OK things that don't make a lot of sense even by the rules they explained:
- If Chiwetel and Benjamin Bratt are both sorcerers how does Mordo take his magic away from his back being fixed? Couldn't Benjamin Bratt just take it back or do it over?
- If Natural Law is so important why do the sorcerers do sorcery at all?
- They say you need those rings to travel from one dimension to the other. How does the Ancient One take Strange on that five minute trip through the dimensions when he's not wearing one?
1. Pangborn was nowhere near the level of Mordo. He found out how to walk again then bounced from the temple.
So whatever Mordo did to reverse the process would be above the skill level Pangborn has.
2. What
@KOOL-AID said. Also they specifically said certain types of magic is problematic....like accessing the Dark Dimension, or fukking with Time Magic. Which again is why Mordo was looking at Strange like

when he used the Eye Of Agamotto in the final fight.
3. You need the rings to open those sparkly portals to go from point A to B....obviously there is other ways to access other dimensions, look at what Kaecilius did in the last scene.
Lastly, a lot of the explanations for magic are going to be guesses or assumptions, because it's magic. They can modify the rules as it fits the plot.