Official Destiny Thread [RISE OF IRON OUT NOW!]


Sep 28, 2012

:ohhh: I complained about this yesterday and today he post this video.. At least I'm not the only one complaining about this. They basically made every gun the same in multiplayer. They should have made all reforge weapons exotics. Reforge weapons are better than exotics in PVP..

Why is this better than a weapon i had to go flawless to get?

Better than exotic shotguns in PVP

This damn thing kills me when the rocket is nowhere near me!

They basically made everything in PVP OP.:ufdup:


Staff member
May 1, 2012
:ohhh: I complained about this yesterday and today he post this video.. At least I'm not the only one complaining about this. They basically made every gun the same in multiplayer. They should have made all reforge weapons exotics. Reforge weapons are better than exotics in PVP..

Why is this better than a weapon i had to go flawless to get?

Better than exotic shotguns in PVP

This damn thing kills me when the rocket is nowhere near me!

They basically made everything in PVP OP.:ufdup:

Reforging should have been only for IB guns and maybe for Armor of HoWs stuff.


Sep 28, 2012
Last Word wouldn't be OP if range mattered. But the damn weapon can hit you from any distance. Thorn is just OP.. The poison makes the weapon OP because the damage is high and with your shield down due to poison it's just the most OP weapon i seen in probably any game..


Sep 28, 2012
Reforging should have been only for IB guns and maybe for Armor of HoWs stuff.
yea man putting it on EVERY weapon makes you wonder what's the point of even doing IB anymore? Jolders Hammer vs BTRD, I dunno.. I think they ruined multiplayer.


Jul 16, 2013
couple thoughts about yall latest convos:

- there is no OP weapon in this game...yea, some are better than others, but there are pros/cons with every weapon, and there is no 'i win' weapon....since yall talking about the thorn: a fix for the thorn would be make it so the the poison effect doesnt kill you, only takes you to near death, and that the person has to shoot or melee you to kill you....

- the reason i dont think exotics should be nerfed is because they are supposedly the best weapons in the game, so they should be more powerful than other weapons....the issue with them is that they are easily available and everyone has them, so those are the weapons everyone tends to go with...a simple fix would be if bungie created an exotic weapon free mode....

- reforging isnt a problem...i'm glad bungie lets us do that...cant blame them everyone tries to reforge to get the same perks...

..all of these lead me to my next thought...

- the main issue with pvp is people are sheep...once someone people listen to says what they think is the optimal build, perk setup on weapons, etc. to make winning in pvp easier, the majority of people tend to follow that....that's what's happening in destiny...that's why you see so many blink shotgunners (1 way to deal with them: run towards where they blink from and turn around shooting); thorn users; etc...majority of people just wanna win, so they are going with the advice from the supposedly good players...happens in majority of multis....


Jul 16, 2013
where can you get that hopscotch gun from?...i know it gets dropped, but in what mode: pvp or pve?...


Staff member
May 1, 2012
couple thoughts about yall latest convos:

- there is no OP weapon in this game...yea, some are better than others, but there are pros/cons with every weapon, and there is no 'i win' weapon....since yall talking about the thorn: a fix for the thorn would be make it so the the poison effect doesnt kill you, only takes you to near death, and that the person has to shoot or melee you to kill you....

- the reason i dont think exotics should be nerfed is because they are supposedly the best weapons in the game, so they should be more powerful than other weapons....the issue with them is that they are easily available and everyone has them, so those are the weapons everyone tends to go with...a simple fix would be if bungie created an exotic weapon free mode....

- reforging isnt a problem...i'm glad bungie lets us do that...cant blame them everyone tries to reforge to get the same perks...

..all of these lead me to my next thought...

- the main issue with pvp is people are sheep...once someone people listen to says what they think is the optimal build, perk setup on weapons, etc. to make winning in pvp easier, the majority of people tend to follow that....that's what's happening in destiny...that's why you see so many blink shotgunners (1 way to deal with them: run towards where they blink from and turn around shooting); thorn users; etc...majority of people just wanna win, so they are going with the advice from the supposedly good players...happens in majority of multis....
Bungie did not intend for the time to kill to be this short in Destiny. I don't know if you watched the video I posted, but dude showed where he got a kill with TLW in .10 seconds. You are saying this is ok? This game isn't COD or BF where the ttk is so fast.

Reforging has made the Iron Banner guns no different than any other Legendary in the game. And in a lot of cases worse.

You are contradicting yourself by saying, reforging isn't a problem, and then in the next line saying, the main problem is people being sheep in PVP. Reforging actually encourages people to mimic and be sheep to other players... It's too easy to make a god shotgun in this game. I've gotten countless Party Crashers and Matadors to play with and roll a few times and get shot package or range finder, and other perks that max the range out on it. Anybody that plays Crucible regularly will have these guns... and if they play regularly, they are going to want to be able to stand a chance against others using them. That has nothing to do with being a sheep. That has more to do with being competitive. Why wouldn't you play with a shotgun with Range Finder/Shot Package, Smallbore/Hammer Forged? What other perks are you taking over those for a shotgun you're taking into the Crucible?

I know the ins and outs of this game's multiplayer, but the way guys just say, "Hey just run underneath the guy blinking and you're good" is bullshyt and it will not work to counter that 100%. Especially when this game's melee system basically tracks on to people as well. So pretty much, in most cases, you will trade with a guy doing that shyt or die. Unless he sucks.

Also, people don't have to listen to anybody to know what to use in the game. All they have to do is play the game. A prime example would be my brother who stopped playing this game back in like October. Hasn't been following it at all since then, til he got back for HoW. Simply just playing the Crucible with him, and him seeing which guns continued to body him he would ask me, "Damn, how do you get this Thorn gun?"... "How do I get that Felwinter's Lie?"

He didn't have to watch or listen to better players... it's undeniable, all you have to do is play the game. You are either going to equip yourself with a viable weapon, or you're going to be some "try-hard" using something inferior just to say you did it. Has nothing to do with people being sheep specifically for the PVP side of the game. PVE? Yeah be creative all you want and try stuff out... but in the Crucible? Nah


Sep 28, 2012
couple thoughts about yall latest convos:

- there is no OP weapon in this game...yea, some are better than others, but there are pros/cons with every weapon, and there is no 'i win' weapon....since yall talking about the thorn: a fix for the thorn would be make it so the the poison effect doesnt kill you, only takes you to near death, and that the person has to shoot or melee you to kill you....

- the reason i dont think exotics should be nerfed is because they are supposedly the best weapons in the game, so they should be more powerful than other weapons....the issue with them is that they are easily available and everyone has them, so those are the weapons everyone tends to go with...a simple fix would be if bungie created an exotic weapon free mode....

- reforging isnt a problem...i'm glad bungie lets us do that...cant blame them everyone tries to reforge to get the same perks...

..all of these lead me to my next thought...

- the main issue with pvp is people are sheep...once someone people listen to says what they think is the optimal build, perk setup on weapons, etc. to make winning in pvp easier, the majority of people tend to follow that....that's what's happening in destiny...that's why you see so many blink shotgunners (1 way to deal with them: run towards where they blink from and turn around shooting); thorn users; etc...majority of people just wanna win, so they are going with the advice from the supposedly good players...happens in majority of multis....
look at the stats on TLW and please tell me how you can shoot someone from far away even tho the range says otherwise?


Jul 16, 2013
Bungie did not intend for the time to kill to be this short in Destiny. I don't know if you watched the video I posted, but dude showed where he got a kill with TLW in .10 seconds. You are saying this is ok? This game isn't COD or BF where the ttk is so fast.

Reforging has made the Iron Banner guns no different than any other Legendary in the game. And in a lot of cases worse.

You are contradicting yourself by saying, reforging isn't a problem, and then in the next line saying, the main problem is people being sheep in PVP. Reforging actually encourages people to mimic and be sheep to other players... It's too easy to make a god shotgun in this game. I've gotten countless Party Crashers and Matadors to play with and roll a few times and get shot package or range finder, and other perks that max the range out on it. Anybody that plays Crucible regularly will have these guns... and if they play regularly, they are going to want to be able to stand a chance against others using them. That has nothing to do with being a sheep. That has more to do with being competitive. Why wouldn't you play with a shotgun with Range Finder/Shot Package, Smallbore/Hammer Forged? What other perks are you taking over those for a shotgun you're taking into the Crucible?

I know the ins and outs of this game's multiplayer, but the way guys just say, "Hey just run underneath the guy blinking and you're good" is bullshyt and it will not work to counter that 100%. Especially when this game's melee system basically tracks on to people as well. So pretty much, in most cases, you will trade with a guy doing that shyt or die. Unless he sucks.

Also, people don't have to listen to anybody to know what to use in the game. All they have to do is play the game. A prime example would be my brother who stopped playing this game back in like October. Hasn't been following it at all since then, til he got back for HoW. Simply just playing the Crucible with him, and him seeing which guns continued to body him he would ask me, "Damn, how do you get this Thorn gun?"... "How do I get that Felwinter's Lie?"

He didn't have to watch or listen to better players... it's undeniable, all you have to do is play the game. You are either going to equip yourself with a viable weapon, or you're going to be some "try-hard" using something inferior just to say you did it. Has nothing to do with people being sheep specifically for the PVP side of the game. PVE? Yeah be creative all you want and try stuff out... but in the Crucible? Nah

besides weapons, the game has supers and melees that can 1 hit you, so i do think bungie intended for ttk to be short....also, they are very aware of the ttk, that's the reason they use for not buffing weapons up to match other weapons...

you're right, forging has made the banner guns like other legendaries, but those guns are still just as's just now, reforging isnt exclusive to them, which is cool with me...

i didnt contradict myself...there are plenty of perks out there, but people being sheep is what has them reforging the guns to all be alike/get the same perks...cause before you could reforge all weapons to just how you like, people were finding a way to be competitive using different perks and weapons, for the most part...perks i have on my shotties: full auto, small bore, final round....

i never said it was 100% of the time counter, just said it was 1 way to deal with them....cause trading with them at least gives you the chance to kill them...

true, you can just play the game to find out stuff, but most dont...they just listen to whomever they listen to....the evidence is there...ex: the min that datto(sp) cat said the moon was the best hc, people that hadnt tried it out ran to it....even though if they just played the game, they wouldve saw it was damn good for themselves....

has nothing to do with being a 'try-hard'...if you can play the game, you can play the game, doesnt matte what you use...just like how that 1 cat used the gun you start with in the banner originally....the fact that people think there are only certain vialable options is that sheepish mentality...also, if that's what people think, they shouldnt complain nor ask for nerfs cause others use the same shyt as them...

Tic Tac T O

Registered User
May 2, 2012
Reforging took the fun out of finding weapons with great perks/stats. On the other hand, it eliminated the grind with the hopes of finding decent legendaries but with so many more ways to get weapons with the addition of Queens weapons, PoE, Trials, Crucible, Vanguard Dragon strikes, and all the new faction vendor weapons, the reforge ability probably wasn't necessary at all

Tic Tac T O

Registered User
May 2, 2012
day one last night with the Queensbreakers' Bow. nothing special in the clips but its a fun gun to use. I'm sure some of y'all prolly better off with a regular sniper rifle but its a dope weapon to eff around with

got pretty much all the guns and armor I want, just tryna have some fun with it before its in the bushes in August