King P
Legends Never Die
This 100% Once your brain reaches dementia level damage, you're done. Nothing can be done. You're either going to end up hurting yourself or others. Same thing happened to former NFL player Jovan Belcher, who shot his girl then himself. Come to later find out he had CTE and his brain was all fukked up.Honestly, he was probably beyond help with the state that his brain was in. Once you get to the alzheimer's patient/violent outburst stage, your brain is cooked and it's really a matter of time before death or, if you're able bodied, you do something drastic to yourself or others. I'm basically beyond the point of assigning blame when it comes to this case. We know what Benoit did both before that June weekend and during said weekend, as well as how inexcusable it all is. I just want someone in the wrestling business to get a clue and take real steps toward preventing another Benoit from ever occurring. As of right now, I'm not too optimistic..
The underlined is how I've felt for the longest, once I saw how understood the findings and saw what his brain tissue looked like

The bottom pic of Benoits brain compared to a normal healthy brain

Unfortunately, you have emotional people who don't understand this and they accuse you of defending Benoit or making excuses and making him a victim. It's not about making excuses or absolving him of any wrongdoing. What happened was absolutely horrific. But it's about why it happened and the build-up of what led to this. To ignore the evidence put in front of you is ludicrous, especially now when we fully know the effects of brain damage. NFL put the CTE issue front and center.
At this point, measures need to be put into place for all sports to protect the brain and prevent internal damage. But I doubt we'll ever see that happen