Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)

May 7, 2012
This is a long term gamble that the boltons are really reaching with.

You're trying impregnate Sansa, wait 9 months, have her deliver the child and then use the childs birth as a deterrence for attack from the rest of the North.

Then you're gonna raise the child to age 10 or 12 and brainwash him to believe in the Bolton name? You think you can raise a Stark child in the north and it's gonna forget the MORE important family history? You think the child is going to walk around the North and be a proud Bolton or a proud Stark? What makes more sense to you? Even Joffrey believed in the Baratheon name.

I think the play was for Roose to be de facto ruler like Tywin was. And all Ramsay would need to do is consummate the marriage. A baby in the oven would be enough to calm the rest of the north, especially with buyin from the only Stark left living (as far as everybody else knows)...remember, they still think Sansa is a dumb little girl, easily manipulated.

If she buys in, how can their plan fail? (Ignoring Stannis and the other living Starks of course). How is this any different from Tywin's plan?


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
I think the play was for Roose to be de facto ruler like Tywin was. And all Ramsay would need to do is consummate the marriage. A baby in the oven would be enough to calm the rest of the north, especially with buyin from the only Stark left living (as far as everybody else knows)...remember, they still think Sansa is a dumb little girl, easily manipulated.

If she buys in, how can their plan fail? (Ignoring Stannis and the other living Starks of course). How is this any different from Tywin's plan?

all clans in the north clearly state: We only follow the one named STARK.

There can never be a de facto ruler in the north.

To me this plan is a backfire in the making. Why would the north rest knowing that Sansa is alive and a new heir is waiting in the oven. Now that the rest of the north knows a stark child is alive, this will just make them even more rebellious. Think about it, now you don't have to worry about searching all of the 7 kingdoms. All you have to do is focus your attention on Winterfell and the Boltons main land. You can bid your time and come up with a flawless plan. There is absolutely no reason to rush at this point.


All Star
Apr 30, 2012

DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE NEW SEASON STARTED WTF! I feel violated right now. Like how the fukk I miss damn near half a season :mindblown: the disgusting feeling I feel right now is :ufdup: to myself.
May 7, 2012
all clans in the north clearly state: We only follow the one named STARK.

There can never be a de facto ruler in the north.

To me this plan is a backfire in the making. Why would the north rest knowing that Sansa is alive and a new heir is waiting in the oven. Now that the rest of the north knows a stark child is alive, this will just make them even more rebellious. Think about it, now you don't have to worry about searching all of the 7 kingdoms. All you have to do is focus your attention on Winterfell and the Boltons main land. You can bid your time and come up with a flawless plan. There is absolutely no reason to rush at this point.

Because that's Ned Starks only grandchild. Why would they rebel against the only person with Stark blood still living? Again, their plan relies on the 'dumb little Sansa' playing along cuz she knows no better.

As you said, the north will only follow a Stark, how is aligning with the only living Stark a bad idea? What would be a more flawless plan?


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
Because that's Ned Starks only grandchild. Why would they rebel against the only person with Stark blood still living? Again, their plan relies on the 'dumb little Sansa' playing along cuz she knows no better.

As you said, the north will only follow a Stark, how is aligning with the only living Stark a bad idea? What would be a more flawless plan?

Because the North doesn't NEED the Boltons. They only bow to them because the Starks were presumed to be dead or missing. Look at the map. What's stopping the Flints, Umbers, Karstarks (maybe not after what Robb did though), Dustins, Manderlys, Mormonts and Reeds from putting Boltons out to pasture? All those families need to see is that without Tywin, the Lannisters are weak as fukk and that a Stark kid is alive, and they'll form like Voltron to destroy the Dreadfort. A Northern "Rains of Castarmere". God forbid if Sansa does get impregnated by Ramsey, she'll need to swallow that moon tea. Once word spreads Sansa's alive and it's really her, it's a wrap.



All Star
Apr 11, 2015
Plus, if Ramsay impregnated Sansa, wouldn't the northerners fall back behind that child?

I fail to see who LF's plan makes no sense when this was exactly what Tywin was planning to do with Tyrion. Seems people are complaining of deviations from the books just cuz they're deviations from the books...

Tywin was huffing air paint. I love Tyrion as much as any ASOIAF/GOT fan but, no way the North was following a dwarf. Whose incest bred nephew beheaded their lord. No way the North follows a Lord named Lannister :scust: which is what any kids between Sansa and Tyrion would've been. Tywin's plan might've worked in the Riverlands where they change lords every 200 years or in the Reach where their lords were appointed, never selected by the people but, the North don't play that. There's 8,000 years worth of Stark history. Those Southron games don't work up here.
May 7, 2012
Because the North doesn't NEED the Boltons. They only bow to them because the Starks were presumed to be dead or missing. Look at the map. What's stopping the Flints, Umbers, Karstarks (maybe not after what Robb did though), Dustins, Manderlys, Mormonts and Reeds from putting Boltons out to pasture? All those families need to see is that without Tywin, the Lannisters are weak as fukk and that a Stark kid is alive, and they'll form like Voltron to destroy the Dreadfort. A Northern "Rains of Castarmere". God forbid if Sansa does get impregnated by Ramsey, she'll need to swallow that moon tea. Once word spreads Sansa's alive and it's really her, it's a wrap.


They're not bowing to them at all...That's why the Bolton's feel compelled to do anything.

I'll ask again: how is the Bolton's plan any different than Tywin's plan? Nobody complained about Tywin's plan yet y'all acting like the Bolton plan is inherently flawed.
May 7, 2012
Tywin was huffing air paint. I love Tyrion as much as any ASOIAF/GOT fan but, no way the North was following a dwarf. Whose incest bred nephew beheaded their lord. No way the North follows a Lord named Lannister :scust: which is what any kids between Sansa and Tyrion would've been. Tywin's plan might've worked in the Riverlands where they change lords every 200 years or in the Reach where their lords were appointed, never selected by the people but, the North don't play that. There's 8,000 years worth of Stark history. Those Southron games don't work up here.

So who would the north follow?

Say all the other Starks are dead except Sansa (which is what everyone believes) and Sansa had a child. Who are they following?


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Because that's Ned Starks only grandchild. Why would they rebel against the only person with Stark blood still living?

They wouldn't rebel against the Ramsey/Sansa son. They would rebel against Ramsey. Until that kid assumes the crown, Ramsey has ZERO influence over the north. So all they've done is handed Sansa back over to the north. These are the only scenarios that can happen. I already suspect that the North is going to gather troops and attack the Bolton homeland to draw troops away from Winterfell. Once Bolton's forces are split between two points, the following will happen:
- The north surrounds Winterfell and drains them of resources until Ramsey surrenders. The options: Ramsey holds Sansa as hostage. Ramsey surrenders and gets killed. Ramsey doesn't surrender and dies after a decade long siege.
- The north surrounds Winterfell and attacks Ramsey. The options: Ramsey holds Sansa as hostage. Ramsey dies in battle and Sansa lives. Ramsey dies in battle and kills Sansa.

Either way, Sansa is never leaving Winterfell without some sort of fight/conflict. Either way, the Boltons have not put themselves in a win/win situation.

From now on, the entire focus of the northern clans will be on rescuing Sansa.

As you said, the north will only follow a Stark, how is aligning with the only living Stark a bad idea? What would be a more flawless plan?

Because you're assuming the son of Ramsey/Sansa will be mind fukked into loving his Bolton side and disowning his Stark ancestry.

As I said in my original post, as evil as Joffrey was, he fully embraced his Baratheon name. And this is despite his love for his mother or his respect for his father.

The big difference that you're underestimating is that the son of Ramsey and Sansa would KNOW that his Stark name holds weight. As such, he would live in the north, be surrounded by the legacy of his stark family, yet you expect him to remain loyal to the Bolton legacy? How? He would understand (as Stannis and Roose clearly don't) that the North will ONLY FOLLOW a Stark. He will not be King of the North by being Ramsey-Sansa Bolton. He will be king by declaring himself Ramsey-Sansa Stark. And then what?

Not to mention, they can never kill Sansa because they need as many kids as possible. So as long as there is a Stark alive, the north will always be ready and waiting to exterminate the original Bolton homelands. And as long as Sansa is alive, she's the most powerful person in the North.

The Boltons will be in a perpetual state of fear and war for the rest of their lives. This was alluded to when they first betrayed the starks. The north will never rest.

And I didn't even mention what's gonna happen when Stannis finds out about this marriage :russ:. Where you think he's marching to right now? The Boltons think they're just gonna marry and live happily ever after :laff: