Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
it worked on this guy

mind games? um, last i remember, dany wanted to learn to put it down on him... and then they fell in love


All Star
Jun 7, 2013
wouldn't be surprised if roose wants a crack at sansa :patrice::sadcam: #starkset L's piling up higher than the Wall

Reek gonna snap on Ramsey. Like a dog gone mad.

i wish, but honestly it wouldn't even be plausible. unless he been doing some heavy lifting as part of his bytch duties, that nikka probably mad frail and underfed and his testoterone levels are probably :flabbynsick: status. he aint taking ramsay in no face-to-face. gonna have to be some sneak shyt

Cersei's downfall is the single most obvious plot point in, arguably, the history of this show. It's almost disappointing how obvious it is. But then... the lack of subtlety suits her shallow vindictive nature to a T.

-the first thing we saw at the start of the season was a prophesy warning of her downfall
-she lost 3 key members of the kings council (Varys, tywin and tyrion) and replaced them with yes men
-her uncle controls the lannister army and told her to kick rocks
-littlefinger is scheming on a come up at her expense
-she locked up the brother and sister of the family that keeps the lights on
-she gave the high sparrow an army to fight religious crimes... even tho her children are abominations in the eyes of god
-her secret relationship with her brother is, surprisingly, not so secret at all
-she sent Jaime, the one person who could prolly keep her safe, to dorne

no one has been so arrogantly short-sighted since GoT began. It's just a matter of when it comes crumbling down. Not if.



May 1, 2012
I'm starting to rethink my opinion on Theon. He killed the miller's boys (which was wrong) but he was put in a fukked situation to begin with. Look at it from the Greyjoys perspective. They wanted to rule their own kingdom and rebelled because of it. The Baratheons and the Starks beat them down, killed the two oldest sons of Balon and took the third son Theon as hostage. Why should Theon owe the Starks loyalty? :skip: Remember regardless of how much the kids got along with him, he was a fukking hostage. He couldn't leave. And Ned purposely didn't talk to him like that or make him think they were close because he knew he might have to slice off his head one day if Theon's father started acting crazy again :ufdup: It's hypocritical to act like that's okay but, get mad at the Lannisters, Freys and Boltons for doing the Starks dirty. What's the difference? Greyjoys rebelled and wanted independence. Robb and the Starks rebelled and wanted independence. The Starks killed the Greyjoys because they were loyal to King Robert. The Freys and Boltons killed the Starks because they wanted to curry favor with the current Lannister King. Theon's brothers got murdered by Starks. Robb got murdered by Freys, Boltons and Lannisters. It's the same shyt except one is made to look tragic while the other one is whatever :manny: When Arya grows up, you really think she's gonna be cool with people who murdered her family? As violent as she is now, do you think Lannister, Frey or Bolton kids/women would ever be safe around her? Okay. How is that different than what Theon did? Sansa is living with the Boltons, people that murdered her brother and mother. Forced to be a prisoner in Winterfell with Ramsey. How is that different than the Starks murdering Theon's brothers and taking him away from his family and making him a hostage :ld: What because Theon was treated a little nicer does that make them killing his brothers okay :ld: Especially when 10 years later The Starks rebel after just telling the Greyjoys they couldn't :what: Tyrion treated Sansa nicer when they was married, didn't touch her, was a gentleman, does that make it okay that the Lannisters killed why is it okay for the Starks and Theon?
Starks didn't rebel, Joffrey cut Ned's fukking head off. If that's not a reason to go to war I don't know what is.


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
Starks didn't rebel, Joffrey cut Ned's fukking head off. If that's not a reason to go to war I don't know what is.

Oh so when something bad happens to your house, it's okay to declare war against the King but, when its somebody else doing it, it's a problem and you the main one fighting for the King :sas2:


May 1, 2012
Oh so when something bad happens to your house, it's okay to declare war against the King but, when its somebody else doing it, it's a problem and you the main one fighting for the King :sas2:
You used the Greyjoys as an example. What bad thing happened to the Iron Islands? They straight up rebelled out of the blue. Robb was not named King in the North until Payne took Ned's head off.


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
You used the Greyjoys as an example. What bad thing happened to the Iron Islands? They straight up rebelled out of the blue. Robb was not named King in the North until Payne took Ned's head off.

You arguing a bunch of semantics right now. Starks rebelled. Greyjoys rebelled. The Starks didn't HAVE to go against the Lannisters for killing Ned. The Martells lost their sister Elia and their brother Oberyn like the Starks lost Ned. They could've went to War. Doran wouldve had reason. Why aren't they storming King's Landing right now? Why didn't they storm King's Landing 16 years ago? You arguing semantics. I don't care why each house rebelled. The point is both Stark and Greyjoy rebelled against the King, except for whatever reason only the Starks are made to look noble.


Sep 10, 2012
Those inbred kids Lannister kids have no legitimate claim to the throne:camby:


All Star
Jun 7, 2013
*insert weebay gif*

*insert Alonzo Mourning gif*

nikka really got me feeling bad for Reek now:damn:

realtalk i was thinking about this today. like theon pops is really to blame. theon was trying to tell him to mount up with robb and run the table, but he was too stubborn. what was theon supposed to do? turn his back on his pops?! the whole going after the stark boys was ego on his part, but the wheels was already set in motion.

also, was the yara scene vs. ramsay ever discussed? people talk about the dorne fight scene being weak with jamie and the sand snakes, but i'm supposed to believe that the iron islanders got ran off by some dogs? unless they all talk and no fight :francis: greyjoys actually have more Ls than #starkset


May 1, 2012
You arguing a bunch of semantics right now. Starks rebelled. Greyjoys rebelled. The Starks didn't HAVE to go against the Lannisters for killing Ned. The Martells lost their sister Elia and their brother Oberyn like the Starks lost Ned. They could've went to War. Doran wouldve had reason. Why aren't they storming King's Landing right now? Why didn't they storm King's Landing 16 years ago? You arguing semantics. I don't care why each house rebelled. The point is both Stark and Greyjoy rebelled against the King, except for whatever reason only the Starks are made to look noble.
It's not semantics. Joffrey committed an act of war. It's not a rebellion. Greyjoys rebelled plain and simple. You know your argument has no merit otherwise you wouldn't have brought the Martells into it. But to answer your question , the reason Dorne didn't go to war is because Prince Doran didn't allow it, the same way he won't allow it now. I can tell you don't pay attention or else you wouldn't have asked why Dorne hasn't marched on King's Landing. The citizens of Dorne wanted war but their Prince didn't and he has the final say.


May 1, 2012

also, was the yara scene vs. ramsay ever discussed? people talk about the dorne fight scene being weak with jamie and the sand snakes, but i'm supposed to believe that the iron islanders got ran off by some dogs? unless they all talk and no fight :francis: greyjoys actually have more Ls than #starkset
Me and my boy was talking about this. I think it was more of them losing the element of surprise. The longer they stayed to fight, the more of the Bolton's men would have shown up and they eventually would have gotten overwhelmed by sheer numbers.


Sep 21, 2012
And this is why I'm glad none of you nikkas write this show. At no point in time has Sansa shown a taste for blood and that would've been so out of character and made absolutely no sense at all. Ramsey is levels above Joffrey when it comes to this sick shyt. To expect Sansa to be able to match wits with him from the jump is outlandish. Even LF couldn't prepare her for that. The old Sansa would have been shook of Myranda and would not have talked to her like that, the old Sansa would have let Reek take her arm and escort her to the Godswood. So we can see she has grown but no way in hell is she ready for the nightmare that is Ramsey Bolton

breh, sansa married dude and knows what the deal is, she was gonna get fukked regardless of her maturing, and we know it wasn't gonna be pleasant, hell dany had the same reaction, that has nothing to do with her coming up with a plan/not being a victim. in no situation were people going to be happy with him fukking her unless they completely broke character and he decided to gently make love to her...

Let's put it like this....

Think of the stark kids and their progression from season 1

Jon was placed in impossibly difficult situations, during which he lived with wildlings and was able to observe leaders like Lord Commander mormont, stannis, and mance up close. And so now that HE has the opportunity to lead, he's able to rise to the occasion and do things he didn't have the capacity to do in earlier seasons

Arya was placed in impossibly difficult situations, during which she was able to observe some of the finest fighters and killers up close like syrio, the hound, and jaqen. And now that she has the opportunity to become one, she's able to rise to the occasion and do things she didn't have the capacity to do in earlier seasons

Bran was placed in impossibly difficult situations, during which he had jojen and the three eyed raven guiding him towards awakening his abilities. And now he's presumably still with the three eyed raven, becoming more powerful than he was and developing the capacity to see the bigger picture that the mission is more important than family (which he didn't have the capacity to do in earlier seasons)

In the same span of time, sansa has had the opportunity to observe the finest manipulators and political operators up close- tyrion, cersei, littlefinger, margaery. People who told her how to no longer be helpless.

At the end of last season she took her first steps towards agency and learning how to play the game. And now that she's been given the opportunity to at least ATTEMPT to take another step, she.....backslides to being just as helpless as she was in season 1, episode 1. As it stands, Sansa is still some helpless little girl waiting for someone else to save her. The fact that after 5 seasons y'all thought it was more likely that fukking "Reek" would attempt to save her than her attempting to save herself is telling, as is your inability to understand my frustration at her development compared to her siblings.

1) As I posted before, the show gave us an example just last season of ramsay's sadism being directed - not controlled - by one of his lovers towards another, and had myranda inform sansa about it in THIS episode. So it CAN be done and the show brought it up again, REMINDING us that it can be done

2) they showed ramsay losing patience with myranda and threatening to kill her for her jealousy

3) They showed us ramsay having sex last season in a manner that didn't involve him brutalizing his partner

so yeah, ramsay can have a sexual relationship with someone that doesn't involve rape and torture, provided he currently sees that partner as a playmate instead of a toy. You can glean that much from what Ramsay himself said earlier this season when he warned myranda about her jealousy boring him and smiling when she bites him

So let's recap. Sansa has had time to observe ramsay, and knows that he is cruel and murderous. Sansa thinks littlefinger or stannis will be coming soon to rescue her, so she just needs a way to avoid ramsay's sadism for a short while. Sansa has had time to formulate some sort of plan. Sansa watched what margaery did to avoid the cruel whims of another sociopath for a short while and, further, Myranda has shown that ramsay's sadism can be avoided for a short while by directing it towards other lovers of his that he's grown bored of. Ramsay has grown bored of myranda. Sansa knows myranda has feelings for ramsay, is crazy, and sees sansa as a threat. Sansa has had it drilled into her head for five seasons that the path from helplessness to agency involves manipulation, lies, seduction, and ruthlessness. Sansa finally accepted this last season when she lied to her aunt and then lied about her aunt's death

It's not a reach to think that sansa, being desperate to never be the helpless victim of a cruel sociopath again, and seeing no other option to avoid it, would try to direct that sociopath's cruelty towards another, seemingly insane girl who probably wants her dead.

That decision, regardless of whether she's successful in her effort or not, would offer much more interesting possibilities for sansa's development going forward than her resigning herself to being raped.