#Starkset was a honorable house who believed in the good of people. Theon was welcomed in and stabbed us in the back. The boltons/freys were our bannermen and stabbed us in the back. We have learned from our mistakes and all will pay.
#JonStark is coming for that ass eventually. He getting that training in the nights watch (yes I said stark....because he is one)
#Brandolf can control one of the strongest men in the land and a direwolf and when he gets to whatever the hell they going to meet that raven thing....maybe he will learn to control dragons #yalldonthearmethough
Arya is making a list....checkin it twice....those who were naughty gettin shanked at night
Rickon is somewhere waiting in the wings gettin that training.
Sansa....well hopefully she'll stay alive long enough for one of the others to rescue her I don't really have much faith in her abilities. But she still family
Yall need to recognize and stop talkin reckless......We coming for heads.

or this one?