My boy just rage quitted out of this match so viciously

I don't even know where to begin with this breh... I'm on Iron Banner right now, I'm a have to address this when I get off or something.besides weapons, the game has supers and melees that can 1 hit you, so i do think bungie intended for ttk to be short....also, they are very aware of the ttk, that's the reason they use for not buffing weapons up to match other weapons...
you're right, forging has made the banner guns like other legendaries, but those guns are still just as's just now, reforging isnt exclusive to them, which is cool with me...
i didnt contradict myself...there are plenty of perks out there, but people being sheep is what has them reforging the guns to all be alike/get the same perks...cause before you could reforge all weapons to just how you like, people were finding a way to be competitive using different perks and weapons, for the most part...perks i have on my shotties: full auto, small bore, final round....
i never said it was 100% of the time counter, just said it was 1 way to deal with them....cause trading with them at least gives you the chance to kill them...
true, you can just play the game to find out stuff, but most dont...they just listen to whomever they listen to....the evidence is there...ex: the min that datto(sp) cat said the moon was the best hc, people that hadnt tried it out ran to it....even though if they just played the game, they wouldve saw it was damn good for themselves....
has nothing to do with being a 'try-hard'...if you can play the game, you can play the game, doesnt matte what you use...just like how that 1 cat used the gun you start with in the banner originally....the fact that people think there are only certain vialable options is that sheepish mentality...also, if that's what people think, they shouldnt complain nor ask for nerfs cause others use the same shyt as them...
Don't sleep on those Feedback Fences brehs
thats what i been saying. every other week somebody complaining about an "OP" gun and begs Bungie to nerf it.aight, finaly watched this, got half way through and stopped cause all he doing is complaining about people having access to the supposedly 'good' weapons/ the fukk what?!?!?....everyone has access to majority of the weapons, so what's the problem?...also, sounds like he just bytching cause he dying more since he not the only one using certain weapons....seriously, he really said that you can only use certain weapons to compete, which is so untrue....and it has nothing to do with being a try-hard nor not trying to win...there are plenty of weapons in this game that get the job done in pvp...the fact he and others dont think so further illustrates my point about muthafukkas being sheep...muthafukkas complained about there being a lack of variety in the game, so bungie has flooding it with a shyt ton of options when it comes to gear and weapons...did that make people happy? nope, cause instead of using all the different shyt, cats choosing to use the same shyt as other muthafukkas cause they listen to cats like this, and then wanna complain...just like this cat....I remember this cat...he was the one that told people how to cheese a raid to get weapons, but when people started doing it, he complained about the weapons and people cheesing....get the fukk outta here...if you wanna brag about some shyt and tell people this is what they should use/do, don't complain when muthafukkas start doing/using it....cause all it comes off as is bytching cause you aint got the exclusive shyt no more...
When the PS4 brehs going to have that Rumble Match?
I'll stream it
SMH.. Went flawless on my Titan not using any of the guns above. I don't wear flawless emblems during trials, i don't use any of the 4 weapons you mentioned. Some guy joined my trials team and he said "you're really gonna use that gun?" Only exotic i had equipped was Truth. 4 rounds later the guy was like "hey where the hell you get that gun?" It was 3 on 1 and I 2 burst kill all 3 in a row, all headshots. Hopscotch Pilgrim is a top 5 weapon.All im gonna say, is anytime i see an opposing team in trials not using Thorn or TLW... I know my team will win...
Its fine to say you can use any weapon you want and succeed in crucible and iron banner, thats because almost half of the players are simply unskilled...
when you get to the highest level of pvp play, and you are not using one of the top 4 pvp weapons (thorn, tlw, hawkmoon, red death)... You will always lose to a player who is equally skilled and using one of those weapons. Point blank period.
I pretty much only use the messenger in trials and pvp. I just got my first TLW so been fukking around with that, but in IB and trials is the messenger pretty much exclusively. I'd like to get a hopscotch pilgrim and see how it compares.SMH.. Went flawless on my Titan not using any of the guns above. I don't wear flawless emblems during trials, i don't use any of the 4 weapons you mentioned. Some guy joined my trials team and he said "you're really gonna use that gun?" Only exotic i had equipped was Truth. 4 rounds later the guy was like "hey where the hell you get that gun?" It was 3 on 1 and I 2 burst kill all 3 in a row, all headshots. Hopscotch Pilgrim is a top 5 weapon.
Just wait. You'll get everything for the low plus Thorn will probably be nerfed by thenDamn brehs are going hard whit this. I get my Ps4 back from my fam who had it since Dec. Last game I played was Dragonage, anyway is it best to cop the legendary edition in Sept or should I dive in now