The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
I’m sorry but that quote from JR is pure bs and. Owen post Screwjob was basically a rudderless midcarder from the Black Hart stuff, to the Nation, tagging with Jarrett, and then Russo burying him with that Blue Blazer 2.0 gimmick after rejecting the love triangle angle with Debra and Jarrett. Obviously having heat with Austin didn’t help, but Owen’s career pretty much peaked in WWF in 97 and he wasn’t ever going to get another massive push for a myriad of reasons.
I disagree that he had "peaked".
We don't know what the hell could've happened with Owen.
A character change could've brought about a new beginning.
Owen was well liked by his peers (outside of Austin post Summerslam), an upstanding guy, and a 2nd generation guy who could've credibly held any title (outside of the world title).
HBK had no desire to work a program with Owen after the screwjob, so no way he was dropping the strap even if would’ve been a shallow “good PR” move by the WWF. Owen should’ve left after the screwjob, he was never going to be solid standing with the company because he was Bret Hart’s brother.
He tried.
The whole family tried to leave after the MSJ, but Vince refused to release Owen.