
I really can't see how anyone could side with Dany or the Targs, i mean didn't the Mad King that try to burn King's Landing to the ground? Had Rickon and Brandon Stark brutally executed under the guise of a good faith meeting? And from two weeks ago, Ser Barristan mentioned that a Mad King was dancing in the street like Mick Jagger and David Bowie?

Dynasties come and go and this one had to end or King's Landing would have taken the major L. As many have stated, Dany can't even control a shanty town, nor her dragons, and even the hired help is talking reckless to her. I can't even believe I am going to even utter this, but Dany makes Cersei look like a tactical genius and we all know Cersei is an idiot. Sure the tribal folk calling her "Mama" like Boyz II Men, but that isn't going to help her win any wars when her top guy is dead and she is stuck with a guy she met off of the Westeros version of Craigslist Supermanning her every night...Worst yet, her lead Commander Grey Worm is now afraid of dying or losing Missandei,
"A Lannister always pays their debts", except if you are in King's Landing and you are a Lannister.

You have no money in the bank nor gold and the Tyrells have to give you a Bailout just to pay your utilities to survive and Bank of Braavos credit collection agencies (headed by Collection Agent Stannis is knocking on your door). To quote Tupac, "They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor".

Without Tywin, that group is living off of their diminished rep as it is...The strongest player for the Lannisters has defected to a rival group (at least from what we see so far), next on deck is Jamie who is of no use in any sense as he awful with the sword and admitted he'd have a hard time defending himself and has no political clout (otherwise he wouldn't have to sneak into Dorne). Finally, we have Tommen who is a bit more useful than Jamie simply because he has a functional right hand, but political imbecile(though that isn't his fault since Cersei coddled him).
Like Bunny Colvin told Wee-Bay on the Wire, "He ain't made for them corners man"

When your last chance for hope is based on a plan by Cersei, you've essentially lost. When those ISIS/Westboro/Salem goons find out about the "Family Matters" her and Jamie have been going through...well
#Stannis - "Started from the bottom, but we're here". You've got to respect Stannis as he doesn't joke around, play any games, or compromise. He went from taking a major L at Blackwater to having the Boltons and Lannisters completely quaking in their boots with an army financed by the Bank of Braavos. Obviously his ethics are questionable as he has a Hogwarts instructor on his team and the whole business with his Bro Renley, but that should get a pass given the nature of the show. I feel his luck is going to run out soon...
#Starknation - Jon Snow is a G, he's a beast and any shade or hate thrown his way is rather ridiculous. All the work he put in @ the Battle of Castle Black, trying to bring the Wildlings into the mix as citizens of the realm, and keeping his word with his oaths? Yes the Starks took some Ls with the Red Wedding and falling into King's Landing traps, but Rickon, Sansa, and Bran still out there. Can't claim Arya as she is about to get her

on soon and have no face. As I always said, if Robb kept his oath to the Freys, none of the other houses would stand a chance.