Got up to 7 wins in Trials last night, with Mercy active and proceeded to lose the next 2 matches

No it's not breh, once you get into Trials you'll see how dominant that gun is.havent posted in here in awhile, here go a couple thoughts:
- the thorn is overrated....the poison effect is nice, but there are other weapons that are just as good or better.....but it's the weapon flavor of the month, so that explains the overrating going on...happens to every 'it' weapon...
lol you tripping, on all accounts...
thorn: it isnt op like you claiming....there are other hand cannons better for pvp than it, but those require aiming, so people go with the thorn cause of the poison.....also, to stop the poison effect all you have to do is stops the for sniping with a hand cannon, you can do that with any of them, and the thorn is not the best to do it with...and yes, i do own the gun, but i dont use it except in pve...
blade dancer: one of the easiest supers to deal with...all you have to do is back up and shoot....people try to run, jump away, etc. and that doesnt work cause you not doing damage to them....remember they are hunters, and dont have that much shields...just back up and shoot them...especially aim for the head...
defender: besides warlocks, this is the hardest super to deal with....reason being you cant shoot the dome with any reg weapon and do damage to the people inside, you have to use a super and/or go in the dome, but somehow that makes it weak to you? ok....
havoc fist: cause you trying to jump away....just back up and shoot...people gonna learn jumping and running away isnt the best way to deal with supers....shooting muthafukkas and/or not letting them get close is (since most supers you have to be close to use)....but trying to run or jump after they start the motion, hell naw.....
No it's not breh, once you get into Trials you'll see how dominant that gun is.
They need to lower the range on all Hand Cannon's, especially the Thorn. Whenever I pick it up, it feels like easy mode is activated.
1) After the buff, Thorn is the best hand cannon in the game and possibly best weapon in the game...not even debatable. No other weapon in the game does what Thorn does. Only people that say it isn't OP are people that have it and don't want their "easy mode" gun nerfed.
Let's go down the list of what Thorn is:
- Long range contact
- High fire rate
- High reload rate
- Poison effect
- Victim can't regenerate shield
- Annoying ass green screen effect and noise for the victim
- Thorn user can follow and track victim trying to evade
- Two hit kills regardless of range: 100%
2) Blade Dancer lasts too long and thats my only complaint about it. They can easily take 2-3 seconds off the duration.
3) It's easy as hell to kill dudes inside the Titan bubble. I've done it many times myself. Besides using a super just grab a shotty and grenades = death for dudes inside. Not being able to shoot it should be the point. Every single super can destroy it in seconds, besides Golden Gun, and thats bullshyt.
4) Just back up and shoot from Fist of Havoc? lol ok If you shot a Titan and stopped them from doing it in midair, that was pure luck breh and they didn't have the harder to kill Fist of havoc perk on.
Auto Rifles were OP, and they rendered Pulse Rifles and Scouts useless because people could out gun you with a AR from a cross the map.we just gonna disagree on this....cause the trials doesnt show how dominant it is because your level matters more than the gun you use in there.....and i ran trials the first week, so i saw it in use there and i see it in use in the crucible all the time...i just think it's overrated cause it's not an op, instant winner gun people hype it up to's just easy to's the same shyt that went on with autos...people swore they were op and instant winner, but they werent....but cause people cried about them, they got nerfed to not being fun to use anymore...i fear the same shyt is gonna happen to hand cannons, and whatever the next gun that people flock to after that....
I don't even think Thorn is THAT OP. Just annoying as fukk when that's all you see. I usually beat it with Red Death.
Auto Rifles were OP, and they rendered Pulse Rifles and Scouts useless because people could out gun you with a AR from a cross the map.
The fix is simple, nerf the range on Hand Cannons and we good. I shouldn't be at a disadvantage at long range against a Thorn when I have a Scout or a Sniper. You can 2 shot somebody with that Thorn from distance like you would have to do with a sniper if you miss the headshot.
1. no it's not...the last word and hawkmoon are better hand cannons....and the fatebringer and red hand are right on par with it....and other weapons that are better off the top of my head: red death and vex....i dont use the gun and i dont think it's's just the hot gun of the moment......
Thorn(and pulse rifles) are good counters to snipers. If you want to camp out and snipe nikkas then you best not miss. so i dont think it should be nerfed.Auto Rifles were OP, and they rendered Pulse Rifles and Scouts useless because people could out gun you with a AR from a cross the map.
The fix is simple, nerf the range on Hand Cannons and we good. I shouldn't be at a disadvantage at long range against a Thorn when I have a Scout or a Sniper. You can 2 shot somebody with that Thorn from distance like you would have to do with a sniper if you miss the headshot.
best two hand cannons I've used are fatebringer(better for Control) and thorn.1) After the buff, Thorn is the best hand cannon in the game and possibly best weapon in the game...not even debatable. No other weapon in the game does what Thorn does. Only people that say it isn't OP are people that have it and don't want their "easy mode" gun nerfed.
Let's go down the list of what Thorn is:
- Long range contact
- High fire rate
- High reload rate
- Poison effect
- Victim can't regenerate shield
- Annoying ass green screen effect and noise for the victim
- Thorn user can follow and track victim trying to evade
- Two hit kills regardless of range: 100%
2) Blade Dancer lasts too long and thats my only complaint about it. They can easily take 2-3 seconds off the duration.
3) It's easy as hell to kill dudes inside the Titan bubble. I've done it many times myself. Besides using a super just grab a shotty and grenades = death for dudes inside. Not being able to shoot it should be the point. Every single super can destroy it in seconds, besides Golden Gun, and thats bullshyt.
4) Just back up and shoot from Fist of Havoc? lol ok If you shot a Titan and stopped them from doing it in midair, that was pure luck breh and they didn't have the harder to kill Fist of havoc perk on.