I'm aware of all this and I agree completely. But stupid fan re-writes that I keep seeing posted are even worse than what D&D put out because they go completely against what the creator of the world has in store for it.
D&D could have easily decided that George's ending is too complex from an 'internal monologue' perspective to translate to TV and abandonded it for something more translatable. But I give them credit for sticking with GRRM's vision despite doing it at a 3rd grade level
The expert writer fans on youtube and forums can kick rocks unless they present the D&D ending in a more fleshed out and believable form
I get what you are saying but the only way to make GRRM's ending work in the context of the TV is rewriting part of Season 7 too, youtubers ain't got time for that
they just want to put out a quick 20 minute video for views and likes.
I don't think you can make the Bran arc feel earned/fulfilling in just 6 episodes. Specially because TV show Bran was pretty useless for 70% of the time. D&D never knew what to do with him, they fact they took him off an entire season because they were caught up with the books and couldn't come up with anything for him - which they were forced to do later anyway - shows they weren't eager to work with that character.
Them sticking with this ending is pretty surprising considering what they did in the last 4 seasons. I wonder when they decided they were gonna stick to Bran as King ending because there's no way they had that planned years in advance. Even if they say it was I wouldn't believe it, there's no way you treat your "winner" like an afterthought for so long if you plan to make him the final ruler of the world.