*Disclaimer: this is not an Obarth style review despite the smilies. Everybody feel free to read it*
----I didn't mind Daario last night, other than the male nudity (do girls even like man ass like that?

----SMH at the weekly "that episode was slow" posts......welcome to Game of Thrones. There have been like 5 action packed episodes in the entire series. DVD noobs strike again
----Man I was like

at Mance getting burned alive. On the surface he is certainly a villian-like character, but he truly was a shade of gray and I kind of liked him honestly. He didn't deserve to go out like that, in reality they should have let Alliser Thorne chop his head off for abandoning his Nights Watch vows years ago. Another great actor lost from the series though

. Good thing we got dozens more
----Young Cersei was perfect. Wish they would have stretched that scene out further honestly, I loved it. But they were really rushing things last night. They even had Varys
casually reveal his Targaryen support to Tyrion and Tyrion didn't even barely blink. I was kind of like

at that, but whatever.
----Man them dragons were

last night, I can't believe HBO continues to raise the budget higher and higher and higher. LMAO at finally having Danaerys say her dragons names 5 seasons in

. Now I don't have to get yelled at by people piss-scared of spoilers because I say their name
----Stannis looking out over the Wall, realizing the TRUE wars to come await him in that direction

. He may not be the hero that Westeros wants, but he is the hero that they need. Winter is Coming, and the White Walkers are gonna bring it