Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)


Stark till I die
Apr 30, 2012
I can't wait until we see what they end up doing with frankenstein mountain when "the work" is finally completed :wow: hope he doesn't save that bytch cersei though. maybe he'll go full retard and accidentally kill her or some shyt. that would be awesome.

he's getting released when that bytch is in court

he probably gonna murk the high sparrow then like 20 other people including cersi


May 1, 2012
Yeah, but it's a pretty short ladder and likely a much more difficult climb for littlefinger if: a) Robert finds out about Cersei and Jaime and kills them both. Robert remains King, littlefinger has less influence in king's landing, or b) Tyrion never kills Tywin. Tywin is Tommen's hand and in full control over a united Westeros.

then he would have just created more chaos to reach his end goals
Exactly. LF adjusts on the fly. We have no idea what his original plan for Sansa was but best believe he wouldn't have wed her to the Boltons if Tywin were still alive. He thrives off of the chaos
quick questions...
1. When Mance attacked Castle Black they got there by traveling on land right? Why did Jon elect to travel by boat if that route was available??
2. How the heck is the giant about to get back to Castle Black, I know he's not about to swim that whole time :francis:....
Check the map below. Whole lot easier to get there by sea than by land and a shyt load less of undead to fight, lol.


I think someone (a Stark hand maiden) said the White Walkers sleep beneath the ice

i never really got that, were they turning those babies in wights or somehow raising new white walkers?

because a baby wight seems like at least 10 years of a lot of work :skip:

yeah breh, he and Meraxes and Vhaegar put in work like stinkum and wee bey
I think the baby was made into a WW since wights are made from the dead. Just a guess though.

I think this was my favorite battle scene. It didn't have big names or long-lasting 1:1 duels, but the cinematography was astounding. It was brightly lit, had huge expansive wideshots that made you feel the scope of it all, and the "action-cam" in the middle was Saving Private Ryan-esque.

The previous big battles Blackwater/Castle Black were both darkly lit and felt small since they focused the action to the walls and opening gates so it felt like they were fighting in a box.

Is this the first episode where every set got a W?

StarkSet has Arya training up, SnowMan lookin' like the chosen one, and Sansa now has a quest open to get the youngstas.

TargSet just signed the #1 free agent Lil TyTy to cover their most glaring weakness of actually having a strategy.

StannisSet, not much coverage, but Ramsey's press offense might actually help them since sieging a castle in the dead of winter wasn't looking good last week.

Lannisters got Uncle Kev running the show, Cersei locked up, and TomTom wetting the bed, the leadership has never looked brighter.

The newly minted WhiteWalkerSet just absolutely flexed on everyone. In battle, deaths are certain and weaken mortal armies, but this only multiplies their numbers. Every battle for them is a win no matter what since the availability of dragons, dragon glass, and valyrian steel are limited. Their numbers are growing faster than the 2015 Cavaliers fanbase.

Even TheonSet caught a little W letting Sansa know about Bran/Rickon.

Realistically the only L served was to Jorah, but in his mind it's a W since he gets to prove himself for the Queen once again.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
Other = White Walker

They are called The Others in the books, they are only called White Walkers a couple times

HBO dudes didn't want them to be confused with The Others from LOST, so they ran with the White Walker name instead

Preciate it, guess diferences between the books and show caught me slipping.