I remember reading the spoiler for this episode and trying to get mentally prepared for it when it was coming up. Hell Zendaya posting on IG ahead of the episode giving folks a heads up on what’s to come had me mentally ready.
But nothing prepared you for seeing it all go down for that 1 hour..
Just the first 5 minutes was ALOT to process. And it just kept GOING..like it didn’t stop.
The rage on Rue’s face when she realizes that Jules snitched on her had me like
This episode has stayed with me ever since I watched it last night. I never had that happen to me when it comes to a series. But this particular episode is still in my mind even after I watched it.
And i know Zendaya is more then likely getting that Emmy for this episode but I’m tired of seeing my follow black people be depicted as the stereotype just for us to awarded for it. Halle had to damn near do porn to win hers, and Denzel had to be a slave and a crooked cop to get his.
Now Zendaya won (and most likely will win another) Emmy for this performance of a drug addict. And she does it well too..
This episode felt very “Requiem Of A Dream.” It’s one of those episodes i don’t think I can bring myself to watch it in full again. Maybe in bits and pieces..
Even though I read the spoilers for what’s to come…I’m kinda scared for what’s gonna happen next