That was like JR saying in the episode that it was a failure because it didn’t get anybody over. No, it was a failure because it didn’t get the guy YOU wanted over

then you have the guy who won the damn thing get bodied by Butterbean. I’ll be honest and say I don’t think Bart would’ve materialized into a big star had they capitalized on his win, but they should’ve tried and honored their word on pushing him. Worst case, he bombs. Best case, you have a solid hand in the midcard scene for years to come. But you have to honor your word and give the guy a shot, it was only right.
Yeah that’s another one, let’s say if this all worked out how they planned it, I don’t think Steve Williams would’ve been there long or really had much success. He was nearly 40 by the time he came in and on the downside of his career by then, not to mention he had been working in Japan for the majority of the last decade. Working stiff and dropping guys on their heads is apart of that culture, but in 90’s WWF? No way. That was part of why Vader’s run was largely a failure, nobody is gonna be willing to get mauled by him the same way he did in Japan. Let’s say Dr. Death wins the Brawl for All, you mean to tell me Austin is gonna be willing to work that strong style with him?

Much less Taker, Rock, Triple H, etc? No way. Best case he ends up just like Vader, a brief main event run before floating around for a while before he dips.