Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
Let's put it like this....

Think of the stark kids and their progression from season 1

Jon was placed in impossibly difficult situations, during which he lived with wildlings and was able to observe leaders like Lord Commander mormont, stannis, and mance up close. And so now that HE has the opportunity to lead, he's able to rise to the occasion and do things he didn't have the capacity to do in earlier seasons

Arya was placed in impossibly difficult situations, during which she was able to observe some of the finest fighters and killers up close like syrio, the hound, and jaqen. And now that she has the opportunity to become one, she's able to rise to the occasion and do things she didn't have the capacity to do in earlier seasons

Bran was placed in impossibly difficult situations, during which he had jojen and the three eyed raven guiding him towards awakening his abilities. And now he's presumably still with the three eyed raven, becoming more powerful than he was and developing the capacity to see the bigger picture that the mission is more important than family (which he didn't have the capacity to do in earlier seasons)

In the same span of time, sansa has had the opportunity to observe the finest manipulators and political operators up close- tyrion, cersei, littlefinger, margaery. People who told her how to no longer be helpless.

At the end of last season she took her first steps towards agency and learning how to play the game. And now that she's been given the opportunity to at least ATTEMPT to take another step, she.....backslides to being just as helpless as she was in season 1, episode 1. As it stands, Sansa is still some helpless little girl waiting for someone else to save her. The fact that after 5 seasons y'all thought it was more likely that fukking "Reek" would attempt to save her than her attempting to save herself is telling, as is your inability to understand my frustration at her development compared to her siblings.

1) As I posted before, the show gave us an example just last season of ramsay's sadism being directed - not controlled - by one of his lovers towards another, and had myranda inform sansa about it in THIS episode. So it CAN be done and the show brought it up again, REMINDING us that it can be done

2) they showed ramsay losing patience with myranda and threatening to kill her for her jealousy

3) They showed us ramsay having sex last season in a manner that didn't involve him brutalizing his partner

so yeah, ramsay can have a sexual relationship with someone that doesn't involve rape and torture, provided he currently sees that partner as a playmate instead of a toy. You can glean that much from what Ramsay himself said earlier this season when he warned myranda about her jealousy boring him and smiling when she bites him

So let's recap. Sansa has had time to observe ramsay, and knows that he is cruel and murderous. Sansa thinks littlefinger or stannis will be coming soon to rescue her, so she just needs a way to avoid ramsay's sadism for a short while. Sansa has had time to formulate some sort of plan. Sansa watched what margaery did to avoid the cruel whims of another sociopath for a short while and, further, Myranda has shown that ramsay's sadism can be avoided for a short while by directing it towards other lovers of his that he's grown bored of. Ramsay has grown bored of myranda. Sansa knows myranda has feelings for ramsay, is crazy, and sees sansa as a threat. Sansa has had it drilled into her head for five seasons that the path from helplessness to agency involves manipulation, lies, seduction, and ruthlessness. Sansa finally accepted this last season when she lied to her aunt and then lied about her aunt's death

It's not a reach to think that sansa, being desperate to never be the helpless victim of a cruel sociopath again, and seeing no other option to avoid it, would try to direct that sociopath's cruelty towards another, seemingly insane girl who probably wants her dead.

That decision, regardless of whether she's successful in her effort or not, would offer much more interesting possibilities for sansa's development going forward than her resigning herself to being raped.
I'm going to disagree. While yes, Sansa could have killed Ramsey and blamed Reek (which is what I wanted to be honest) I thought that scene showed maturity in her character. Earlier Sansa most likely would have fought and screamed for help while now, she just took it and I don't think it was widely ooc. While I would have loved her either manipulating him or killing him, I liked the fact that she went off on Reek and Myranda and even agreed to wed Ramsey. I feel like we shouldn't throw the writers under the bus just yet because based on the previews we see Sansa plotting to escape with Reek/Theon.

Now if it does end with her being rescued and not her saving herself in some capacity, I'm going to be butthurt.

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
You arguing a bunch of semantics right now. Starks rebelled. Greyjoys rebelled. The Starks didn't HAVE to go against the Lannisters for killing Ned. The Martells lost their sister Elia and their brother Oberyn like the Starks lost Ned. They could've went to War. Doran wouldve had reason. Why aren't they storming King's Landing right now? Why didn't they storm King's Landing 16 years ago? You arguing semantics. I don't care why each house rebelled. The point is both Stark and Greyjoy rebelled against the King, except for whatever reason only the Starks are made to look noble.
this is some idiotic shyt breh :francis:

you a book reader and dont know anything of dorne? :wtf: you gonna compare the greyjoy rebellion to robb's campaign? :wtf: one was in the pursuit of justice and cultural autonomy based on centuries of history and the other was based on balon just being a sour c*nt. greyjoys dont even have the same blood history in the islands like the starks do in the north, brehs were ruled by harrenhal all the way from the riverlands for much of their existence as a noble family.

:ld: seems like you're just in the mood to argue tbh
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Some people still can't come to grips with the fact that Sansa is a strong ass woman now who knew exactly what was going to happen in that room with Ramsey.

She had a choice at Moat Cailin. She could have turned around and told Littlefinger to eat a dikk.

She didn't. Because she realizes that she can avenge her family from the inside. No, she didn't know what she was getting into in terms of the eventual brutality of Ramsey or in terms of Theon's involvement, but she knew she was going to eventually have to fukk a Bolton.

She accepted that fact. Can't even call it an L yet for #Starkset now that I think about it. The fallout and response will tell the full story.

So basically, with all the screentime that the OLD GODS got, the episode was another big W for #Starkset:wow:

Can't be stopped:wow:



Sep 21, 2012
Now if it does end with her being rescued and not her saving herself in some capacity, I'm going to be butthurt.

Yeah, that's all I want, really. Lowkey, this generation of Starks ain't gonna be nothing to fukk with once they really come into their own, and sansa has the potential to be the most useful/dangerous of them all in terms of having the skills and opportunities needed to reestablish their house. It's just been irritating to see her development lag behind her siblings so far in ways that are purely an invention of the show
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Oh, and I can't wait for people to STFU about the Sand Snakes. Yes, they are horrible. Easily the worst thing in this show's history by a mile. But they also barely have had any screentime. Less than 10 minutes over 6 episodes. The last scene was filmed in a location that almost never lets people film there. They were probably rushed as fukk on a tight time schedule and couldn't get it right.

Hopefully season 6 brings improvement for them.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
The only thing Sana didn't account for was Ramsay's brutality, but she knew she was gonna have to fukk him. Either that, or she naively thought he might be empathetic like Tyrion. However, after seeing how Theon was broken by Ramsay, that thought should have been thrown in the bushes.

I just hope she can can put that candle in that tower and either Brianne or Stannis kills Ramsay. Also, that big bytch Brianne better stay away from Stannis da gawd. That red bytch better watch his back.:upsetfavre:


May 6, 2015
The only low point of the episode for me was the Sand Snakes and Bronn/Jamie duel as it looked like they were fighting their baby nephews rather than formidable foes. I think that fault lies on an out-of-universe explanation of the actresses not being legit martial art/stunt workers, hence the sloppiness.

The bigger issue is the SJW and feminazi's coming out of the woodwork over the outrage of Sansa's wedding night, but it wasn't very graphic considering:
- We've witnessed a pregnant woman's belly friggen slashed open along with her husband and mother-in-law gutted like fish moments later
- Theon get castrated and his severed penis sent in a FedEx Box
- A man have his teeth completely knocked out, eyes gouged, and head popped open like a melon in less than a few moments
- Women hunted and torn apart by dogs
- People burned alive in ritual sacrifices
- Robert Baratheon's illegitimate children get taken out by the Kingsguard in a brutal manner

Yet all we see are a torn dress, some grunting, and Theon crying....and now people are boycotting the show?

Ramsey isn't a High Septon or Sparrow, so what did everyone think was going to happen?

As for the people saying the show is "slow", then maybe "Love and Hip Hop" or those cretin shows would be more for your speed.


May 1, 2012
Oh, and I can't wait for people to STFU about the Sand Snakes. Yes, they are horrible. Easily the worst thing in this show's history by a mile. But they also barely have had any screentime. Less than 10 minutes over 6 episodes. The last scene was filmed in a location that almost never lets people film there. They were probably rushed as fukk on a tight time schedule and couldn't get it right.

Hopefully season 6 brings improvement for them.
I just found that out listening to a podcast earlier today. I was wondering why Dorne had such little screen time

Black White Sox Hat

May 6, 2012
Ur an idiot if u can't see what's about to happen to cersei. And she's an idiot for allowing her own jealously and insecurity to drive her actions.

Ur having an incestuous relationship with ur brother. ALL ur children are born of incest. The king has no true claim to the throne. And u empower a group of zealots who place religious principles above all else. Even the crown.

How many times do ppl have to point out THEY KNOW about her and Jaime before she realizes what will happen if someone spills her little secret to the High Sparrow?

Dumb bytch.

Cersei is such an idiot. I think this dumbass still doesn't realize how much shyt she's in. She's got a b*stard sitting on the throne, how can she not see where this is headed? :mindblown:
How can YOU not see where this is headed?:ufdup:


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Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
It's not semantics. Joffrey committed an act of war. It's not a rebellion. Greyjoys rebelled plain and simple. You know your argument has no merit otherwise you wouldn't have brought the Martells into it. But to answer your question , the reason Dorne didn't go to war is because Prince Doran didn't allow it, the same way he won't allow it now. I can tell you don't pay attention or else you wouldn't have asked why Dorne hasn't marched on King's Landing. The citizens of Dorne wanted war but their Prince didn't and he has the final say.

Ima have to agree with Malik on these points. It was not an act of war as Joffrey was the king and Ned considered a traitor to the crown. Robb was told to come to King's Landing and bend the knee. He decided otherwise.

It was most certainly a rebellion in the eyes of everyone but Stark loyalists. What kicked off Robert's Rebellion? Half the kiddnapping of Robert's girl and half the murder of Ned's family. Pretty much the same thing in my book. If I'm recalling correctly, Ned was also told to come bend the knee when his brother and father were murdered. Why kings keep suggesting this is beyond me but that's how it is.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
:comeon:Ramsey is WAY WORSE than Joffrey. Joffrey was just a kid acting out & had issues that never should've been given power. Ramsey is literally a SICK fukk who would be Dead or in Prison on Death Row if he was in modern times. I gotta blame the producers/writers for not stressing this enough.

I don't believe for a second what Margey did with Joffrey would work longterm with Ramsey.

I think with time and without being checked by multiple people and the particular situation he was in Joffrey would've been just as bad. He threatened to rape Sansa. The prostitutes/crossbow scenes are still super telling. He was into some sick shyt. Who knows what he was into.

I agree that Margarey wouldn't last anywhere near as long with Ramsay based on the fact that his manipulation game is just as strong as hers. He gets what she wants just as she does. Motherfukker willed himself in to legitimacy.

yeah and? I am a woman that eventually will be a mother to sons or I had a son I could not imagine him being tortured let alone getting his penis cut off :mjcry:..same goes for the sansa scene. Did you see my comment stating how bad I felt for her even tho I'm #snakegang and #targset?

Further, the women protesting the show are idiots that have nothing else better to do but to seek attention, bytch and moan...there are REAL issues in this world concerning women to get mad about and fight for. But watching fictional show on tv is optional...if you don't like then turn the damn tv off or change the channel. I guess this is "first world problems" :yeshrug:

While I disagree with this particular outrage at the scene and a lot of others that seem to occur on the internet, I do think it's important to hold the media we consume accountable, be it fictional or not. Otherwise, we risk normalizing portrayals of bullshyt.


May 1, 2012
Ima have to agree with Malik on these points. It was not an act of war as Joffrey was the king and Ned considered a traitor to the crown. Robb was told to come to King's Landing and bend the knee. He decided otherwise.

It was most certainly a rebellion in the eyes of everyone but Stark loyalists. What kicked off Robert's Rebellion? Half the kiddnapping of Robert's girl and half the murder of Ned's family. Pretty much the same thing in my book. If I'm recalling correctly, Ned was also told to come bend the knee when his brother and father were murdered. Why kings keep suggesting this is beyond me but that's how it is.
It was actually Jon Arryn that refused to bring Ned & Robert to KL for execution and instead called the banner men to arms.

But to your point, I guess anyone is labeled a rebel when they go against the powers that be so I can concede that point that it was a rebellion. But I'll still say it's different from the Greyjoy rebellion because the North had a legitimate reason to do what they did


The North Remembers
May 2, 2012
Theon, I forgive you.

I'm starting to rethink my opinion on Theon.

nikka really got me feeling bad for Reek now:damn:

realtalk i was thinking about this today. like theon pops is really to blame. theon was trying to tell him to mount up with robb and run the table, but he was too stubborn. what was theon supposed to do? turn his back on his pops?! the whole going after the stark boys was ego on his part, but the wheels was already set in motion.

#TheonSet is being set up for a huge win :blessed:
Maybe not this season but down the line. His is the Song of Ice & Fire :wow:

May 1, 2012
I have to be honest, I thought this week's episode was one of the weakest in the series and nothing to do with Sansa..

Too many of the characters got caught slipping doing dumb ass shyt. Jaime's rescue mission :wtf: Them nikkas rolled up in the gardens on some Memorial Day BBQ shyt like "Those burgers smell good :myman: " How could they have expected that to work? lol

The Tyrells looked stupid too. Tommen is a pushover, bytch ass nikka.. but I would have figured Queen Marge and Gram to see this little setup coming a mile away. They are well known chess players and to go out like that? :snoop:

It does make a little bit of sense though at least with Gram Tyrell because she knows Cersei is fukking herself. They got no source of food, they running low on cash and Highgarden bout to give them the :camby:

It's a Civil War brewing :ehh: