
Aug 17, 2012
South London


BK to NJ, but always a New York Knicka
May 4, 2012
Are you one of the writers? Wow Frasier, that was really a tough finale that is so hard to understand. fukk outta here. The point is they focused on the man's emotions which according to you were what kept the show going, his evolution from monster to man. But he's still killing in Season 8, so if they wanted that to be the focus point they could have ended the shyt a couple of seasons earlier. I think the viewers were far more interested in the fact that Dexter is always walkin' on that thin line and that eventually his dark passenger would lead him to a downfall - he would either get caught by the law or he would find a monster superior to him and beat him. Or they could make a fairytale with him and Hannah, both serial killlers, living happily ever after.

This ending is on some pretencious shyt, and just because you think it's that this angle is satisfying, doesn't mean that it's actually good.

I gotta be one of their writers to get what they were trying to do and be okay with it? :what:

Like I said earlier, you don't gotta like the shyt - but based upon some of the responses in here it's very obvious that people were watching this, ignoring the story right in front of them and too preoccupied with what THEY wanted to see instead of what was ultimately being given and then got upset by it and judged the show on their own fantasy booking instead. And you can't speak for all the viewers and say what the majority wanted to see. Some wanted him dead for being reckless, some wanted him happy because they thought he was redeemable, some wanted him to keep killing and cut the emotional shyt - I ultimately wanted to see how it would end, period. Be it jail, happy or otherwise and I didn't have a finite idea of what I would be "satisfied" with. We got two seasons of watching him nearly get caught and at the end, when it became fairly obvious that it wasn't the route they were going, people are saying "nah they should've done this to close the series!". Like I said earlier in the thread, they blew their load too early in season 2 with the manhunt and that locked up their options for their end game. In the end, it wasn't the direction they wanted to go in and I'm okay with that because the finale looped together the overall story. You don't have to be and I'll never tell another man what to like - I just don't understand how people can say it was a lazy, haphazard end when it answered the underlying question of the series and ultimately ended it on that note while leaving them enough loose ends to do a spin-off if they wanted and/or a movie. I can't get into how many seasons it should've gotten, should it have been stretched out so much because it is what it is. They told the story they felt was right about the character. I don't see nothin pretentious about it meanwhile the irony is his "dark passenger" eventually led to the downfall you say most wanted to see to begin with, causing him a fate worse than death or jail - he gets to be the emotion filled human he always wanted to be, but alone.:yeshrug:
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Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
man, I couldn't find this thread the other day, but that ending was fukking awful. I mean it was so bad, it borders on unwatchable. fukking :trash:


Apr 30, 2012
The writers seemed to have a higher opinion of Hannah as a suitable mother for Harrison than the fans. Couldn’t Dex’s criticism of himself — about being toxic everybody around him — be said about Hannah too?

BUCK: I don’t think so. We wanted to believe Harrison would be happy and safe and well taken care of. Dexter judges people on a different level. That Hannah is a killer, Dex understands that. She’s a different kind of killer. She kills for self protection. That protection now applies to Harrison. Dexter believes she will lay her life on the line for Harrison.

Since Hannah’s a wanted fugitive, couldn’t she have at least put on a ball cap when walking around Miami?
BUCK: We played with the idea of dyeing her hair. In the research we did on fugitives we learned there are countless fugitives out there just walking around that nobody is really looking for. There aren’t funds to hunt down every one of them — particularly Hannah, as she hasn’t been convicted of a crime. She’s not high priority. We put her in sunglasses. Otherwise we didn’t want to call more attention to it.



May 6, 2012
PAT 2 HTown
yo im :laff: at how Dexter carries a dead body out of the hospital floor, into his boat with no one gving the slightest observation

I just finished watching the finale and that scene still has me like :dwillhuh:

I understand there was a hurricane going on but no one, I mean NO ONE responded to the flatline? And this this nikka really wheel her dead ass right out of the hospital and then carry her to his boat and drive off and nobody say shyt. This nikka Dexter must have an invisible cloak power up we aren't aware of. Also one of Miami's own disappears and no reaction from that shyt.


Jul 20, 2012
Dallas by way of Houston by way of San Antonio
I just finished watching the finale and that scene still has me like :dwillhuh:

I understand there was a hurricane going on but no one, I mean NO ONE responded to the flatline? And this this nikka really wheel her dead ass right out of the hospital and then carry her to his boat and drive off and nobody say shyt. This nikka Dexter must have an invisible cloak power up we aren't aware of. Also one of Miami's own disappears and no reaction from that shyt.

Dexter took the sensor off of her. Nobody could be alerted to the flatline because she wasn't connected to the alarm...i think


All Star
May 9, 2012
I gotta be one of their writers to get what they were trying to do and be okay with it? :what:

Like I said earlier, you don't gotta like the shyt - but based upon some of the responses in here it's very obvious that people were watching this, ignoring the story right in front of them and too preoccupied with what THEY wanted to see instead of what was ultimately being given and then got upset by it and judged the show on their own fantasy booking instead. And you can't speak for all the viewers and say what the majority wanted to see. Some wanted him dead for being reckless, some wanted him happy because they thought he was redeemable, some wanted him to keep killing and cut the emotional shyt - I ultimately wanted to see how it would end, period. Be it jail, happy or otherwise and I didn't have a finite idea of what I would be "satisfied" with. We got two seasons of watching him nearly get caught and at the end, when it became fairly obvious that it wasn't the route they were going, people are saying "nah they should've done this to close the series!". Like I said earlier in the thread, they blew their load too early in season 2 with the manhunt and that locked up their options for their end game. In the end, it wasn't the direction they wanted to go in and I'm okay with that because the finale looped together the overall story. You don't have to be and I'll never tell another man what to like - I just don't understand how people can say it was a lazy, haphazard end when it answered the underlying question of the series and ultimately ended it on that note while leaving them enough loose ends to do a spin-off if they wanted and/or a movie. I can't get into how many seasons it should've gotten, should it have been stretched out so much because it is what it is. They told the story they felt was right about the character. I don't see nothin pretentious about it meanwhile the irony is his "dark passenger" eventually led to the downfall you say most wanted to see to begin with, causing him a fate worse than death or jail - he gets to be the emotion filled human he always wanted to be, but alone.:yeshrug:

I respect your argument as to why you feel this ending is suitable. :clap:

Except for the bolded part - the reactions of viewers here and elsewhere do indicate the discontent and show the direction where most people wanted the finale to be headed. For a show built on shock value and blood, it was an unspectacular end.


All Star
May 15, 2012
I gotta be one of their writers to get what they were trying to do and be okay with it? :what:

Like I said earlier, you don't gotta like the shyt - but based upon some of the responses in here it's very obvious that people were watching this, ignoring the story right in front of them and too preoccupied with what THEY wanted to see instead of what was ultimately being given and then got upset by it and judged the show on their own fantasy booking instead. And you can't speak for all the viewers and say what the majority wanted to see. Some wanted him dead for being reckless, some wanted him happy because they thought he was redeemable, some wanted him to keep killing and cut the emotional shyt - I ultimately wanted to see how it would end, period. Be it jail, happy or otherwise and I didn't have a finite idea of what I would be "satisfied" with. We got two seasons of watching him nearly get caught and at the end, when it became fairly obvious that it wasn't the route they were going, people are saying "nah they should've done this to close the series!". Like I said earlier in the thread, they blew their load too early in season 2 with the manhunt and that locked up their options for their end game. In the end, it wasn't the direction they wanted to go in and I'm okay with that because the finale looped together the overall story. You don't have to be and I'll never tell another man what to like - I just don't understand how people can say it was a lazy, haphazard end when it answered the underlying question of the series and ultimately ended it on that note while leaving them enough loose ends to do a spin-off if they wanted and/or a movie. I can't get into how many seasons it should've gotten, should it have been stretched out so much because it is what it is. They told the story they felt was right about the character. I don't see nothin pretentious about it meanwhile the irony is his "dark passenger" eventually led to the downfall you say most wanted to see to begin with, causing him a fate worse than death or jail - he gets to be the emotion filled human he always wanted to be, but alone.:yeshrug:

No, no, no, no, no.

You're the only person in here taking up for this show acting like you're the only person that speaks their language.

What most people can't get past is just how elementary the writing on what was once a cunning, sly show had become. Fans were willing to give the Nickelodeon writing a pass for the past couple of seasons because it was assumed that they had a miraculous ending in store that everyone could applaud and get over the overwhelming amount of plot holes.

Like someone else said, you could literally fill a novel with the amount of plot holes and "fukk you" writing that Dexter put out the past few seasons. It was all about convenience and laziness for this show. There's throwing caution to the wind, and then there's gauging caution's eyes out and skull fukking it for hours and hours. Dexter did this regularly. The characters that were introduced were either unnecessary or so bland and one-dimensional that the show became childish.

The writers would introduce and dismiss story-lines, characters, subplots, confrontations, even dialogue at the drop of a hat. The earlier seasons of Dexter never wasted any time with anything. Everything that happened, every conversation, every moment, every interaction was for a purpose. These last couple of seasons, they would just stumble around from Point A to Point B, completely scattering stories and plots, usually destroying them.

The majority of fans could still watch and dismiss the blatantly over-the-top writing because it was assumed that some incredible ending awaited that would top every season before it.

And why is it ridiculous for fans to assume that there would be some reveal, monster twist, or left hook when most other seasons have ended that way for this show? It's not like we were expecting aliens or a giant sea creature to eat Dexter (although I wouldn't have ruled those out).

The story that was put in front of our face? How about the stories that were force fed to us. Nothing seemed right about these past couple of seasons. It was like the producers passed the wheel to their 12 year old children to finish.

Kid 1: "And then Dexter stabs him with a pen!"
Kid 2: "Yeah and he goes to the hospital to take Deb"
Kid 1: "And he throws her in the ocean!"
Kid 2: "Then he rides into the hurricane"
Kid 1: "But he doesn't die because he's a great swimmer"
Kid 2: "Yeah! And he becomes a lumberjack!"


There is nothing skillful about the writing that they force fed us this season. They lazily filled plot holes with cement, or didn't address them at all, and kept it moving. The treadmill scene is a prime example. The writers knew that they had to get to this point or that point in the season (Hannah being seen), so they would just speed-write in some little BS moment and say "here we go!"

The writing that they intended to be developmental was transparent, and the twists were introduced like a baseball flying through a kitchen window.

They didn't purposefully leave loose ends either. They just dismissed things so quick/often that those issues piled up and were left largely unresolved. This is the mark of the last few seasons of Dexter. Introduce/dismiss over and over and over and over. Reintroduce characters/plots with too much ease.

There was rarely anything at stake in the grand scheme of things. There were never any consequences for recklessly plugging in or taking away characters and developments.

It's like the writers banded together with baseball bats, kicked in the editor's door, and beat him to death.

You also keep saying that everyone else is upset because they didn't see what they wanted to see. You're filling in a LOT of plot-holes to get to where you wanted this show to end (your last sentence). I think most people would be cool with an ending like that, but it's the way that they get there that makes it so unbearable.

Like I've said before, I respect your opinion and the fact that you're in here arguing that the show was fulfilling for some. I'm not trying to be a dikk, I just don't agree with you, and I don't think it was true to Dexter as a whole.
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All Star
May 15, 2012
Dexter took the sensor off of her. Nobody could be alerted to the flatline because she wasn't connected to the alarm...i think
That's very convenient writing. It doesn't work like that.