Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Enough white hoes to last me thru ATL
Mar 30, 2014
Man every week y'all find some history to rewrite or someone to slander. YG Robby Starkson ain't name himself king of the north, his banner men did cause they ain't know stannis like that. Cat put him in an arranged marriage then told him he had to deal with it. All he could say was "Is she at least cute?" That's a question you ask wingmaning not wifing. His mom couldn't even say yes. The Freys like a car dealership that only sells mini vans. We gonna blame him for seeing a Ferrari on the streets and falling in love. Can't blame no teen for not wanting a fat chick over a the hottest nurse since Animaniacs. Son treated Theon like a brother, Theon betrayed him for the respect of guy no one respects and still didn't get respect from him. Let's his mom hang out at the war Camp and what does she do? Undermine his authority and release the mew-two Lannister out the master pokeball back into the wild. Robs only mistake was trying to succeed by doing the right thing while everyone else was living lawless. Son of Ned all the way. Y'all not going sit here and pretend he ain't have Tywin fukking Lannister shook. Not on my watch.

Game of thrones just going to keep their foot on walking dead neck even in the off season. WD made the cold open a hot line, GOT made it a hot song.

Where my dogs at? Brienne beat the hound into a man of peace. At what point do we acknowledge that Brienne gave that work to Loras, Jamie, The Hound, and had a split decision against a bear? Swearigen guest appearance was quicker than the mad kings. I was only mad he didn't fit a cocksucker drop in there somewhere but oh well. Hound looking like goku after frieza killed krillin. shyt bout to get real.

Theon was in that whore house looking like the Mr. Krabs meme. No wonder Yara is such a great sailor, she likes messing with fish. How you take a man with no dikk to a whore house and tell him to cheer up or kill himself? That's ramsay level cruelty.

Ser Bronn of the blackwater and the iron bank of Bronnvos fed up with Lannister IOU's. They been selling him dreams for 6 seasons and all they ever get him is nearly killed. Jamie was fresh though in that Tywin armor, even had the hand matching it. That was pops from boomerang levels of coordination. shyt was all good until Killer Black lil nikka'd him. He could've sent Jamie to the store for some dutches and a soda. When he was done with Jamie that armor didn't even look like it fit him anymore. Then he had the nerve to put something on his honor like he didn't push a kid out of a window, fukk his sister, stab the man he swore to protect, or fukk his sister. Even Bronn gave him the :beli:

Wildlings need Jon snow alive more than Jon snow does. They should be treating him like the secret service treats the president. Shouldn't be no debate on fighting for him.

Margery got Tommen and high septon Sanders right where she wants them. She gonna put it on one of them to get rid of the other one. When Queen of Thornes looked up at Cersei when she walked in the room all I heard was the beginning of ether. It's like the spirit of Tywin jumped in her body real quick. Jamie and Cersei like Xomat and Tomax from GI Joe. One can't take a L without the other one taking a L too even if they're separated.

Sansa out here backseat driving a war like she ain't been a punching Bag for 5 seasons. How you gonna critique Stannis or John strategery game when you haven't been smart enough to do anything at all.

Arya ain't going nowhere so I ain't worried. G.R.R.M. dont want them divorce papers and arya was way too chill for someone being hunted by faceless assassins. She's working an angle. Waif gonna go back to the house and tell Jaquen she killed then Arya gonna give her the meryn trant treatment and take the Jaquen mask off like :ufdup:

A 10 year old with 1 scene has out acted Danarys' 6 seasons on the show. Let's reflect on that until the mother of dragon... the show down with her plot that goes in circles shows up again.

:ohhh::mjlol::wow: :blessed::frenchlawd:

We need rep back @Brooklynzson

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Theon is basically just Ziggy from The Wire, if Ziggy had been allowed to last more than 1 season.
Nah, nah.

Theon doesn't command much respect but he is a capable fighter and skilled archer. He was raised with the Starks so he knows how to fight. He is a pretty decent wingman, he just isn't a leader.

Ziggy was just useless period.

King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
I keep seeing people shyt on Theon, and while a lot of it, and what happens to him at the hands of Ramsay, is deserved, you gotta sympathize with him. Someone said it best, he's an heir with no kingdom. Had he been born in any other region he might have had a shot. Being an iron islander though, he was fukked the moment he became a "ward". Y'all saw the way Balon treated him. The way his people treated him. He got no love. He did what he thought he had to get his fathers love. The problem with him, like with a lot of characters, is that he wasn't as smart as he thought he was. Taking Winterfell was an awful idea.

Love your sons, brehs.


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
nikkas need acceptance so bad

U mad that a racist cac won't rent u their home :dead:

Mafukkas can choose who they rent shyt to
Just like u can choose who u sell shyt to

fukk them cacs
Dude was going there to have some white dude watch him fukk his wife
It wasn't no damm vacation

I would never use air b&b
I ain't staying in a home that could have cameras all over that bytch


Peep the shadow


Is that an actual scene in the show?

EDIT: it is confirmed cannon.


Forgive my ignorance but

whose the shadow supposed to be:wtf:


Dont know if he will make an appearance, but why would GOT leak these pics if there is no sognificance to them

What do we say

To Death:ufdup:

it says no spoiulers you fukking faggits. reported
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA