To be honest...@SNYC how would you rank all three cobra kai seasons from best to worst?
To be honest...
I have everything in order 1, 2 then 3
I enjoyed all the seasons, but there was the lull in S3 due to dealing with the aftermath of S2 (dealership troubles, PTSD, etc)
Yeah...I havent watched season 3 yet but based on how it shaped up do you have hope that season 4 will be good and reach the heights of season 1 and 2?
As awho saw the first 2 movies in theaters, had the action figure that did the chop & wore the headband playing with friends....i was hesitant about this....
...Decided to finally watch this and BINGED last week. I love this series
The callbacks to the OG films & 80s in general were well done.
Johnny is carrying this series on his back. The one liners & the fact he's not pc is great. He was able to cure Miguel's asthma & paralysis
Johnny & his damn Iron Eagle & Coors Banquets. Which is funny since you had 2 OG Cobra Kai members in that film
The Rambo Easter egg... Daniel's wife calling Kreese that + the pic of him in 'nam hanging from the wall is from that film. Dude was living in a shelter too, damn.
With the way his family is, I'm surprised Daniel didn't end up with some hot blooded Italian woman like the lady that got Johnny fired
Damn, Hawk lost his a girl
It's crazy how Johnny actually found a match during the online dating scene, but he has feelings for Miguel's mom
Robby looks like a young Shawn Michaels
Miguel's abuela is hilarious. From smoking weed, telling Johnny in Spanish not to get her daughter pregnant, to saying Miguel was jacking off in his room
The only thing that was kinda ehh, was the stuck up chick getting with Demetri.
Daniel's wife to Ali - 'Oh, they have warring karate dojos.'
And this song has to be in S4..
That pic
i used that clip recently..
Absolutely. Karate Kid 2 was mad average, and Daniel is a fukking unbearable whiny bytch in Karate Kid 3. The thing that saves season 3 is the main villain Terry Silver. The fact that a middle-aged multi-millionaire would take lots of important time out of his hectic and busy life running a corporation (at his training partner Kreese's request) just to troll and torment a teenage college kid (Daniel) for beating Johnny back in the 1st movie is downright hilarious.
I hope Silver comes back for season 3. He's easily one of the most over-the-top and ridiculous movie villains of the 80's Not only that, but the actor that plays him is the most legit real-life martial artist out of everyone that's ever been on the show.
What @Tanahashi Coates said
Wait. They got Billy Blanks to do a full workout vid
Binged this in a few days, great nostalgia trip. Quite a few leaps in logic. I hate Robbie, such a little dip shyt, dude just showed up at the tournament with a black belt after taking karate lessons for a few weeks. All to spite his dad
But great entertainment value in this show, too bad season 3 is a long way off.
I agree on Robbie. I thought the bolded was a nod to Daniel's girl stealing a black belt in Karate Kid 1 for him to be allowed to compete. Another lame move by Daniel, as usual.
If you haven't seen it, watch Karate Kid 3. One of the funniest/best movie villains ever.
Re: season 3, it's totally edited and finished. It's ready to go. I read Netfix wanted to give people (that didn't know about it until just now) time to get caught up on season 1 and 2, build up more of a fan-base, and give them time to get excited for season 3.
I'm sure they'll roll it out early in 2021. Hell, they may push it up to the holidays of 2020 if the numbers are bigger than they're expecting.
Just finished season 2
Not my dog Miguel
Robby still a fukkboy
Tori a raw criminal...took it to the spikes in the rumble
Hawk be getting owned lol - well deserved
Daniel-San still an a$$hole
My dog Johnny can't get right![]()
@Cheesy I hate how people shyt and hate on Robby for this. Robby doesn’t owe Johnny shyt. It’s Johnny’s responsibility as a parent to be there for his child. the fact that Robby doesn’t know how Kreese treated Johnny back in the day by breaking his trophy and choking him in the parking lot shows how he doesn’t know Johnny at all. I absolutely love Miguel and Johnny’s relationship but i would love to see Johnny put the same effort he puts in Miguel with Robby. He didn’t even know where Robby went after he got out of juvie whether he had a place to stay until he saw him at Cobra Kai
Because of Johnny, Robby has internalized that something is wrong with him as a person. He internalized that his whole life. No child should have to be made to feel that way by anyone, and certainly not by their own parent who is supposed to protect them, and who at the very least should be in their lives. Just being there, just that, sends the child the message that the parent cares for them. That's why Robby is so loyal to Shannon. Shannon was never mother of the year, and she caused her own damage to Robby, but at least she was there.
When Johnny does finally start trying to be in Robby's life, he gives that relationship 1% of his time and effort while giving Miguel and his rivalry with Daniel the other 99% of his time and effort.
When Robby sees Johnny actually be there for Miguel in all the ways he was never there for Robby, it reinforces Robby's belief that something is wrong with him, because if something is not wrong with him, then why does his father -- who is perfectly capable being a good father figure to Miguel -- not want to be a good father to him?
The problem is that Johnny chooses to be there for Miguel but not Robby. Johnny can and should be there for his son and his student because both are his responsibility. But he’s only there consistently, meaningfully and effectively for Miguel....while Robby is most times just an afterthought (and sometimes not a thought at all — for example, when Robby was missing for 2 weeks and Johnny just got drunk at bars the whole time. He wasn’t thinking of Robby at all, because if he was he would have been avoiding alcohol and spending all his free time looking for his son with clear head.) That’s the behavior this post is calling out and criticizing.Because at the end of the day the one who suffers for Johnny’s parental failings, is Robby. The one who feels like he’s not worth his father’s time and attention and love, but another kid is, is Robby.
@TheDarceKnight When you really care about someone - or even something - it has a real, practical impact on your life when they are in trouble. Like if they are sick or about to lose their job, you find yourself spending sleepless nights worrying about them. You torture yourself trying to find ways to help them even if there is no way you can help or even if they don't want your help. You find yourself losing the joy in your life even in the little things... food doesn't go down as easy, entertainment becomes less entertaining, friends become annoying...
In short, when someone you truly care about is suffering, then their suffering makes you miserable.
And that misery is what drives you to try hard any way you can, even if there is nothing you can do. And if there is a chance for you to do something...
Take a job interview, for example. Let's say it's a job you really, really want to get. Do you show up right at the appointed hour or do you show up half an hour before because you were too worried about getting stuck in traffic?
That's the internal motivation you get when you truly care about something. You are so afraid of screwing things up that you go the extra mile and take more precautions than necessary so there won't be anything left to chance.
We see nothing like this from Johnny. It doesn't matter what Robby's going through, Johnny's life just keeps chugging along unaffected. Robby might be getting beaten up in juvie, but Johnny can still find happiness in taking Miguel to a concert. His son might be hungry in the streets, but Johnny can still have plenty of fun trying to figure out ways to impress his high-school ex. It's not even about making an effort at this point. If it is that easy for Johnny to put Robby out of his mind, then that's because he doesn't actually care about him.
He does care about being a "good dad" though. He wants to have a good relationship with his son. But that's more about himself than Robby. After all, he had a bunch of shytty father figures growing up and he doesn't want to be like them. So he wants to be a good father figure and if he feels like there is no chance of that happening with Robby then... well, Miguel makes for an adequate replacement. After all, why make much of an effort over a lost cause when there is an easier option available right next door?
When you care about someone, their suffering makes you suffer as well. Imagine what your days would be like if your kid or parent or any other loved one were sick or missing. Would you be able to just keep living your life - going to work, partying with friends, falling in love - like everything was normal? Or would it start affecting all the other parts of your life - like how you sleep or how well you eat or how much you are able to focus on other things?
That's what it means to truly care about someone and we haven't seen anything like that from Johnny where Robby was concerned.
At this point, I'm having a really hard to see exactly how Johnny cares about Robby.