OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
People just complaining for the sake of it now. GoT never been about fairy tale endings.

Episode was nice, only thing that didn't make sense is how the scorpions became useless all of a sudden after being so devastating last week :what:

Writers some idiots.

All in all Daenerys just showed her true self. We all knew #targset never been 100% in the head :manny:

Jon's simp ways caused the death of a million innocents :francis:

Is she still your queen you fakkit? :mjlol:

Time for the true Starks - Arya, Bran, Sansa to deal with the mad queen :ehh:
#starkset #wolfgang, we the 7 kingdoms last hope :wow:
:whew: so many truths


Jul 24, 2013
That’s why I don’t understand why Cersei’s death wasn’t satisfying to some people. Dany broke her. Now of course Dany leveled an entire city to do it. But Dany broke her. Cersei went from thinking everything was a game and that no one was as ruthless as her to running around the city by herself seeing everything coming down :umad: begging Jaime to get them out of there alive. She KNEW she fukked up and that was extremely satisfying to me.

I agree. A lot of legit complaints about this season but I think seeing her tougg exterior break and knowing she was done for was satidfying to me.
May 7, 2012
Why not go after Cersei though? She could have easily burned down the Red Keep and spared thousands of innocents. The writing is shyt. Stop excusing these bozos.

See, this is the thing y'all like to do....come in at the end of a discussion and bring up something that was already addressed and act like someone is “excusing” the writers for legit f ups. I addressed that in the first response he quoted:

Once Jamie couldn't get in the Red Keep, I thought he was gonna go ring the bell, but nah he didn't. He went to find that boat Tyrion told him about so he could sneak in the way he was supposed to sneak out.

The civilians doing it makes Dany's decision a bit more defensible imo. The ringing bells didn’t actually mean what Tyrion was claiming they meant. Cersei wasn't surrendering. It was the last bit of bad advice from him and Dany finally smarten'd up and stopped heeding his bad advice.

Why she didn't just go straight to the Red Keep, I dunno tho :francis:

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
Ned didnt even try to verify at all though, he was too busy educating his children on how they have to personally behead people with this big ass Ice sword.:picard:

Jon cant be that naiive breh. Sansa had been giving Dany the stink eye for 1 whole season and now you arm her with the kryptonite?:stopitslime:

Lets be honest Sansa snitching served herself, im still not sure if she was even that torn up over Rickon. Jon took it hard but she was all like meh.....that guy is prolly dead already.:francis:
He was a deserter, Ned was doing his Warden's duty. It's not shyt to verify.

It's nothing about being naive, that is his family. Not telling them only serves one person, and she ain't starkset. That was never an option. :yeshrug:


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
The first four seasons are still peak television. Last season was just as bad this season but the conversation about the show was mostly positive. There’s a lot of piling on going on because it’s the cool thing to do. The writing has suffered but I see some of the complaints and I wonder if people are just made that the fate of the favorite character isn’t what they hoped it would be.
Last season people called out bad writing, plot armor, and pacing issues. But they also didn't toss whole ass arcs in the bushes, of course it ramped up because, arguably, not one arc has been satisfactorily completed

Edit: they also had the slightest benefit of the doubt that having a season 8 "well let's see where this all leads". This is the end, a season people waited 2 years for, 8 years of show watching and 20 years of book existence (tho this shouldn't be conflated with the books 1:1) the outrage is justified
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Nov 19, 2016
One doesnt decide to go mad, that shyt kinda just happens you know? she didnt intend to to do anything until after she confirmed Jon wasnt ride or die, that was her last hope. and just seeing the red keep made her say fukk this

I agree, that better than Dany getting betrayed by jon on some I did this for the people shyt and its better than Arya the hero coming back to kill her cause its needed to be done.. naw I hope the show ends on some '97 episode of Nitro, one of them Citidel nikkas thats been roaming the streets since season 6 be like "thats all the time we have for this week folks, we have to sign off, while Jon, Dany and whoever they bring back for a surprise return standing in the iron throne about to face off. Then have a message saying to be continued in the books which have secretly been finished and realeased the next day
These nerds deserve it for shytting on this season

entitled as fukk, it is no where near that serious

One going from sane to insane or mad as you put it is contributed to a delusion slowly breaking the mind and one's reality before succumbing to psychosis. Which to be honest.. It's a lengthy arch that is generally slow.

Danny was always been about burning the city down before it was feasibly plausible from her psychological profile. For all this to honestly logically work, Danny would have to pull a Jamie by saying that all she really cared about is obtaining power from the very beginning. She is inherently evil rather than going mad. It didn't plant the seeds well and frankly... It was just sloppy, because developing the Mad Queen Arch properly would of been fantastic.

She could of easily been the Mad Queen without committing mass genocide and destroying the city. It was lazy overkill. Writers are just trying to bounce. So, it is not that serious. Just soo much wasted opportunity.


Mar 13, 2014
Last season people called out bad writing, plot armor, and pacing issues. But they also didn't toss whole ass arcs in the bushes, of course it ramped up because, arguably, not one arc has been satisfactorily completed
I understand that but what exactly do you mean by satisfaction? Jaime dying with Cersei wasn’t satisfying to me but I didn’t think it was a complete assasination to his character arc like people are making it out to be. Cersei didn’t get the death people wanted but does that make it bad?

There’s a lack of objectivity in the discourse surrounding this show. People either hate everything the show does and praise GRRM like he’s god’s gift to writing or they defend all of the inconsistencies and questionable writing decisions the showrunners make.
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Pray. I will not listen, but I will laugh at you
Apr 6, 2017
Arya didnt turn around cause she got scared

The hound gave her option life or death and she chose life

Just cause shes a “cold hearted assassin” doesnt mean she wants to die, I dont know why people are associating assasin with 100% death of her self?

The hound notices the king dom is falling, something neither of them predicted. Hes telling her if you go further on this journey, you will die. You dont need to die. Who you are looking to kill (cersei) is probably dead or will die soon anyway. If you leave now, you can still live.

This is on top of the other dialogue of basically saying dont be me, be better than me

This wasnt even a complicated scene to understand not sure why the complaints. One of the better scenes of the season and more like original game of thrones dialogue
She's already worse than the Hound. I don't recall the Hound ending an entire House. Arya throughout season 7 came off like a psychopath. Early this season, not much different. Got some dikk, but didn't really change. Suddenly....once you're in the f**king Red Keep, a conversation with the Hound makes you want to live?? Couldn't have come to that conclusion before leaving Winterfell and facing DEATH?? The castle was falling apart as they walked in. You walk in like a boss....and suddenly...I realize after a 2 month ride from Winterfell, while standing inside of a nearly collapsed castle just yards away from my target that has obsessed you for years...I want to live.....:camby: