What did I say that was wrong?
And to strengthen your point, why dont you just drop a link? Yea I remember the backlash..... I never said there wasnt or was really talking about it.
All I'm saying is in finally seeing the final product, she was straight in her role just like EC was straight in his just like the Black guy on Flash in straight as Kid Flash, just like the Black girl is straight as Black Iris, just like Idris Elba a black guy is straight playing a character thats supposed to be white and so on and so on.
On one end I get the anger but on the other I think the so called faux outrage gets a little silly.
And again playing the BP Game..... I still wonder and am asking who are 10 Asian actresses out there that wouldve been a better fit for the role and its funny not one of yall have even attempted to name 2
I mean if we gonna get real about it... aint the fukking Ancient One supposed to be a MAN in the first place? Why aint there any "outrage" on them changing the fukking GENDER?