I ficking despise whats coming tonight..they are gonna do something like have Shayna CRUSH Asuka. It just makes my skin crawl. Absolutely horrible. Looking forward to how much Bryan wants to give to the kid.Card doesn't look that bad but most people are tired of it after that saudimania debacle and just coasting until mania. The sd tag match could have potential and the singles matches as well if given enough time and done right. Styles and DB are excellent wrestlers and can definitely lead their opponents to a great match. The Andrade and Humberto one could be good also if it has a good pace to it. I highly expect Shayna to win the chamber match and who knows what might happen with the IC title. Think Braun retains. Don't care about raw tag but hopefully street profits retain. This has potential to be a good card if booked properly. No major matches but that's expected. Let's see what they give us cuz this is an important event leading up to mania.