The show really should have re-cast Bran at the first sign he was going t have a freakish growth spurt because all I do when he is onscreen is think about how tall the kid is and how much his big ass must kill Hodor's back when he has to lift him.
There had to be some white Gary Coleman child actors out there who they could have cast.
The Wildlings are about to become the new Night's Watch. That giant fukked dude with the itchy crossbow trigger finger up.
If only he had smashed that little b*stard Olly's head in too.
Tyrion, The Uncle of Dragons! By the time Dany gets back to Mereen she's going to have to take Tyrion to court to get supervised visitation to them dragons.
The Artist Formerly Known As Arya Stark is deep in that blind life. Now that she is allowed back into the temple I am expecting her to be Daredevil levels when it comes to kicking ass in no time at all.
High Septon Bernie Sanders needs to get killed ASAP. I am still not buying a bunch of dirty, shoeless, street preachers with billy clubs can take over an entire city that has a standing army.
Ramsay is the worst character on this show. I think he might be even worse than Joffrey because even while Joffrey was being a total a$$hole there was a clear sign that he was just a deranged little know nothing douchebag. Ramsay is allowed to be just as awful as Joffrey but he is presented in a way where he is shown as being smarter than everyone else, better prepared and all around more crafty than everyone else. He is just better than everyone else at everything. Its like he is the de facto Mary Sue of this show and it annoys the fukk out of me because far better characters (Roose, Stannis, Yara, even Theon's punk ass) are being sacrificed to build him up as this unstoppable badass.
While Dorn is seen as the worst aspect of the show to a lot of you I see the worst thing about this show being Ramsay.
Finally Jon Snow has risen from the grave. I am glad they didn't drag this out for more episodes. I will be curious to see if Jon is different in any way since he has been brought back. And now that the Lord of Light has let her resurrect Jon I am hoping Melisandre doesn't feel the need to show us all what she really looks like ever again.
That shyt with the Iron Isles was cool (if a little out of left field) too because it shows that Melisandre's prophesy of all of the false kings dying has finally come true and coupled with Jon's resurrection shows that the Lord of Light is not to be fukked with.