Big Yella
Bruh you posted wack ass Eric Masterson thor. There are plenty of Mutants more powerful than the most powerful asgardian homie.
like who? magneto? Thor has super strength a flight could manuever around any object he throws at him plus the hammer isnt a metal of earth so Erik aint lifting shyt with his mind

xavier? charles has dominion over human mind, asguardians can only be susceptible to asguardian magic. I.e, Loki, Hella etc.
again, Thor is a demi-god who even fought against banner like it was nothing. I love mutant narratives of marvel but aint none of them nikkas laying a scratch on the Odin son
hell i doubt they'd even stand a chance against beta ray bill

gotta realize breh that theres levels and hierachy to superheroes in this universe
street level- luke cage, spiderman, iron fist etc
intermediate- stark, carol danvers,
astro/magical- thor, silver surfer, doctor strange (beings with cosmic, asguardian, or non-earthy powers) mind you these are people that are given abilities by gods or from areas of the universe that humans have no idea about or cant even travel to