Gilly is so dumb I want to smack the shyt of her whenever she's talking.
That's what happens when your dad is on that incest tip. Where were those sparrow goons when she needed them?
Credit to Jon Snow for making the decision to beef up his allies, Ollie might not understand it now but when he sees one of those white walkers he will. This episode featured a lot of The North, especially The Boltons. I see Roose is on his Drake steez "I like my girls BBW."
shyt, no wonder Ramsey is so fukked up. The whole backstory on Ramsey's mom was

. Still doesn't excuse dude from chopping off ding dongs and hunting people in the woods

Sir Barriston is gone, bury me a G

but his death is not without merit. Queen Khaleesi starting to get things in check with giving her dragons a Mother's Day snack and opening up the fighting pits to free men. Not sure about marrying young Lionel though

Add more dirt to throw on Jorah's soon to be grave. Dude can't win for losing. Why was he rowing through the City of Doom anyway? Tyrion was literally quoting poems about how shytty a place it was

. No wonder they got attacked by the putties, no Rita Repulsa.
If he had untied Tyrion, those extra pair of hands might have saved his own
