nahhhhhLike I said, I suspect how they're going to introduce mutants in the MCU is due to selected people having X-genes that been dormant and the radiation from the blip or Thanos destroying the Infinity Stones spread across the universe and activated those genes. WandaVision is setting up perfectly for a world of mutants to exist and be hated, feared, and discriminated on. Her actions is going to have great repercussions that we know for sure. I see no need for mutants to appear from a different universe when you have an example like Wanda who had a dormant X-gene which the mind stone activated. So, I believe the radiation is going to activate it into select humans across the planet. (it only means that Monica would possibly be retconned into being a mutant because of the radiation she received from Wanda to activate her powers).
Dottie wasn't on the Sword wall of townfolk at all and Agnes didn't have any ID
read aboveSo how you think mutants are going to be introduced? Out of the blue, mind you?
I really don’t think that’s fox quick silver eitherthe whole Quicksilver thing. I do not, nor ever believed that is REALLY Quicksilver. Everyone INSIDE WandaVision with the EXCEPTION of Wanda herself (Vision isn't the REAL Vision, but a Frankenstein monster reimagined as "living") are people who are cast to play characters to her show. Nobody inside show aren't really who they are outside of WandaVision. Prime example being Monica cast as Geraldine. So, there is NO REASON to automatically assume that's actually the REAL Pietro from the Fox Marvel Universe.
read above
Multiverse shyt... most definitely. Definitely not from some x-gene that magically appears right now
Then why do they say she has the "Power of the Mind Stone" thenWanda and Pietro already have a "power-gene" (call it 'x' for unknown effect) as hinted at by Feige.
They didn't get their power itself from the gem (as other characters have said).
“If you look at the Infinity Saga, I don’t think any single person has gone through more pain and trauma than Wanda Maximoff. And no character seems to be as powerful as Wanda Maximoff. And no character has a power-set that is as ill-defined and unexplored as Wanda Maximoff,” Feige said. “So it seemed exploring that would be worthwhile post-Endgame. Who else is aware of that power? Where did it come from? Did the Mind Stone unlock it?”
WandaVision: Kevin Feige Teases Scarlet Witch's Post-Avengers: Endgame Superpowers
The idea that the mutant gene will be activated via Wanda only worries me because of the timeline. How long will it take Xavier to build the X-Men? Will they fast forward the timeline to make everything mesh?
Then why do they say she has the "Power of the Mind Stone" then
Literally said it in the last episode in so many words. Apparently they make it seem as if she's more powerful than Thanos and Vision... that came from her?
And that article said nothing about a "power gene", he ws literally ASKING a question too (Like, did her powers come from the gem or were they unlocked?... stay tuned for next weeks episode of.....)
Anyway, who gives af. Like homie above mentioned, wouldn't that dumbs theory defeat the purp[ose of mutants that have been alive for hundred if not thousands of years?
There are three things to bear in mind
1. MCU retcons
2. Don't be blindly led by the in-world narrative. Characters are able to get things wrong without it introducing narrative errors. Example: Monica saying "it is ALL Wanda" while Wanda says "I didn't do everything".
3. In comics the x-gene could be one that allows the gem to give them powers meaning that it wouldn't work on anyone else. Like Hulk and gamma implies there was something special about him. Or wolvie with his adamantium. Or spidey and the spider biting him. It is the explanation for why everyone cannot become like them and for why Wanda and Pietro didn't get the same powers. Bishop absorbs energy so he has no "power" in the absence of energy, so that is another symbiotic relationship. Same with Rogue or Taskmaster.
Think the Inhuman mists. It only works on Inhumans and it works because they are Inhumans but it is not the reason why they can have powers. Their Inhuman genes are.
Feige was being interviewed and was offering information NOT asking questions of someone else.
I agree![]()
They could go with mutants always being around but in few numbers so you could have Apocalypse, Wolverine and whichever other mutants are supposed to be old as fukk. Plus it would allow for Xavier to have his mutant school in secret for however long it's been in existence.Can't we get a combination of origins for mutants?
Both snaps.
Random mutations.
Time lol?
I mean that's how evolution works.. infinite variables..and that would cover all mutants