Better than GOTG for sure
I would like to take this time to thank marvel for giving audiences humor and one liners everyone in the theatre will understand

...Movie wasn't as funny for me as I thought,I wont take too much credit away,half of its just not my brand of humor,and a lot of references I didn't know wtf he was talking about but the theatre was laughing

I'll mostly blame the budget for me not liking it,wasnt too much action outside of what I alrledy saw in the trailers.....Considering his power I would've liked to see him maybe take more damage,or even be willing to do damage to himself to inflict damage on others like in that scene where he flips the car

....But I guess his healing power isn't as fast as Wolverines is.
That Colossus fight scene was the shyt though,and his trainee had nice powers even though I couldn't tell exactly what her power was....Hope her and Colossus show back up in a xmen movie....It was cool they didn't try to force those characters to fit in and be rated r just because Deadpool and this movie was....Love story didn't really work for me all that much,couldve killed her off and threw more action in....also the villain in this movie was one of the best I've ever seen in a comic movie,you really did want to see Francis get his azz killed

...Regardless of him not having any power
My biggest complaint is not enough action though,but I guess that has to be blamed on budget....But it was still enjoyable though,less movie needs more action,I got hype for a bloody gun battle when he packed up his gunbag,only for him to leave them in a cab

...the cab scene was funny but still....ANd I guess with that budget they couldn't afford to have Colossus in human form and show him transform
Next movie supposedly will have Cable,hopefully it wont be that old azz looking man I've been seeing in this thread campaigning for it....Cable has grey hair but I don't think he's supposed to look that damn

,I think his hair is just gray from stress.
But I think its cool how flexible this franchise is though,it could go from being a full out old school action film with big gun battles and explosions,to abloody,action,fight movie like The Raid....To being a movie set in space like GOTG

....This is probably the only comic movie that can do that.