What Stannis did was appalling and it's hard to follow someone who committed such an atrocity, but he is the one true king and he's just proven why he's the only one strong enough to keep the iron throne.
Just like God the Father sent his only begotten son to die for the sins of humanity, Stannis sent his perfect and sinless daughter to die for the sins of the incompetent Starks. Stannis experienced the ultimate loss so that when the White Walkers come to threaten our own children, he will have the strength to defeat them.
Stannis the One True King went through that so we wouldn't have to
I will not abandon #StannisSet because doing that would mean the Princess Shireen's sacrifice was in vain, and that is an outcome I find unacceptable. As long as Stannis is alive I will follow him to the gates of hell because the prosperity of the realm depends on his ascension to the throne.