Alright, back by popular demand (1 person. The demand is yyyuuuge. Nobody has a bigger demand honestly. I can promise you that), its the OFFICIAL end of season power rankings
As always, don't be pissed at me. I'm just the messenger. What kind of a god would give me that power? The one we have.
10) Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen, Aunt to the King and official master of ships for King Jon Stark -- Dany definitely stepped up her game, finally abandoning that worthless continent and coming to Stark country. Having amassed a vast army and being official babysitter for 2 Stark dragons, she makes it onto the list. She would be higher, however nobody in her crew has a penis.
09) Lyanna Mormont -- The human bytchface. Makes cowards weep and kneel before b*stards out of fear. Not a surprise she made the list.
08) Littlefinger Baelish -- Made the list after conning Robin Arryn out of his army, something nobody could do while peepants Lysa Tully was alive. Took a huge blow at the end of the season though, dropping him from the top 5
07) The Night's King -- I admit I am incredibly jealous of this man, because he got to touch the arm of Bran Stark. I would never wash my hand
06) Sansa Stark -- In a massive upset, the trueborn daughter of Ned Stark does not make the top 5. Mainly because she is also the trueborn daughter of Catelyn Tully and was showing a few Tully traits recently
05) Tyrion Lannister, false Hand -- Free of the shackles of Tywin and slavery, Tyrion makes an incredibly unexpected jump into the top 5 because he is now free to bring as many whores to court as his bed can hold. Perhaps he can wife another one of them. 3rd time is a charm. Disgustya.
4) Arya Murderface -- The 2nd annual baking champion of Westeros, defeating incumbent champion Hot Pie in a crushing blow to the smallfolk. Careful Hot Pie, if you wanna keep that pretty face
3) Samwell Tarly -- Got more books than LeVar Burton
We learnin up in here
Knowledge is power and Sam the Slayer is the Mountain in that regard
Starkset we got another one
And he has a Valyrian sword
2) King of the Planet Jon Stark -- Need I really explain this one? What kind of man worries about another mans father?
Momma was a Stark. Poppa was a rolling stone
1) Gawdbody Bran Stark, the 3 Eyed Raven -- I will literally kill anyone who tries to argue this. Yall worried about R'hollor when there is a god in the flesh in front of you? Might as well call R'hollor daddy
As always, don't be pissed at me. I'm just the messenger. What kind of a god would give me that power? The one we have.

10) Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen, Aunt to the King and official master of ships for King Jon Stark -- Dany definitely stepped up her game, finally abandoning that worthless continent and coming to Stark country. Having amassed a vast army and being official babysitter for 2 Stark dragons, she makes it onto the list. She would be higher, however nobody in her crew has a penis.

09) Lyanna Mormont -- The human bytchface. Makes cowards weep and kneel before b*stards out of fear. Not a surprise she made the list.

08) Littlefinger Baelish -- Made the list after conning Robin Arryn out of his army, something nobody could do while peepants Lysa Tully was alive. Took a huge blow at the end of the season though, dropping him from the top 5

07) The Night's King -- I admit I am incredibly jealous of this man, because he got to touch the arm of Bran Stark. I would never wash my hand

06) Sansa Stark -- In a massive upset, the trueborn daughter of Ned Stark does not make the top 5. Mainly because she is also the trueborn daughter of Catelyn Tully and was showing a few Tully traits recently

05) Tyrion Lannister, false Hand -- Free of the shackles of Tywin and slavery, Tyrion makes an incredibly unexpected jump into the top 5 because he is now free to bring as many whores to court as his bed can hold. Perhaps he can wife another one of them. 3rd time is a charm. Disgustya.

4) Arya Murderface -- The 2nd annual baking champion of Westeros, defeating incumbent champion Hot Pie in a crushing blow to the smallfolk. Careful Hot Pie, if you wanna keep that pretty face

3) Samwell Tarly -- Got more books than LeVar Burton

2) King of the Planet Jon Stark -- Need I really explain this one? What kind of man worries about another mans father?

1) Gawdbody Bran Stark, the 3 Eyed Raven -- I will literally kill anyone who tries to argue this. Yall worried about R'hollor when there is a god in the flesh in front of you? Might as well call R'hollor daddy