Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
I want Ramsay to die an excruciating and painful death like all good Stark loyalists, but in terms of the overall story and show -- he is needed right now. Yes, the show currently needs him. He can die when the Whitewalkers are fully entrenched as the "bad." But, if he dies right now, who will we love to hate? Who will we loathe with every fiber of our non-greyscaled bodies :jbhmm:? Cersei :pachaha:? Listen, I hate the Lannisters too, but hating them in their disastrous position right now is done more so out of a sense of duty and obligation. It's my sheer obedience to the north at best that keeps the embers of hatred ablaze and perfunctory at worst :wow:. It's akin to me being a Laker hater. I mean, I still hate the Lakers, but in 2016 the shyt is no fun. I have to force myself to hate them now in their feeble and winless state. When in days of yore they filled me with a hatred that was so unbridled, so pure, so organic that I took glee in their every loss. The Lannisters are the Lakers in 2016.

Besides, let's not act like A LOT of people didn't miss the Joffster after his timely demise :usure:. He filled a void on the show. Ramsay thus far fills that same void and then some.

When we have someone else to truly despise -- then and only then may his carcass be dragged around the plains of the north behind Jon's steed on some Hector and Achilles shyt. :ehh:


May 6, 2012
Episode was probably the best one this season so far but they need to wrap this Ramsey shyt up with a quickness. Or explain why 5000 people would follow him anywhere. It's :what: as hell they operated under Roose for years and they're :yeshrug: about Ramsey not only killing his father, but potentially starting a war.

Like I said last week he's always been a good goon tier character but this Warden Of The North shyt is seriously pushing it.

It's not that hard to see why Ramsay's army respects him. He put in work to be in a position he's in. He wasn't chosen by bloodline, he was a b*stard who did what he had to do get into power.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
I want Ramsay to die an excruciating and painful death like all good Stark loyalists, but in terms of the overall story and show -- he is needed right now. Yes, the show currently needs him. He can die when the Whitewalkers are fully entrenched as the "bad." But, if he dies right now, who will we love to hate? Who will we loathe with every fiber of our non-greyscaled bodies :jbhmm:? Cersei :pachaha:? Listen, I hate the Lannisters too, but hating them in their disastrous position right now is done more so out of a sense of duty and obligation. It's my sheer obedience to the north at best that keeps the embers of hatred ablaze and perfunctory at worst :wow:. It's akin to me being a Laker hater. I mean, I still hate the Lakers, but in 2016 the shyt is no fun. I have to force myself to hate them now in their feeble and winless state. When in days of yore they filled me with a hatred that was so unbridled, so pure, so organic that I took glee in their every loss. The Lannisters are the Lakers in 2016.

Besides, let's not act like A LOT of people didn't miss the Joffster after his timely demise :usure:. He filled a void on the show. Ramsay thus far fills that same void and then some.

When we have someone else to truly despise -- then and only then may his carcass be dragged around the plains of the north behind Jon's steed on some Hector and Achilles shyt. :ehh:

Dany. :birdman:


Jan 15, 2016
New York
:patrice:So am I the only one here that's tired of the usual course of events for Dany being relatively little adversity----> gargantuan win? Sure she goes through some shyt but her win always far outweighs whatever losses preceded it. It's exactly why she's unable to humble herself.

I just can't believe we're restarting the entire Dany storyline allover again. Like bruhhhhhhh we seen her try to lead the dothraki before, officially done with her storyline.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I want Ramsay to die an excruciating and painful death like all good Stark loyalists, but in terms of the overall story and show -- he is needed right now. Yes, the show currently needs him. He can die when the Whitewalkers are fully entrenched as the "bad." But, if he dies right now, who will we love to hate? Who will we loathe with every fiber of our non-greyscaled bodies :jbhmm:? Cersei :pachaha:? Listen, I hate the Lannisters too, but hating them in their disastrous position right now is done more so out of a sense of duty and obligation. It's my sheer obedience to the north at best that keeps the embers of hatred ablaze and perfunctory at worst :wow:. It's akin to me being a Laker hater. I mean, I still hate the Lakers, but in 2016 the shyt is no fun. I have to force myself to hate them now in their feeble and winless state. When in days of yore they filled me with a hatred that was so unbridled, so pure, so organic that I took glee in their every loss. The Lannisters are the Lakers in 2016.

Besides, let's not act like A LOT of people didn't miss the Joffster after his timely demise :usure:. He filled a void on the show. Ramsay thus far fills that same void and then some.

When we have someone else to truly despise -- then and only then may his carcass be dragged around the plains of the north behind Jon's steed on some Hector and Achilles shyt. :ehh:

As the shows end game begins to unveil itself ALL eyes are going to need to be focused on the White Walkers. So yes, while I understand the "need" for a good villian, Jeffery Dahmer Bolton's value as a villian is swiftly coming to an end. It also doesn't help that there is no nuance to him whatsoever. He's simply the fukking boogeyman of the North. He's good for one of two things. Killing and raping. He's not portrayed as all that smart, he doesn't think ahead or strategize. He just kills and rapes. His own father was trying to school him on that VERY fact and he turned around and murked him. Every single time he's on screen there's literally NOTHING going on but death and rape, he's not even interesting at this point.

We have Little Finger, The Dorne bytch, Euron Greyjoy, The High Sparrow, and yes, even Cersei and Jamie Lannister as much more fleshed out, intelligent, and intimidating villains than Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton. At this point I'd rather see Little Finger take over as the true villian and master manipulator for the last portion of the story, you literally do not know WHAT he's going to do from moment to moment, scheme to scheme. And either way, it ALL will pale in comparison to the coming war with the White Walkers.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
As the shows end game begins to unveil itself ALL eyes are going to need to be focused on the White Walkers. So yes, while I understand the "need" for a good villian, Jeffery Dahmer Bolton's value as a villian is swiftly coming to an end. It also doesn't help that there is no nuance to him whatsoever. He's simply the fukking boogeyman of the North. He's good for one of two things. Killing and raping. He's not portrayed as all that smart, he doesn't think ahead or strategize. He just kills and rapes. His own father was trying to school him on that VERY fact and he turned around and murked him. Every single time he's on screen there's literally NOTHING going on but death and rape, he's not even interesting at this point.

We have Little Finger, The Dorne bytch, Euron Greyjoy, The High Sparrow, and yes, even Cersei and Jamie Lannister as much more fleshed out, intelligent, and intimidating villains than Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton. At this point I'd rather see Little Finger take over as the true villian and master manipulator for the last portion of the story, you literally do not know WHAT he's going to do from moment to moment, scheme to scheme. And either way, it ALL will pale in comparison to the coming war with the White Walkers.

This is exactly what I was trying to say but you worded it 100x better.

Ramsey ain't some kinda brilliant strategist. He's basically a serial killer. And @EgyptianBasses I get why they respect him as a goon....I don't see why anybody would trust him with running the entire North. I wouldn't make him Warden Of A Lemonade Stand. Not every soldier can be a king.


Brian O'Conner

All Star
May 23, 2012
You're not going to serve. You're going to die. :ohlawd:



All Star
Nov 9, 2012
I'm gettin tired of Dany too

Damn wassup ? you bout somethin or what :yeshrug: too much tellin everybody who your are, you'll do this

You'll do that , :camby:

bytch you ain't done shyt in 2 season but run ya muthafukkin mouth , had to let a Lannister come all the way

Over there to get your ish right

Bytch please


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
:francis: They didn't show it in Season 1 of the show. But in Book 1, Sansa looks down on Jon Snow as just a b*stard just like her mom Catelyn Stark does. The other Stark children all treat Jon Snow well though.

Jon Snow & Theon didn't really get along with each other either.

After getting tortured by the Lannisters and the Boltons, she happy to see anybody from her family breh :francis:

Ain't no cell phones or Facebook.

She don't know when she gonna see somebody from her family again. Arya on another continent. She aint seen Rickon and Bran in years. Robb's dead. Her dad's dead. Her mom's dead. Her grandfather's dead. Her aunt's dead. Almost everybody from Winterfell is dead. Both her uncles gone fishing. She just happy somebody from before is still alive :mjcry::lolbron:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
This is exactly what I was trying to say but you worded it 100x better.

Ramsey ain't some kinda brilliant strategist. He's basically a serial killer. And @EgyptianBasses I get why they respect him as a goon....I don't see why anybody would trust him with running the entire North. I wouldn't make him Warden Of A Lemonade Stand. Not every soldier can be a king.

all jokes aside the 'small folk' probably turn a blind eye to all types of injustices carried out by these lords. at least if they want to keep their skin

as far as him being Warden of the North, thats a title he inherited from his father. I'm not sure how that's supposed to work since all the former Wardens were Starks