Verbal Kint
Whole episode got me like

Lil lady Mormmont had me rewinding the tape. She put a bunch of houses on that summer jam screen. I ain't gonna lie even though I rep Daenerys stormborn, mother of dragons queen of the andals first of her name, I she'd a Lil tear when the houses were reppin for the snowman
Lil lady Mormmont had me rewinding the tape. She put a bunch of houses on that summer jam screen. I ain't gonna lie even though I rep Daenerys stormborn, mother of dragons queen of the andals first of her name, I she'd a Lil tear when the houses were reppin for the snowman
D&D fukked with us on the Tower of Joy scene. Where the hell is Jon's dad?
Probably getting his chest plate caved in by a prime Robert Baratheon