Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Aug 9, 2014
Did you see the look of disgust on his face when he saw the city burning? When he saw Cersei's coronation?

Jaimie lost his honor when he did the right thing and stopped the Mad King from using wildfire on the city. Cersei knows that he sacrificed his honor to save innocent citizens. Yet she still said :camby:to that shyt and did the very thing Jaimie lost his honor to prevent from happening.

Jaimie is probably going to kill her.

It's all full circle on got, it's a must that Jamie kills cersei and ushers dany into kings landing

But that seems to gratuitous now
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
The Walkers aredy existed before the nights king. Him being the same actor is for some other reason. But remember the nights king was a nights watch lord commander that seen a walker broad with blue eyes and he started simping on that frostbite p*ssy. That breh is thought to be a stark as well

I meant the show Night's King. Not the book Night's King.

The show Night's King was almost surely the first White Walker. We saw it happen.

The book Night's King is merely a legend. Maybe never even existed.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I just wish we got to see what Margery's plan was before she was killed - she had both the High Sparrow and Tommen fooled but we never got to see the extent of it. Rather her than Lady Olenna, she sonned the shyt out of those Sand Snakes - Olenna and Cersei gotta face off one last time before Cersei dies. Can't wait to see Cerise's face when Tyrion walks in with Dany too

What did The Mountain do to the 'Shame / Faith Militant' lady Cersei captured?
margery's plan was shown

her brother confessed and he was supposed to be shown mercy and let go

that's why she was pissed and said "you lied" when they carved up his head... cause that wasn't part of the plan, nor losing all titles and shyt

all she wanted to do was get her brother free and she completed that.. i'm sure more plan would be added later to get rid of them people, but so far, she just wanted her brother free... and probably cersei killed when she wouldn't admit to nothing


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO
Cl8UgywVYAMYJIz.jpg! :birdman:

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
I hope we get a naval battle as the big action set piece in the south next season.

We've had a proper battle at the wall. A proper battle in the field. A proper battle in the snow. A proper siege battle. But no proper naval battle.

Dany's fleet with 3 dragons vs Euron's 1,000 ships maybe? :manny:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
okay, at least you didn't say the one he's "riding" on

so there's at least one visible Tyrell ship
there's also a Martell ship

would love to hear your explanation for this versus what I already stated
i'm not about to explain that...... but here's some googles

All that said, some fans (okay, me) still got a little riled when they watched “The Winds of Winter” and saw Varys standing beside Daenerys on a ship bound for Westeros. Wasn’t he just in Dorne just a few scenes ago, striking a deal with Olenna Tyrell and Ellaria Sand? It’s a long way from Dorne to Meereen, far further than it is from the Vale to Mole’s Town. How could Varys get to Meereen so fast when the likes of Brienne and Pod couldn’t even make it back to Winterfell in time for Jon’s coronation as the new King in the North? And why did he come back at all if he was preparing Dorne to receive Dany’s fleet?

In the interest of being a lover, not a hater, let’s break this down rationally and see what we can learn. In accordance with what Cogman and Martin say above, it’s obvious that time has jumped forward quite a bit in that final scene. And the fact that Varys is present isn’t the only indicator. For example, notice that Dany has ordered dragon heads carved on her ships. That doesn’t just happen overnight.


As to why Varys has come back, notice that the sun of Dorne can be seen on some of these sails. We can assume that Varys sailed back to Meereen with this escort, and that Dany added the Dornish ships to her fleet.

Notice the Dornish sails on the right side of the frame.

True, this doesn’t completely answer the question of why Varys returned. After all, in “Battle of the b*stards,” Tyrion said that the Masters’ ships, together with the Ironborn ships Theon and Yara brought, should be enough to transport Dany’s army to Westeros. If that was the case, it might have been a better idea to harbor the Dornish ships back in Dorne, rather than risk losing them on a long sea voyage. Perhaps Tyrion was wrong, and more ships were needed to take the entirety of Dany’s army across the Narrow Sea? The episode doesn’t say.

Whatever the case, it’s clear that a good chunk of time passed between when Dany laid the smack down on the Masters in “Battle of the b*stards” and when her fleet set out from the Bay of Dragons in “The Winds of Winter.” We might be tempted to ask whether a similar amount of time passed between events in Westeros—might Cersei’s rule already be well underway when Dany arrives? But remember, “[t]he timelines between the various storylines don’t necessarily line up within a given episode,” so I don’t think we can assume anything. For all we know, the Battle of Meereen happened at the same time or after Cersei’s pyromaniacal killing spree.

Time jumped around quite a bit over in Westeros this week, too. For example, I’m guessing that a lot of time passed between Cersei’s burning of the Sept of Baelor and Olenna’s sit-down with Ellaria Sand, since Olenna would have to have had time to learn about the events in King’s Landing, mourn her dead family members, receive Ellaria’s invitation, and make the trip to Dorne. All that takes time.

With some thought, it’s possible to make sense of the timelines on Game of Thrones, although I think the show could take more care to line them up. Or maybe I should just relax and not nit-pick…nah. Bring on Season 7.