
Apr 30, 2012
Maybe the ending gave it all away. Dexter was just a lonely lumberjack this whole time and imagined everything that happened in the 8 seasons.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Good lord :banderas:

Im gonna need a link to read the rest of that fukkery

This nikka said nobody should be looking for Hanna cause she wasnt convicted of a crime :laff:

Lets just overlook the fact shes wanted for murder and attempted to murder Deb :heh:
Hannah was a thrill killer in her teens, she went on a kill spree with her bf and she played the victim. She also had a book written about her and she was married and killed 2 husbands that we know of, 1 of them was almost a billionaire and when you think about it no one looked for him at all, no investigation by his company or family. Hannah looked like a super model and never tried to be low key at all. She never even wore sun glasses or a hat. Unless there is mass effect movie and she can Miranda Lawson for real instead of just voice acting, she will never be heard from again. She is a terrible actress.

We Major

All Star
Jun 9, 2012
No, no, no, no, no.

You're the only person in here taking up for this show acting like you're the only person that speaks their language.

What most people can't get past is just how elementary the writing on what was once a cunning, sly show had become. Fans were willing to give the Nickelodeon writing a pass for the past couple of seasons because it was assumed that they had a miraculous ending in store that everyone could applaud and get over the overwhelming amount of plot holes.

Like someone else said, you could literally fill a novel with the amount of plot holes and "fukk you" writing that Dexter put out the past few seasons. It was all about convenience and laziness for this show. There's throwing caution to the wind, and then there's gauging caution's eyes out and skull fukking it for hours and hours. Dexter did this regularly. The characters that were introduced were either unnecessary or so bland and one-dimensional that the show became childish.

The writers would introduce and dismiss story-lines, characters, subplots, confrontations, even dialogue at the drop of a hat. The earlier seasons of Dexter never wasted any time with anything. Everything that happened, every conversation, every moment, every interaction was for a purpose. These last couple of seasons, they would just stumble around from Point A to Point B, completely scattering stories and plots, usually destroying them.

The majority of fans could still watch and dismiss the blatantly over-the-top writing because it was assumed that some incredible ending awaited that would top every season before it.

And why is it ridiculous for fans to assume that there would be some reveal, monster twist, or left hook when most other seasons have ended that way for this show? It's not like we were expecting aliens or a giant sea creature to eat Dexter (although I wouldn't have ruled those out).

The story that was put in front of our face? How about the stories that were force fed to us. Nothing seemed right about these past couple of seasons. It was like the producers passed the wheel to their 12 year old children to finish.

Kid 1: "And then Dexter stabs him with a pen!"
Kid 2: "Yeah and he goes to the hospital to take Deb"
Kid 1: "And he throws her in the ocean!"
Kid 2: "Then he rides into the hurricane"
Kid 1: "But he doesn't die because he's a great swimmer"
Kid 2: "Yeah! And he becomes a lumberjack!"


There is nothing skillful about the writing that they force fed us this season. They lazily filled plot holes with cement, or didn't address them at all, and kept it moving. The treadmill scene is a prime example. The writers knew that they had to get to this point or that point in the season (Hannah being seen), so they would just speed-write in some little BS moment and say "here we go!"

The writing that they intended to be developmental was transparent, and the twists were introduced like a baseball flying through a kitchen window.

They didn't purposefully leave loose ends either. They just dismissed things so quick/often that those issues piled up and were left largely unresolved. This is the mark of the last few seasons of Dexter. Introduce/dismiss over and over and over and over. Reintroduce characters/plots with too much ease.

There was rarely anything at stake in the grand scheme of things. There were never any consequences for recklessly plugging in or taking away characters and developments.

It's like the writers banded together with baseball bats, kicked in the editor's door, and beat him to death.

You also keep saying that everyone else is upset because they didn't see what they wanted to see. You're filling in a LOT of plot-holes to get to where you wanted this show to end (your last sentence). I think most people would be cool with an ending like that, but it's the way that they get there that makes it so unbearable.

Like I've said before, I respect your opinion and the fact that you're in here arguing that the show was fulfilling for some. I'm not trying to be a dikk, I just don't agree with you, and I don't think it was true to Dexter as a whole.



All Star
May 1, 2012
I don't even know what I just watched. I was in denial and didn't even want to see the last episode. When I saw him on the boat, the first thing I said was "He better not drive his ass into the storm and that be the end all". So Deb becomes brain dead and that the end of her story? What the hell? Dexter takes her body all dressed in white and tosses her into the water along with his phone. He proceeds to drive into the storm then ends up on his Ax Men steez? Wow.

Hannah has my man Harrison out there with high water capris looking hella crazy in the streets. On the bus she couldn't even tell him some dope facts about Argentina. Hannah up for the worst step mother of the year. However the crown for shyttiest father is Dexter taking the award from the previous winner Goku. All the while I'm thinking that all Dexter had to do was fukk his (not really) sister and all this would have been avoided. Of course it's not as simple as that but the end is the end I suppose. I did catch the Ice Truck Killer reference. I just cannot believe how Sho did my man Dex like this. I shouldn't have watched and just let my mind make up what could have been.


They like what that mean
May 3, 2012
Damn this shyt got me tight for real :dead: fukk this show it can't really end like this.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Damn this shyt got me tight for real :dead: fukk this show it can't really end like this.

it ended horribly, what a horrible crappy show . Show should have died on a friday like all great shows that fall off.

It's liek dexter forgot everything arthur mitchell, not killing a serial killer when he can only to get screwed in the end.

:heh: its funny everyone who found out dexters secret ended up dead except hanna.

I mean lets see leave harrison with who hannah a serial killer who harrison barely knows, or his nanny who like raised him from birth

smart dexter


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
he left him alone with hannah twice.. in those two times alone she stabbed a man with a needle and harrison busted open his chin needing stitches... :heh:

lol at dexter thinking hanna is going to be a great mom for the next like 15 years, iw ouldnt be shocked if she gave him some poison laced milo

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
I whole heartedly agree that there were several instances (the Louis Green story, specifically) where things were cut off at the legs and it was made very obvious that the writers wrote themselves into a corner and opted to dismiss things instead of going through with it because they tried to put too many things together at once.

I also agree that the execution of a lot of what they did keep left a lot to be desired. In the end, I didn't care about Hannah, Vogel and many other "critical" characters that were in fact pushed on to us as important.

That being said, I do see what their worth ultimately was and understand why they were there to what I felt was their ultimate story which is why I can dismiss them, because they weren't meant to be anything more than vessel's for Dexter's ultimate end. They have always stood firm on this being Dexter's story, and whether you call it laziness, myopic, convenient writing or otherwise, that's exactly what they did. It's the flaw of focusing solely on one character, much like a wrestling/boxing show with a great main event and poor under/mid-card in that it can ultimately impact the overall quality of the show. But for me, the finale made up for an overall lackluster season in that it gave me closure to Dexter and Deb's story which is all I ultimately cared about. I don't think I "speak their language", but I do understand them and can be satisfied with that. :yeshrug:

Oh and I don't think it's ridiculous for people to have wanted more - just that it wasn't realistic after all the potential antagonists that mattered were gone at that point so it wouldn't have mattered and would've been a poor man's re-hash of season 2. There's no Doakes, no Lundy, not even a LaGuerta that would've at least had some pull to make shyt crazy- no one to really build up the tension that a season like that would need and do it within 12 episodes. Even if they had Matthews or Batista try to figure it out, or made Deb turn on Dexter, there is no way they could ever match season 2 in that regard to have some crazy ass end. No way. So they went the slow burn, thought provoking route instead to make you question your sense of right and wrong (this is essentially what the producers have said, not just me). May not have been ideal to most, but it worked for me. Sorry to those that didn't enjoy it.

Only about 30 minutes of season 8 was worth while, why not make season 7 about 13 episodes + 30 minutes. I really think they felt anymore story would have been too overdone, so they thought might as well give something for the casual viewer to enjoy.

I can't complain, because most of the serial killers on this show were loners, so its fitting Dexter ended up a loner.

Can't complain, it had a very good run.