Official Game of Thrones Season 4 Thread *The North Remembers*(NO SPOILERS!!)

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Honestly see becoming annoying as fukk

If she was ugly I would have been jumped ship

Kind of like the wnba

-Jon Snow :salute:. Im #starkset til the end but thats only cause in my eyes Jon Snow is a fukking STARK. fukk b*stard names. you mean to tell me if i get a chick in brooklyn pregnant with my b*stard, he gonna have to be named Jon Brooklyn? :childplease:


Yung Yogurt

Culo Season
May 29, 2012
Team Peakaboo
No homo but this nikka Grey worm can get this worm in my pants. Dude is 1 gully ass unsully. Kalissey is the white Harriet Tubman 2, she doing her thing as far as giving nikkas freedom. John snow bout to get that ass middurked


May 12, 2012
-Ser Pounce :ooh:

in my eyes Jon Snow is a fukking STARK. fukk b*stard names. you mean to tell me if i get a chick in brooklyn pregnant with my b*stard, he gonna have to be named Jon Brooklyn? :childplease:
BREH THESE nikkaS AINT READY FOR SIR POUNCE AT ALL :ohlawd: #PounceMobb we outchea :blessed:

this nikka said Jon Brooklyn :hovlaff: im not gonna lie that shyt would cause maximum fukkery if that law was in place today :dead:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
fukk that. Before the even reach the shore they need to address those Jodeci feindin for you pleather vest. LOL@an army full of men missing testicles. Those nikkas probably randomly lactate:lmfao:


:skip:What slaves is she going to come free in Westeros?

:patrice:Who in Westeros is going to lay down and just join her Civil Rights movement.

If I may jump in and join you in shyttin on #Targset brehcowski. Their #1 card to win battles - advocating on behalf of the lower class - is already a strength of Lady Marg. These cats are just as delusional as Stannis…
- thousands of miles away
- still no ships
- a city of slaves to feed
- an army to feed
- lost the element of surprise to capture westeros
- no military advantage against the Lannisters
- no men on the inside of westeros
- *takes look at map* sooo y'all think Dorne is just going to let you sail past them? Y'all think the only battle is going to take place at Kings Landing?
- *takes look at map again* sooo y'all think Stannis-set is just gonna let you sail past them as well?
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Jan 31, 2014

If I may jump in and join you in shyttin on #Targset brehcowski. Their #1 card to win battles - advocating on behalf of the lower lass - is already a strength of Lady Marg. These cats are just as delusional as Stannis…
- thousands of miles away
- still no ships
- a city of slaves to feed
- an army to feed
- lost the element of surprise to capture westeros
- no military advantage against the Lannisters
- no men on the inside of westeros
- *takes look at map* sooo y'all think Dorne is just going to let you sail past them? Y'all think the only battle is going to take place at Kings Landing?
- *takes look at map again* sooo y'all think Stannis-set is just gonna let you sail past them as well?

Yeah they thinkin Ty Dolla outchea concerned the most about some civil unrest in Egypt. This term the mans focused on the economy (repaying the Iron Bank) and selecting judges to the Supreme Court (O-Block). The North has to deal with the wildlings and walkers, Dany X first has to get by Dorne and Stanley. L-set finna be watching this with a smile and be living the life of the rich and famous. Flossing with new Bentley carriages and shyt.


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
GOT Scorecard: Season Four, Episode Four


Missandei gives Gray Worm language lessons. There seems to be some intimacy to it, as Missandei reminisces about being taken into slavery, and Gray Worm, though interested in Missandei's story, is only a forward looker. Nothing before becoming Unsullied matters, and he only looks forward to killing slave owners.

Daenerys gives him that chance. A group of Unsullied, dressed as Meereenese slaves, steals into the city and crashes a meeting of the city's slaves. They give the slaves weapons, and point out that the slaves outnumber the masters 3-1.

The next day is a bad day for those ruling Meereen. Daenerys ensures there are 163 noble captives, a number mirroring the quantity of child slaves nailed up as primitive road signs (3 miles to Stuckey's!) on the way to Meereen. She has those captives nailed up. Ser Barristan urges Daeny to meet injustice with mercy, but she avows she will meet injustice with justice.. The Meereenese are big fans of their Mhysa (mother). As we leave Meereen, we see the sigil of the Targaryens, a 3-headed dragon, draped from the city's highest point.

Daeny is an oathkeeper.

King's Landing, part I

Bronn and Jaime continue their dueling practices. Jaime has become much more proficient with his left hand, and he fights Bronn to a standstill. Bronn still has some lessons for Jaime, though. While their blades are locked together, Bronn rips off Jaime's golden hand and pimp slaps Jaime with it. "Do you want to fight pretty, or do you want to win?"

Talk turns to Tyrion. Asked by Jaime if Tyrion poisoned Joffrey, Bronn responds with a definitive "no". not Tyrion's style. Brnon relates the story to Jaime of how he entered Tyrion's service. Bronn fought for Tyrion in a trial by combat in the Vale, because Lysa Arryn insisted that they wouldn't wait for Tyrion's named champion - Jaime himself. "He named you for his champion, because he knew you would ride day and night to come fight for him. Are you going to fight for him now?"

Jaime visits Tyrion in his cell. They compare instances of captivity (remember that Jaime was captured by Robb in the Riverlands), and Jaime insists that Tyrion has a sweet setup compared to what he endured. Oddly, that doesn't make Tyrion feel better. Tyrion, in discussing his pending trial, notes that one of the judges has wished him dead more times than he can count...and that judge is Tyrion's father. As for Cersei, Tyrion postulates that she will try to have him killed before the trial. Jaime confesses that he has been asked to do so himself. Tyrion asks if he should close his eyes and turn around, to make it easy on Jaime. Jaime asks him "Did you do it?"

Tyrion's response - "The Kingslayer you like it? I like it! Are you really asking if I killed your son?"

Jaime - "Are you really asking if I'd kill my brother?"

Tyrion asks Jaime to free him. Jaime refuses. He believes in Tyrion's innocence, but he is unwilling to commit treason to ensure Tyrion escapes. He suggests that the trial will see the truth come out -- an incredibly naive thing for him to suggest, given his family's history of cheating to ensure the outcome they wish. And there is no doubt what Cersei's wish is, as Tyrion pointedly reminds Jaime, telling him that Cersei won't rest until Tyrion's head is on a spike.

Not just his head, Jaime informs Tyrion. Cersei is offering a knighthood to whomever brings Sansa Stark to justice.

Sansa didn't do it, Tyrion proclaims. She is not a killer...not yet, at least.

On the High Seas

Sansa and Littlefinger are sailing away from King's Landing, presumably on their way to the Vale for Littlefinger's nuptial feast with the widow Arryn - Sansa's Aunt Lysa.

Sansa asks if Littlefinger killed Joffrey. He gives a typical non-answer, stating that he's been in the Vale for weeks. Still, Sansa is convinced he did it. But how? Under further questioning, he admits that he was part of the assassination. Littlefinger is like a villain from the Incredibles - he likes to monologue about what a great player of the Game of Thrones he is.

Sansa points out that Littlefinger owes his wealth and station to the Lannisters. He replies that a man without a motive is a man nobody suspects. "Always keep your foes confused. If they don't know who you are, or what you want, they can't know what you plan to do next."

Sansa can't believe he'd risk his life when he's got a pretty good situation.

"So many men risk so little. They spend their lives avoiding danger. Then they die. I'd risk everything to get what I want."

"And what do you want?"

He grasps Sansa's arm a little too familiarly. "Everything."

He then gives his motive. Joffrey was a sadistic, unpredictable king. Petyr couldn't feel secure with that type of king on the throne. When Sansa points out that Littlefinger himself is not a trustworthy sort, he replies that he doesn't want friends like himself. His new friends are predictable, reasonable people. He helped assassinate Joffrey to cement his friendship with his new friends, who wanted Joff dead in the worst sort of way.

Who are his new friends?

King's Landing, part II

Lady Olenna and Margaery stroll the gardens of King's Landing. Olenna is leaving the city, but first she wants to offer some additional coaching to her granddaughter. She insists that Margaery ought to begin her seduction of the soon-to-be King Tommen. She warns her that Cersei will try to turn Tommen against Margaery, so she needs to act now, while Cersei is distracted by Joffrey's death, and trying to revenge herself on Tyrion for a crime he did not commit.

"He could have done", responds Margaery.

Olenna disabuses Margaery of any doubt in who was responsible for Joffrey's death. "You don't think I'd let you marry that beast, do you?".​


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Castle Black, part I

Jon Snow trains his brothers in swordplay, particularly how to fight wildlings. Do you see someone familiar in the ranks of those watching the training? It appears our friend Locke, Roose Bolton's right hand man, has joined the Night's Watch. He demonstrates ample skill in fighting during the training.

Ser Alliser Thorne disrupts the fun, sending Jon off to do menial work. Janos Slynt coaches Thorne on the problem of Jon Snow, pointing out that Thorne is only Acting Commander. Snow is popular enough that he might win the election of Commander. Perhaps he should let Snow take some volunteers to Craster's Keep. Maybe the mutineers will take care of Snow and leave Thorne to run the Watch.

Locke introduces himself to Jon, claiming that he chose to join the Watch because he was a game warden who had the choice of losing a hand or going North.

King's Landing, part III

Jaime visits Cersei. Cersei has some things on her mind, and she wastes no time getting around to them.
  1. She orders Jaime to put four Kingsguard on night and day protection duty for Tommen.
  2. She wants to know why Catelyn Stark released Jaime (he swore an oath to return her daughters to the North)
  3. She wants to know if Jaime would leave the city to find Sansa and bring back her head
  4. She wants to know why Jaime visited Tyrion (I had to know for myself if he did it...and he didn't)
  5. She summarily dismisses Jaime.

Margaery still manages to sneak into Tommen's bedroom. Tommen has no game. I suppose we can forgive him a bit. He's been very sheltered, and he's still very very young. Still, you don't tell a gorgeous nighttime visitor that "Mother doesn't allow me to have visitors at night" or that you have a cat named Ser Pounce. Margaery plays him like a fiddle, the right amount of innocence and seduction, particularly when she tells Tommen that she will be his to do with as he likes when they're married. "Can I come visit you again?", she asks. Someone's going to have to change the sheets tomorrow.

Brienne meets with Jaime in the offices of the Commander of the Kingsguard. She reads the notes assigned to Jaime, the same notes Joffrey taunted Jaime about a couple of episodes ago. Jaime sends Brienne on a quest to find and defend Sansa Stark. He gives her his blade of Valyrian steel, pointing out that the steel used to belong to the Starks. He gives her a hauberk of plate mail, forged for her. Brienne, a bit overwhelmed, vows that she'll find Sansa...for Lady Catelyn and for Jaime.

How about that? Jaime is an oathkeeper.

Jaime has a third gift for Brienne, which he presents to her as he sends her on her way to find Sansa. Podrick Payne will now be her squire. Bronn is there to see them off, as well, and he gives Pod the axe that Tyrion used in the Battle of the Blackwater.

Jaime mentions to Brienne that "they" say that all good swords have names (although we know what The Hound says to that). He asks her if she has thought of a name for her spiffy new Valyrian steel blade.

"Oathkeeper", she replies.

Castle Black, part II

Sam complains to Jon that he may have made a mistake taking Gilly to Mole's Town. Jon is sympathetic, but basically shuts him down. He relates that he himself wants to go after Bran, and perhaps would have if not for the inconvenience of three arrows in his body at the time that Sam told him about seeing Bran at the Wall.

They postulate that all of the villages North of the Wall would be deserted now, except for Craster's Keep, and maybe that's where Bran will need to head.

They are interrupted by Locke, who says that Jon is to report to Thorne. Thorne sanctions Jon's raid on Craster's, but says he won't order any of the men to go. It will have to be volunteers. Jon addresses the men, and gives a few reasons for the raid. One, to prevent the mutineers from giving away info on the defenses of Castle Black. If Mance learns what the mutineers know, it's game over. Two, to avenge Jeor Mormont, and bring justice to his murderers. He asks who will join him?

Grenn stands first. Dolorous Edd is next. The two of them just returned from captivity at Craster's, but they're behind Jon. Four more men stand, the last of which is Locke.

Craster's Keep

Well, we don't want to judge people prematurely, but I don't have a good feeling about Karl Tanner from Gin Alley. First of all, he's drinking wine from the skull of Lord Commander Mormont, and he's sloppy about it, wasting some of the wine. That's a bad sign. Then, he's presiding over the beating and raping of all of Craster's wives/daughters. He cusses a lot. He used to kill people for a living. But if there were any doubt as to the sainthood of Mr. Tanner, know this: he's very willing to stab a baby. Maybe he was nice to his mother, but I'm going to tentatively suggest that he's not a good guy.

The baby in question is to be offered to the White Walkers, so Karl orders Rast to take the baby out to be offered. Rast does so, and then stops by to taunt Ghost, whom the mutineers have in a cage outside of the Keep. Rast is freaked out when he notices the temperature go from freezing to holy balls it's cold, and he runs back to the Keep.

Nearby, Bran and crew hear the baby crying. Bran wargs into Summer and sends Summer to see what's up. Summer sees Ghost, but then appears to fall into a pit dug as a trap. Jojen Reed isn't looking so good, by the way.

The team decides to check things out. They note that the Night's Watch doesn't seem to be holding to their vows. Maybe it's a cultural difference in this part of the world? They are discovered and taken captive by the mutineers. Hodor is chained outside, and tormented by the mutineers. Rast stabs Hodor in the leg with a spear.

Karl questions Bran and the Reeds. Jojen has a seizure. They won't let Meera help Jojen until Bran blurts out who he is. Jon's brother, and a Stark. By the way, where did Bran's bloody lip go? Looked fine the next time they panned to him.

Somewhere North of the Wall

The White Walker brings the infant child to an altar of sorts. A different looking Walker picks up the child and, with a finger to the cheek, turns the infant's eyes bright blue. Ominous.

Scenes From Next Week
  • Daeny's thoughts turn to war on Westeros
  • Tommen is crowned
  • Littlefinger brings Sansa to the Vale and creepy Aunt Lysa
  • Arya takes a run at The Hound
  • Bran, Hodor and the Reeds in captivity
  • Jon and the volunteers attack Craster's Keep