Jay Washington done whined himself into seeing the movie tonight
Is he about to step to him tonight
Campea just put out this video recently
I think Jay is just being sensitive on this one.
I think Campea is right. :kanyebp:
It seems that he gets the point...that one of the main aspects of "white privilege" is the ability to be "colorblind". Minorities--especially Black people in the US--don't have that ability.
As a black man, I am constantly aware of my race, simply due to having to adjust my behavior or speech based on the social setting, so as not to appear suspicious or threatening.
White people think of themselves as just "people"; their race only comes into view when contrasting themselves with other races. Because of this, you get a lot of white people saying "race shouldn't matter, just make good movies".
That's true in one sense, but they have a blind spot as to how many films have a lily-white male protagonist, and few, if any, black characters in major roles. So when a film such as Black Panther comes along, their attitude is "why is this such a big deal?"