I'm just gonna focus on 2 and 4.
2. You keep talking about military strategy and tactics....Ramsey choose to engage them in the field. Aight cool. He planned to use a double envelopment maneuver. Aight cool. The part where your argument breaks down is....
you don't need to slaughter your own army to do that.
If your logic is "well, he used them as fodder so the other Houses would be too weakened to oppose him"....that brings me to my next point....
4. It wasn't an Umber or Karstark that told Ramsey his army was gone. It was his own man. Re-watch the scene. The only Boltons left were the ones encircling the field. That's a few hundred men, out of
thousands of his own Bolton army he started with
. Re-watch the cavalry scene....look at their armor and sigils. Every soldier Jon Snow killed on the ground
was a Bolton. The vast majority of the calvalry....
was all Bolton men. Not Umber or Karstark. He killed off his own army with arrows.
Also, the largest Houses (Karstarks and Umbers)
weren't opposing him anyway. They were allies. So

at using them as fodder to ensure they don't rebel. shyt makes no sense whatsoever.