Game of Thrones Shooting Location Fuels Fan Speculation
The filming location of Game of Thrones' sixth season has fans speculating in excitement.
15 Jul 2015 By Alex Osborn
The sixth season of
Game of Thrones will be filmed in several locations in Spain, and one in particular has filled fans with hope that we'll finally get to see the Tower of Joy, which could answer a few critical questions that even the books haven’t addressed.
The Castillo de Zafra will be featured in Season 6, and as pointed out by several fans on
Twitter (via
Daily Dot), bears a striking resemblance to the Tower of Joy. Check out this comparison between a piece of Tower of Joy artwork and a photograph of Spain's 12th Century fortress.
Fans of the book series know that the Tower is a critical location in the backstory of the series. It’s part of the final showdown of Robert’s Rebellion, which Game of Thrones readers and viewers will remember as the war that put the Baratheon’s on the throne, kicked Dany out of Westeros, and sent Ned home to Winterfell with baby Jon Snow.
Speculation and spoilers follow…
This last bit about Jon Snow is particularly noteworthy, as the events at the Tower of Joy could answer the lingering question of Jon Snow’s full parentage. The popular fan theory, R+L=J, seems likely to be finally settled by whatever flashback we get at the Tower of Joy. The locations inclusion as a flashback is further strengthened by the show’s leaked casting call, which describes a new character as “a paragon of knighthood.” This could refer to Arthur Dayne, who is the member of the Kingsguard left behind at the Tower while Rhaegar and Robert battle on the Trident. Fans have wondered why a member of the Kingsguard would be left at the Tower to confront a young Ned Stark.