Quick question is T'chaka the BP in civil war?
More than likely. Feige has described him in Civil War as a "Prince" and that he and his father are trying to figure out how to incorporate Wakanda into the wider world
Quick question is T'chaka the BP in civil war?
If you search up Marvel's social media stuff you would notice they didn't even promote that issue because of the stupid cover by EW but they did with Doctor Strange that was EW's fukk up not Marvel's. None of Marvel's lead heroes have been chumps in their own movies so I don't see why that would start now.Again you cannot operate under the ASSUMPTION that it won't happen. This is why us fans are going over everything BP related with a fine tooth comb. We are dealing with an industry that has a long and detailed HISTORY of pushing emasculated, unintelligent, comic relief personas upon token black characters. In the rare case where they are not portrayed as such they are token vanilla sidekicks who exist for nothing other than to provide motivation for the main white character's heroism.
This is the first movie outside of the Will Smith movies from the 2000's that will feature a black male lead in the role of an Alpha. It will also be the first Action movie with a high budget to feature an majority African American cast (besides, After Earth, which was of course a Will Smith movie) It HAS to be done correctly, even a HINT of fukkery should be viewed with utmost prejudice. Which is why there was unholy hell from fans who called bullshyt on that preposterous EW cover which had T'Challa uttering that gay ass "Meow" line on the cover,while in contrast, when Dr Strange got his cover, there was absolutely nothing but the image of a hero, treated with mysticism, nobility, and respect
It's the same reason why the "Black Panther movie doesn't need to be directed by a black director" crowd are either c00ns or naive. We NEED a director who truly understands what T'Challa, as a BLACK hero represents. And it doesn't mean he has to be killing the KKK and yelling "fukk WHITEY" every scene, it means he has to be portrayed dignified, brilliant, brave, and noble. We need a director who when the suits come in with silly ass notes and suggestions like the awful and offensive "Droid Please" line, can call bullshyt. We need a director who UNDERSTANDS what black excellence looks like, what the dynamic between black love interests looks like. Ava Duverney could portray that. Ryan Coogler could portray that. No white director could EVER portray that, hell I can't even think of one who would truly even want to try.
More than likely. Feige has described him in Civil War as a "Prince" and that he and his father are trying to figure out how to incorporate Wakanda into the wider world
Thanks that's what I thought
Also that's dope and it explains why the pictures of the guy playing BP is so swole cause the guy who they casted to play T'challa BP looks like a normal size guy.
Nah T'Challa is going to be the one wearing the Panther garb. I don't know how their going to explain it but that's T'Challa in the trailer
Quick question is T'chaka the BP in civil war?
If you search up Marvel's social media stuff you would notice they didn't even promote that issue because of the stupid cover by EW but they did with Doctor Strange that was EW's fukk up not Marvel's. None of Marvel's lead heroes have been chumps in their own movies so I don't see why that would start now.
I'm also in the camp that doesn't believe his director has to be black. You don't need to be black to understand the bolded and you don't need to be black to understand anything else you posted.
Finn was marketed as a lead in the film and spent the entire movie getting his ass kicked by almost every character in the film. He was a lying, cowardly, loser who was used as comic relief and a prop to show how great the white girl was by comparison.
Star Wars is now a Disney property. If Disney thinks that a black "Hero" like Finn is acceptable in today's society then fans of Black Panther have good goddamn reason to be hesitant about how the Black Panther could be chumped. He's spent the past 4 years or so of his comic incarnation suffering disgusting L's, to the point where he's been written out of character JUST to make his L's that much more debilitating.
We will NOT be accepting of that, point blank period.
T'Challa is a King. One of the 10 smartest characters in the Marvel universe, the richest, and therefore the one with the most resources of any "Earthbound" character. He should be treated with the care and respect that Priest and Hudlin gave him. Why do you think we've been going on for pages and pages about his rogues gallery? His love interest? His peripheral characters? The script? The director? Because we want to make ABSOLUTELY sure that we don't get another Finn. Someone marketed as a Hero who turned out to be a complete and utter loser.
T'Challa is the FIRST black comic book character that will be given a solo movie of THIS scale. Spawn and Blade; War Machine and Falcon; it all adds up to THIS. Wesley Snipes was damn near blackballed from Hollywood for going to war with David Goyer and New Line over them neutering Blade in favor of trying to make an all-Cac Night Stalkers spin off (the idea flopped). Tod Mcfarlane has been trying for over 15 years to get another Spawn movie off the ground, to the point where he's even tried to move the character into the back ground to make the two (white) detectives the leads ]. War Machine is Tony Starks sidekick. Falcon is Cap's sidekick, they will NEVER have their own movies.
T'Challa is our one shot, and if he is not handled properly he'll be our ONLY shot. A Black King of an UNCONQUERED AFRICAN NATION who Doesnt c00n or serve as the sidekick to another white hero. A man who can kick Steve Rogers ass, outthink Bruce Banner, and outspend Tony Stark. THATS the T'Challa we want. Not another bumble-fukk sidekick.
Again you cannot operate under the ASSUMPTION that it won't happen. This is why us fans are going over everything BP related with a fine tooth comb. We are dealing with an industry that has a long and detailed HISTORY of pushing emasculated, unintelligent, comic relief personas upon token black characters. In the rare case where they are not portrayed as such they are token vanilla sidekicks who exist for nothing other than to provide motivation for the main white character's heroism.
This is the first movie outside of the Will Smith movies from the 2000's that will feature a black male lead in the role of an Alpha. It will also be the first Action movie with a high budget to feature an majority African American cast (besides, After Earth, which was of course a Will Smith movie) It HAS to be done correctly, even a HINT of fukkery should be viewed with utmost prejudice. Which is why there was unholy hell from fans who called bullshyt on that preposterous EW cover which had T'Challa uttering that gay ass "Meow" line on the cover,while in contrast, when Dr Strange got his cover, there was absolutely nothing but the image of a hero, treated with mysticism, nobility, and respect
It's the same reason why the "Black Panther movie doesn't need to be directed by a black director" crowd are either c00ns or naive. We NEED a director who truly understands what T'Challa, as a BLACK hero represents. And it doesn't mean he has to be killing the KKK and yelling "fukk WHITEY" every scene, it means he has to be portrayed dignified, brilliant, brave, and noble. We need a director who when the suits come in with silly ass notes and suggestions like the awful and offensive "Droid Please" line, can call bullshyt. We need a director who UNDERSTANDS what black excellence looks like, what the dynamic between black love interests looks like. Ava Duverney could portray that. Ryan Coogler could portray that. No white director could EVER portray that, hell I can't even think of one who would truly even want to try.
That's my point like I really want Coogler to direct this not because of his race but because he's great.Director doesn't have to be black. However, this is one of the few projects that I much prefer having a black director, straight up. One can assume that a black director (who takes this project seriously, of course) will damn near certain make sure there will be no bs chumping under his/her watch, especially with a film of this magnitude. That and I personally believe a black director will def put their best foot forward for this project.
Is a black director needed? No. Does a black director guarantee success? No. Is it a good look? In my eyes, yes, absolutely.
@Realdealholy have you been reading Ultimates?
Just finished the third issue. Not a fan of how T'Challa's drawn outside of the suit. They pushed his Hairline back like Steven A. Smith's
Overall it's a good comic though, T'Challa and Adam given some REAL shine in the intellectual department
I read the first two issues. Haven't read the most recent one yet. It's def a good look, Ewing is doing a good job with it. I get the feeling Adam and T'Challa might bump heads, as they have in Mighty Avengers (written by Ewing, in fact).
Everyone been saying T'Challa's hairline is on struggle shyt. Not my king![]()