The axe murderer
For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Fuk em

First 30+ Kill game for Cold War tonight & it was still a 1 Point loss because nikkas won't cap flags.![]()
This game is ASS. They should’ve let MW get another year, because this screams “we rushed this out so we can get a current gen/next gen sales boost”
COD has strayed too far away from what makes them loved, and I think it’s too late to turn back.
And bring back assists wtf? Why am I getting an elimination for 1% of damage done? Anything under 50% should be an assist
First 30+ Kill game for Cold War tonight & it was still a 1 Point loss because nikkas won't cap flags.![]()
This game is ASS. They should’ve let MW get another year, because this screams “we rushed this out so we can get a current gen/next gen sales boost”
COD has strayed too far away from what makes them loved, and I think it’s too late to turn back.
And bring back assists wtf? Why am I getting an elimination for 1% of damage done? Anything under 50% should be an assist
Was just playing kill confirmed. Final score was 60-58. We won. Here's the kicker though. The top four on our team all had at least twenty confirms. I had 26. Even the bottom of our team got at least 10 or close
The other team, none of them had more than 16 tags. But they had like three or four dudes with upper twenty and low thirty kills. Their lower end teammates still came out with a positive k/d. They didn't bother playing the objective and still almost won.
There is absolutely no incentive to playing the objective. You might as play every game like TDM. Game is growing on me a little bit, but the SBMM is rough.
They might wanna start penalizing people not playing the objective. Like yea you got 35 kills but one damn tag and we still lost. I peep game with those players though. They just trying to keep k/d ratio good by avoiding playing tdm or free for all.
The worst part about it was them getting scorestreaks. Enemy chopper right over our spawn. How they getting rewarded for not playing objective?!?!
It disappoints me cuz I was excited about COD going from killstreaks to scorestreaks. Cuz in Modern Warfare, folks including myself would camp once we got 4 kills. Why take a chance and die when I can camp and get a Sentry and a VTOL. After I got those in the bag then I'll go back to run and gun.
I was glad CW was going scorestreaks to promote movement but they're not doing any favors if more points aren't awarded to those playing objective.
I've been hearing a lot of bad reviews about this game, Brehs. My co-worker even said he's going to buy Modern Warfare over Cold War when he gets his Playstation 5.
I think I'm going to either buy Battlefield V or Modern Warfare.
Which one is better? I've only played Battlefield a couple of times, so I'm more familiar with Call Of Duty.
The game kinda grown on me, Im having a blast with Zombies, cant wait for Nuketown