I was gonna change the thread title to "Game Of Holmes Season 8: A Dream Of Flat Tops" but I'm gonna chill.
This is the new theme song though:
shyt, you better than me. I'd unsticky the joint.

I was gonna change the thread title to "Game Of Holmes Season 8: A Dream Of Flat Tops" but I'm gonna chill.
This is the new theme song though:
Nyknick said:sitting down and writing a book? It's art breh.
I was gonna change the thread title to "Game Of Holmes Season 8: A Dream Of Flat Tops" but I'm gonna chill.
This is the new theme song though:
Renly and Loras are gay in the books too but it's way more subtle.Renly and especially Loras are actually two more examples of some of the shytty ways D&D adapted the books. Renly and Loras aren't queens in the book. Renly is a younger version of Robert in terms of appearance and charisma. He is pretty much Robert without the vices of whoring and drinking, which is why he would make such a great King. So while he loves fighting in tourneys and hunting in the books, his first scene on the show has him being afraid of blood while being shaved by his lover
They did Loras even worse than that though. In the books he is essentially a younger Jaime Lannister. The same witty arrogance and ability to back his shyt talking up. In Jaime's POV chapters, he talks about how the kid is as nice with the sword as almost anybody in Westeros and how he might become everything Jaime could or should have been if he wasn't the kingslayer.
In the show, Loras is just the gay dude, or "Margaery's brother." And while book Loras takes a vow of celibacy after Renly dies because it really fukked him up, show Loras just moves on to fukking gay prostitutes and getting arrested for it by two unarmed deaconsAnd then he starts crying in the cells while Margaery stands tall
They really ruined Loras.
From what I see, alotta people are burying S7 after the fact. I just dont think we were used to the sensationalist, mainstream way they were doing things quite yet, and just wrote it off as a bridge towards the final season. It's the type of good grace you getWhy wasn't there nearly as much hate for season 7 then?
Audience score on rottentomatoes for season 7 is 86% but now you got millions signing a petition for a do-over because of a lack of pacing and story telling?
Can we have a 24 hour fukking amnesty on negative bullshyt now?
One more slice of this left.
Call the banners. Rep your set if it's still standing. Argue about script writers on Monday you miserable bunch of b*stards.
When you play the Game of Thrones you win, or you die.
Let's go.