link to leaked finale?
breh gotta eat
I don't think there's a leak because it would've been everywhere. It's most likely speculations from the preview.
link to leaked finale?
breh gotta eat
I don't think there's a leak because it would've been everywhere. It's most likely speculations from the preview.
Nah, Clarke is a shyt actress. In season 1 when Dany was a doe-eyed young'n Emilia's blank expression was acceptable. As the character has grown more confident Emilia has done a terrible job portraying that growth. She's just a blank canvas that seems incapable of displaying any type of emotion that calls for her to be anything but stoic. When she's addressing Jorah in her throne room she did a good job because the scene required her to be stiff and emotionless. Anything else, she fails terribly at.
fixedAt this point I think GRRM is going to let HBO finish the story.
At this point I think GRRM is going to let HBO finish the story and use their plot points to finish writing the books.
On some, "that was I good idea, I didn't think about that, let me add that to Chapter 12"
he looked the other way, just like davos. Ned went to dragonstone and dorne to take care of business, Davos did his duty and dipped too
I agree with you that he's similar to ned
Why you lying on Ned know he got so mad at that he left King's Landing and didn't talk to Robert for 9 years
im not even shytting on ned tho, im just speaking the truth. im not shytting on Davos either in saying he knew shireen would burn. he did the only thing he could've done. Ned woulda put his family and the Stark legacy in huge danger if he went against robert because of their enemy's kids, just like Davos woulda gotten burned as an infidel if he saved yet another one of Melisandre's king's blood sacrificesWord
@horse. kills u my man's and shyt but u talking fallacys on Ned stark right now. Ned wanted Robert to lock tywin up and send Jamie lannisters to the wall after what the lannisters did. That's why from the start Ned hates the lannisters. Even still he fukked up and got killed because he decided to let cersei know he was telling Robert about the incest so that she could save her children. Ned ain't wit that kid killing shyt like stannis.
im not even shytting on ned tho, im just speaking the truth. im not shytting on Davos either in saying he knew shireen would burn. he did the only thing he could've done. Ned woulda put his family and the Stark legacy in huge danger if he went against robert because of their enemy's kids, just like Davos woulda gotten burned as an infidel if he saved yet another one of Melisandre's king's blood sacrifices
let's say your best friend got dead kids laid at his feet. 15 years later you gonna see him and be all? gonna be his right hand man? gonna help him run his kingdom, the one he has a seemingly firm grip on because those kids are no longer alive?
Ned was compromising like shyt, and he woulda admitted it if someone pressed him too. doesn't make it the wrong decision, but it still happened
Rhaegar died for your man's sisterNed lost his head protecting the lives of TREASONOUS INCEST b*stard CHILDREN
@horse. kills stop trying to sully the name of Lord Eddard Stark. Hand of the King, Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm until Roberts true heir came of age. You have a permanent L brandes into the bottom of the Trident, go weep into it