For the last show, for a long time, to have the internet come together, mad or happy, to become a global event is an accomplishment. There's a dozen or more shows, that wish they had this much attention. Had this many people talking about it at one time, being water cooler talk, trending worldwide etc. Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ y'all gotta A LOT of work to do.
To the cast, the crew, visual effects team, set designers, showrunners (for the most part), everyone who had a part of this show, thank you. Thank you for occupying my time on Sundays for the past 8 years. Thank you for creating these super fans who work hours talking about the show, recaps, theories, all of dem. Thank you to everyone who made this thread what it was, posting artwork, behind the scenes footage, the YT clips, their own theories, all that.
Thank you. 
This ending was some bullshyt

I'm just laughing at the route they took to get to this point. I read the spoiler that Bran would be king but I need to see
how they got here and they tied that shyt up with a golden bow and ribbon

I'll buy the blu ray and watch it in a few years because I need time.