Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Need that @Ghostface Trillah piff recap.

My apologies bruh, I honestly didn't get a chance to break this episode down. As the whole world knows it's been a lot going on in Orlando in the past few days and I've been sidetracked.

I will say this though as far as the show "falling off" it hasn't. It's just leaning more on it's political side now because no one is in open rebellion anymore. Its been pretty much peacetime since Robb got shanked. Stannis losing at winterfell was really bad for this show. Stannis being the wildcard/taking the north changes everything that happens in kings landing.Kings Landing right now is the results of bored people having too much time on their hands. With Stannis on the loose and backed by the north they wouldn't have time to play with High Septon Sanders, especially with Tywin dead and Tyrion gone. They'd be more worried about Stannis coming down the kings road. The show traded Stannis as the antagonist for the nights king and High Septon Sanders and both of them are not that entertaining.

She my favorite character since episode one and I even gave her a pass on wasting her Lifestop store credits while being 2 feet away from Tywin but I gotta keep it real,I thought arya had a plan but she really was living life recklessly with a faceless assassin coming for her how stark like of her.If she ain't Neds daughter then no one is.Then she tries to hide from a killer who can change faces in large crowds of people. At least we know she was just setting a trap They didn't do a good job of showing what arya learned while enrolled in assassin academy. It looks like all she got in two seasons is how to wear faces and fight in the dark and that ain't enough to make me believe she's going to be the goon the catfish witch said she'd be. I might be the only person who don't want Arya to go back to winterfell cause we know her family reunions don't ever go as planned and Jon,Sansa,and Ghost looking like Robb,Cat,and Grey Wind right now and we know how that turned out.

The Hound the worst thing to happen to camping since Jason Voorhees. Just like Jason he showed up to body some young kids about to have sex. He saved that kid the shame of having to top off nikkas by taking that nikkas top off though.I don't even want to know what kind of p*ssy dude was getting that smelled like man ass in the wilderness :scust: Good to see that the brotherhood didn't make that heel turn and they still righteous. Hound jacked homie UGG Boots while he was still twitching,straight savage. How the brotherhood living in a cave and get word the white walkers are back? Something ain't adding up. Let me find out the hound is piece of the key to stopping white walkers. That would be a hell of a plot twist with a man who is deathly afraid of fire fighting things that can only be killed with fire. I'm going to need him and Arya to link up in the north and put the fukk the king,give us wings gang back together for nostalgia purposes.

Bronn put Pod in the dopefiend like your crazy older uncle who been trying to toughen you up your whole life and ask you why you not fukking that ugly chick on your block just cause she's there.You know he love you but if he gotta fukk with you or he don't feel right. I was waiting on Bronn to light up a newport and have it dangle from his mouth while explaining being dirty is how you win fights. Jamie had a flashback when Brienne told him that they might have to square up if. He did not want them problems at all. That's the real reason he told Edmure he'd slingshot his baby over the walls. At some point they gotta have a intervention with Jamie about his word and honor being non existent. It's getting to Danarys "take what is rightfully mine" speech levels of :martin: Hopefully Edmures speech made Jamie open up his fukkboy floodgates again cause he's pretty boring without his I'm better than you smug smirking.

Speaking of Danarys, that was her best scene all season,Drogon dropped her ass off faster than a nikka on a date with a chick who told him halfway through her surf n turf that it was her time of the month. Tyrion still trying to bill cosby missande. Made you feel funny huh?,thats how you know its working. :sas1:missandei drinking like a college freshman at the first frat party of the year and Tyrion like that senior pretending her stories from her high school days are hilarious so he can smash. Varys spider sense better than Peter Parkers,he's always on a ship going in the opposite direction when a fleet of ships are coming to attack the city. Nothing fishy about that at all.

Blackfish the realest nikka breathing man.He was a top 5 character the minute he Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sky hooked that flaming arrow on to his brothers body.I'm mad he disappeared for 2 seasons and got brought back for that.Only people sadder than me that killa black is gone is Mobb Deep.He knew Edmure was a gump, gate guy knew he fukked up the moment Edmure opened his mouth. They should've at least gave Blackfish a one on one with Jamie or Bronn or something. He had too much screen time to get written off with a "He died fighting." I know one thing,I'm tired of the Frey's still being alive. Blackfish should've at least went to go kill Walder.

WCW (Westeros Crown Wearers) vs The NWO (New Westeros Order) is no longer exciting now that he outlawed Trial by Combat. Cersei overplayed her hand having Strong Robert do a sub-zero fatality but I get where she was coming from. High Septon Sanders sent his goons to the castle and commanded her to come to him. Tommen might as well give him the crown and call him daddy. If she would've played it cool she would've had the shortest trial by combat ever. Dude hit the mountain with that spiked bat and immediately had the :sadcam: I don't think Septon Sanders is going to punish Loras or Cersei, they're too high profile and it'll start a war.I think its more a show of power to the poor folk.

I'm not going to call the siege of Riverrun a waste of time yet but that depends on what happens next. If Jamie,Bronn,and the Lannister army being in the riverlands doesn't affect any other scenarios or next week Jamie is back in Kings Landing to save Cersei then it was a waste of budget but it does raise an interesting question. If the Freys got Riverrun for the red wedding and the Boltons got Winterfell for the red wedding, if Jon wins does Terrycloth Tommen send men north to get it back for the Boltons like he did with Riverrun? :patrice: That could be an interesting predicament
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Arnold Jackson
Sep 26, 2013


Nice titty meats


Apr 3, 2014
Tyrion still trying to bill cosby missande

Varys spider sense better than Peter Parkers

He saved that kid the shame of having to top off nikkas by taking that nikkas top off though

I don't even want to know what kind of p*ssy dude was getting that smelled like man ass in the wilderness

Hound jacked homie UGG Boots while he was still twitching,straight savage

How the brotherhood living in a cave and get word the white walkers are back

Let me find out the hound is piece of the key to stopping white walkers. That would be a hell of a plot twist with a man who is deathly afraid of fire fighting things that can only be killed with fire

Hopefully Edmures speech made Jamie open up his fukkboy floodgates again

Drogon dropped ass her off faster than a nikka on a date with a chick who told him halfway through her surf n turf that it was her time of the month

Blackfish the realest nikka breathing man

He was a top 5 character the minute he Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sky hooked that flaming arrow on to his brothers body

Tommen might as well give him the crown and call him daddy

Dude hit the mountain with that spiked bat and immediately had the :sadcam:
remind me to rep :salute:


Aug 9, 2014
Qyburn - need to know more about him, he seemingly is one of the more power people on the show that doesn't really receive alot of recognition.

he brought back the mountain using unnatural means...he might have zombified him or used a similiar "magic" as the white walkers
he has the "birds" working for him as well
also has Cersei backing him and sits on the council.

who know what other experiments he's been working on


May 1, 2012
All this makes a lot of sense, but the writers have been lazy about stuff like this in the past. Most likely scenario is they decided that having a faceless man be locked up was the best way to get Arya to Braavos and didn't think too much about what that actually means.

One of the main trends I noticed in discussions of this show is a lot of viewers assume lazy or confusing writing always equals intricate plotting.
Or they followed Martin's book, which is what they did.

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
Except that she would lose all of her and her families rights and privileges by default, since Tommen is riding solely on the fact that he's the "son" of King Robert.

The people would probably lynch Tommen and Cersei if she revealed his true father.

She has way more to lose with that information than the High Septon.

But she is going to lose it all anyway. Cersei lives for herself and her kids and she has basically lost Tommen. There isn't anything to stop her from threatening a nuclear option. Hell, it isn't much different from her burning down the city with wildfire and that theory has wide acceptance.

Food Mane

May 1, 2012
How would that make the High Septon lose power? Now that they're armed, the Sparrows are only losing power if it's physically taken from them.

Right now they been completely legitimized by the crown. Even more, they have a friendly (and weak) King who will do anything they say. They lose a lot of power if Tommen goes. Highly doubtful the next king is anywhere near as friendly to them.


Apr 18, 2013
I'm theorizing that Bran warged into Blackfish and made him escape since Blackfish wasnt in control anymore.

Or possibly, Blackfish was a Faceless Man and the real Blackfisg died a while ago. He might be Arya in disguise, the timelines just dont line up and we are being played

RIP Freys!