Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Preview gif for next episode


Apr 18, 2013
Great episode except:

  • Ends at 10:52 with the hound picking up the axe and we have to wait a fukking week;
  • Arya standing around like a dunce not being aware that that waifing broad is looking to throw her in the bushes;
  • Sansa resorting to writing to Littlefinger for the support of the Vale;
  • Al Swearagen dying in the same episode we're introduced to him;
  • Seeing any one of the Freys above ground;

With that said I knew Margery was pulling a long con on the Faith and Grand Sparrow...hopefully that woman who followes her didn't see through it :patrice:.


In Broad Daylight
May 1, 2012
My brother's keeper
The Freys were promised a marriage to a lord of a major house, not a king. When the marriage pact was made Ned was still Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Edmure being the Lord of Riverrun was a higher position than what was promised in the original marriage alliance. Having his daughter married to King Robb was not part of the deal.
Say what?

The only reason Frey supported his rebellion was that Robb promised to marry one of his daughters. Frey didn't make a deal over some yet to be determined Lord.

And by the time he's being called King in the North, Frey damn sure likes the incoming return on that investment

Robb was the heir to Winterfell.

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Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
On the real, Margery better start giving Tommen some p*ssy. It strengthens her position long term if she gets pregnant. If he dies before then, then she's shyt outta luck.


Apr 18, 2013
I don't think people (not just you) are FULLY getting it.

This muthafukka got MURKED by the very people he was trying his best to help protect and instead of the great white peacefulness of the afterlife he experienced....NOTHING. That's some cold shyt to come back to life and realize that after death there is absolutely nothing, and then have to LIVE with that fact. No Fire God, No Seven Gods, No Old Gods, no 72 Virgins, no Harp playing Angels. Just straight up BLACKNESS. That's some traumatizing shyt to deal with and on top of THAT you gotta go RIGHT back into battle with this sick rapist Jeffrey Dahmer murderer whose probably removing your kid brother's extremities while your once bytch a half-sister attempts half-heartedly to boss up like she's the 5th member of the Spice Girls....

Let the homie have some time
Great post


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
The Freys were promised a marriage to a lord of a major house, not a king. When the marriage pact was made Ned was still Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Edmure being the Lord of Riverrun was a higher position than what was promised in the original marriage alliance. Having his daughter married to King Robb was not part of the deal.
You're misremembering. Robb was supposed to marry a Frey. That's why Catelyn was pissed at him for breaking the pact. It was a crucial misplay as leader and how he lost the war without losing a single battle

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
I don't think people (not just you) are FULLY getting it.

This muthafukka got MURKED by the very people he was trying his best to help protect and instead of the great white peacefulness of the afterlife he experienced....NOTHING. That's some cold shyt to come back to life and realize that after death there is absolutely nothing, and then have to LIVE with that fact. No Fire God, No Seven Gods, No Old Gods, no 72 Virgins, no Harp playing Angels. Just straight up BLACKNESS. That's some traumatizing shyt to deal with and on top of THAT you gotta go RIGHT back into battle with this sick rapist Jeffrey Dahmer murderer whose probably removing your kid brother's extremities while your once bytch a half-sister attempts half-heartedly to boss up like she's the 5th member of the Spice Girls....

Let the homie have some time
but obviously these gods exist in some capacity. atleast the many face god and the lord of light
so they''re just having people do their bidding on earth and then just leaving them fukked up after
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
This was a FANTASTIC episode. I liked last week's episode as a setup but I LOVED this week, even if it was a bit more of a setup episode.

-The muthafukking HOUND back in effect. Knew he wasn't dead and it was only a matter of time. But him attempting the Pacifist life was doomed from the beginning so I spent most of his screen time wondering just how terribly his new friends were going to be raped and murdered. The good thing is now I'm wondering just how badly he's gonna butcher the Brotherhood. Pleiboy throwing SOMEBODY in the bushes next episode :birdman:

-Hats off to all the homies who were convinced that Margery hadn't completely drank the Jim Jones Kool-Aid. I was hesitant, but Margery is made of harder stuff than her fakkit brother. :salute: At her not giving Tommen no booty. That punk ass little bytch boy don't deserve not a SNIFF of no p*ssy. Jon fukking Snow went DEEP into enemy territory and scaled the Wall like he was goddamn spider-man to smash Ygritte. Jamie Lannister's nasty ass pushed CHILDREN out of buildings and murdered his own kin to shove his dikk up in Cersei again. Jorah Mormont literally caught a fatal disease for the honor of KNEELING before Dany. And the KING OF WESTEROS CANT SAVE HIS QUEEN FROM A DUNGEON?!?!!?!:mindblown: fukk outta here:camby:

-Lady Tyrell is Ether incarnate. She is the demon that Jay-Z saw every night in his dreams and made him take that European vacation. She is the shaky hand that took down Foreman. She is that Draymond Green three pointer that snatched the soul from the Cavaliers tonight. She dont kill soloists she only kills squads. And Cersei gonna learn today:ufdup:

- my fellow #Starkset brehs, we had to take a couple L's tonight:mjcry: we should've all known it was too good to last when Sansa meets up with Jon and Benjen meets up with Bran and Arya reclaims her name and legacy. shyt was going a little TOO good this season for The Starks. Think about it. The only L that's been taken so far is Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton holding Rickon hostage and butchering Shaggy Dog. It's cool though. I was a HUGE fan of Rob, but his failures, like those of his father, cast a dark shadow over the Stark name. All Robb had to do was marry that Frey girl and keep the medic chick as a mistress, but this nikka " followed his heart" like this was some Disney movie and now the great Houses of the North have lost faith. Sansa half-hearted attempts at bossing up aren't fooling anyone, ESPECIALLY when she's getting schooled by an 8 year old:martin: We all owe Lord Davos the Child-Whisperer a debt of gratitude because without those 62 men it was looking bleak like Memphis out in these Northern streets.

-Arya out here getting caught slipping got me thinking she set that up :patrice:. I can't reconcile the Arya who was WARNED EXPLICITLY by Jaquen that there would be no mercy, just out and about gazing into the sunset like she's Princess fukking Jasmine of Agrabah :childplease:. Nah, she's smarter than that, she set that up to deduce which one of them was coming for her and which strategy was going to be used. She's playing a role.

-Theon out here with no cock to smash these hoes while his SISTER gets her freak on. I couldn't imagine a worse kind of hell.

-Jamie and Bronn back together like Nas and AZ:ahh:. Bronn still mad he ain't get the Lannister stimulus package he was promised. "You promised me a castle and some top line p*ssy and all I got is poisoned by them sexy Dornish hoes. and if you kick that tired line about repaying your debts again ima take your other hand and send it back to your sister":ufdup:. Blackfish gives ZERO fukkS:pachaha: was willing to let his nephew just die in front of him. Told Jamie he wasn't nothing but a sucka MC and the Lannister jelly wasnt shyt:russ:.

Next week's predictions

-Arya and The Waif have their duel in the streets of Braavos. Arya kills the Waif and Jaquen accepts her body as "payment" and let's her leave. Arya eventually will meet up with the Hound.

-Cersei demands trial by combat. The "I choose violence" quote is her basically saying she wants trial by combat. Some people think they'll make Loras fight but I don't think that makes much sense as he's currently a crying sack of sissy laying filthy in the dungeons. Besides The Sparrow wouldn't want to risk the ire of his new "pupil" Margery by putting her brother in such direct danger.

- The siege of Riverrun will end with Black-Fish giving up the castle in exchange for leaving to join Sansa. Breane said something to effect of "If I can't convince Blackfish to surrender I'll be honor bound to fight you." This won't happen.

- We'll go back to Mereen and get more Dany goodness. This time offset by Tyrion and Varys. Very interested in seeing how this develops.

-Bran, Benjen, and Meera gotta hit up another tree or something. We've got two more episodes before the Tower Of Joy reveal so SOMETHING is going to have to occupy Bran's time. A Night's King reveal? A Children Of The Forest history lesson? We'll see...

Oh and Podrick BETTER NOT die. That's the little homie
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The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
and what if the bytch slit her throat?:dahell:....i'm not saying this couldn't be the case, but it would just be ridiculous.
Yea its beyond fukking stupid to assume a trained assassin wouldn't go for the kill shot...

but it does seem like a work to me which would explain why she just let Waif creep up on her like that...

The only way they'll stop chasing her is if she kills them all or they kill her...


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
The Freys were promised a marriage to a lord of a major house, not a king. When the marriage pact was made Ned was still Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Edmure being the Lord of Riverrun was a higher position than what was promised in the original marriage alliance. Having his daughter married to King Robb was not part of the deal.
You're misremembering. The only way Robb was allowed safe passage was to agree to marry one of his daughters (which he broke). That was one of the worst decisions Robb made leading to his death. Other key misplays: killing Lord Karstark and allowing Roose Bolton to be so close

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Arya knows the Waif, which is ironic because the Waif isn't supposed to have a personality, she's supposed to be no one. But she clearly does have a personality and clearly likes hurting Arya. Jaqen even made the point of telling the Waif not to make her suffer. If this was a work, Arya would be counting on the Waif to act on her personality. A quick throat slit wouldn't satisfy her. The Waif would try to make that pain last.

We'll see though. Maybe they'll play it completely straight and Arya was just caught slipping in the most idiotic way possible given her predicament, and I'll simply conclude that it was garbage writing, but it's just something about the last two episodes that scream setup to me. That, plus the description for ep 7 saying Arya made a plan, and the writers/directors not talking about Arya's plotline on this week's "inside the episode." Seems like something spooky is happening.The stupidity of the scene just feels off otherwise.