

Though it looks like Olenna was right. They should have marched on Kings Landing. Now they have lost the Iron Born they did have. They also don't have the Dorn forces anymore. Dany''s grand return is leaving much to be desired and Cersei is again proving that if you underestimate her or think she has nothing left, she will always surprise you. If Jon is smart he will learn from Dany's mistake. Cersei is ALWAYS a pressing threat.

Though Olenna is going to have bigger problems if the gambit Cersei and Jaimie are playing works. Scheming to steal Lady Olenna's army out from under her. And it's clear that Lord Tarly is giving serious though to switching sides. It's funny that Jaimie is using the same tactic that Sansa wanted Jon to use on the Northern Lords. Sansa had the right of it, she's just in the wrong court for it.

I never felt bad for Myrcella, since what happened to her is what the Lannisters have been doing too families for years. Still surprised at what happened to Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, I'm rooting for everyone who hates Cersei. Not at all surprised Ellaria regretted NOTHING about what she did. The Lannister's have inspired that kind of hate in all of the people they've crossed through the years.

:laff: @ Theon aka Reek. I can't be too angry with him, because he has to be dealing with some strong PTSD but still once you got your d!ck cutted off and you ain't a man no more.

That karma came back ten fold. They were behind Joffrey's death even though Cersei never figured it out. Cersei destroyed her whole world. Her favorite granddaughter, basically her protege. You could tell how much she really loved Margery. Killed her grandson too. Her son. Most of her family. All gone in one blast. Cersei was playing extra dirty :picard:

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
Arya aint got much humanity left in her. She got them dead eyes :mjcry:
She lookin kinda hot on that nothin to lose steeze. She done grown



Jun 16, 2012
That's actually Nymeria cause when Arya said "that's not you". I think she meant that Nymeria wouldn't just abandon her pack to go with Arya.


Mar 30, 2013
Little Finger bout to turn out Johns sis against him, i guarantee he bends the knee to daenerys and the north rebels with the vale and this shyty show becomes a four way clusterfukk of massive proportions.

North+Vale vs Lannisters Vs Dragonqueen Vs White Walkers


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
She aint split up the army. She was sending to go get the dornish army.

She probably should have hit kings landing immediately like yara told her.

My Queen can be hard headed :francis:

That was a hard call though. If she hit King's Landing with a bunch of outsiders and savages, everyone on the fence would've allied with the Queen. Tyrion was rightt about that. The Dothraki & Unsullied can't be the front lines. However, they could've at least attacked with Yara's forces first. You had to know they knew what type of forces you had and would strike first.

South Paw

May 5, 2012
This is why I fukking love Game of Throne show. What a great episode.

It was so good to see Lady Olenna again. I didn't realize how much I missed her. You could tell she was thinking "I can't believe I have to support this would-be Queen." LOL. And her mentioning that the most loved Queen she had ever heard of was her Margaery, by Nobles and Commoners alike. LOL. She is out of all F's to give. I also think her bitterness came through very well. It's also clear she has nothing but resentment and disdain for what's left of Westeros. What Cersei did completely changed her world view and now Olenna is all for using force where in the past she would have preferred guile. That could be because she doesn't care about Dany's longevity past the destruction of Cersei. Also interesting, I got the impression that Dany truly felt sorry for her. Just in the way she approached her and seemed understanding about why Olenna was there. A lot of things in play in that scene. I liked it.

Though it looks like Olenna was right. They should have marched on Kings Landing. Now they have lost the Iron Born they did have. They also don't have the Dorn forces anymore. Dany''s grand return is leaving much to be desired and Cersei is again proving that if you underestimate her or think she has nothing left, she will always surprise you. If Jon is smart he will learn from Dany's mistake. Cersei is ALWAYS a pressing threat.

Though Olenna is going to have bigger problems if the gambit Cersei and Jaimie are playing works. Scheming to steal Lady Olenna's army out from under her. And it's clear that Lord Tarly is giving serious though to switching sides. It's funny that Jaimie is using the same tactic that Sansa wanted Jon to use on the Northern Lords. Sansa had the right of it, she's just in the wrong court for it.

I never felt bad for Myrcella, since what happened to her is what the Lannisters have been doing too families for years. Still surprised at what happened to Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, I'm rooting for everyone who hates Cersei. Not at all surprised Ellaria regretted NOTHING about what she did. The Lannister's have inspired that kind of hate in all of the people they've crossed through the years.

:laff: @ Theon aka Reek. I can't be too angry with him, because he has to be dealing with some strong PTSD but still once you got your d!ck cutted off and you ain't a man no more.
what set are you