It's been a while

Shout out to all the sets though.
Still don't feel bad for Theon fukkboy Greyjoy

Only got room in my heart for one fukkboy redemption story and Jamie got that slot. Thought Reek was gonna be a man for a second and tell Sansa that Professor B and Rickon the don where still alive but can't expect anything from a fukkboy but to be a fukkboy.
Roose dropping that story on Mothers Day of all days

When the Boltons get that Ether

No spoiler though

Just wishful thinking.
Was about to clown Sams girl about acting like she was raised in a one room barn, but then i remembered that she was raised in a one room barn. Sam was answering them questions with the

face. Wife a single mother brehs.
Stannis looking real heavy in them streets, the conversations he had with half hand and Sam let you know that strategery game on point. His wife still look she hittin that Heisenberg though.She always look depressed like she ain't a fukking queen. I don't care what set you rep, negs on deck for nikkas slandering princess shireen

She just living life outchea being happy surrounded by rapists and muderers like its nothing.
Grey Worm having the worst luck ever bruh, fought off 20 goons, survived with a flashing health bar, got the baddest chick in the game ready to give him the sweet pwussy but he ain't got no dikk

An L this bad, he gotta take a DNA test, he might be part Stark or Lannister.
Meanwhile Indian Jewfro having the best luck ever, he went from nearly being eaten by dragons to get husbanded by the mother of dragons. nikka can't even swing a sword. This show really don't reward hard work at all.
Disease or not, Sir Jorrah of the friendzone was gonna turn to stone anyway when he popped up and seen Indian Jewfro getting to sex up kelly c just cause